England. Kingdom of England

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Is the largest and most populous constituent country of the United

Is the largest and most populous constituent country of the United

Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
England became a unified state in the year 927 and takes its name from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who settled there during the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital of England is London, the largest urban area in Great Britain, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most, but not all, measures.


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Originally, England (or Englaland) was a geographical term to describe the

Originally, England (or Englaland) was a geographical term to describe the

part of Britain occupied by the Anglo-Saxons, rather than a name of an individual nation-state. It became politically united through the expansion of the kingdom of Wessex, whose king Athelstan brought the whole of England under one ruler for the first time in 927, al
though unification did not become permanent until 954, when Edred defeated Eric Bloodaxe and became King of England.
In 1016 England was conquered by the Danish king Canute the Great, and became the centre of government for his short-lived empire which included Denmark and Norway. In 1042 England became a separate kingdom again with the accession of Edward the Confessor, heir of the native English dynasty. However,the political ties and direction of England were changed forever by the Norman Conquest in 1066.
The Kingdom of England (including Wales) continued to exist as an independent nation-state right through to the Acts of Union.


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The next few hundred years saw England as a major part

The next few hundred years saw England as a major part

of expanding and dwindling empires based in France, with the "Kings of England" using England as a source of troops to enlarge their personal holdings in France for many years (Hundred Years War) ; in fact the English crown did not relinquish its last foothold on mainland France until Calais was lost during the reign of Mary Tudor (the Channel Islands are still crown dependencies, though not part of the UK).
In the 13th century, through conquest Wales (the remaining Romano-Celts) was brought under the control of English monarchs. This was formalised in the Statute of Rhuddlan in 1284, by which Wales became part of the Kingdom of England by the Laws in Wales Acts 1535-1542. Wales shared a legal identity with England as the joint entity originally called England and later England and Wales.


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During the English Reformation in the 16th century, the external authority

During the English Reformation in the 16th century, the external authority

of the Roman Catholic Church in England was abolished and replaced with Royal Supremacy and ultimately describes the establishment of a Church of England, outside the Roman Catholic Church, under the Supreme Governance of the English monarch. The English Reformation differed from its European counterparts in that it was a political, rather than purely theological, dispute at root. The break with Rome started in the reign of Henry VIII.
The English Reformation paved the way for the spread of Anglicanism in the church and other institutions.


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This is England’s Flag. It is called the “St George’s Flag” FACTS ABOUT ENGLAND

This is England’s Flag.
It is called the
“St George’s Flag”


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The official Coat of Arms The Three Lions Crest Richard the

The official Coat of Arms
The Three Lions Crest  Richard the Lionheart (1189 -

1199) used the three golden lions (sometimes described as leopards) on their scarlet background as a powerful symbol of the English Throne during the time of the Crusades.


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FACTS ABOUT ENGLAND The national emblems of England The national flower


The national emblems of England

The national flower of England

is the rose. The flower has been adopted as England’s emblem since the time of the Wars of the Roses - civil wars (1455-1485)
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Great Britain is a monarchy. The power of Queen is limited by Parlaiment. FACTS ABOUT ENGLAND

Great Britain is a monarchy. The power of Queen is limited

by Parlaiment.


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The geology and topography of England produce contrasts in landscape. Now

The geology and topography of England produce contrasts in landscape. Now

the country is becoming increasingly popular as a tourist area. Its cultural heritage is rich and varied with many historical buildings, cathedrals, castles.


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The main seaports of the country are London, Bristol, Dover, Liverpool

The main seaports of the country are London, Bristol, Dover, Liverpool

and others. The most famous and oldest universities of England are in Cambridge and Oxford.


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Englishmen are naturally polite, they don’t like to display their emotions

Englishmen are naturally polite, they don’t like to display their emotions

in tragic, difficult situations, they don’t like any boasting. Typical English features are independence, self-confidence, self-discipline, a strong belief in private property and love for comfort. Every Englishman is a countryman at heart. The Englishmen like animals very much, especially dogs.


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The names of English writers such as Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift,

The names of English writers such as Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift,

Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, Herbert George Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle are well known and loved by the readers all over the world.


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London is the capital of Great Britain. It is situated on

London is the capital of Great Britain. It is situated on

the Thames. It is a large industrial and cultural centre. It’s population is about 9 million people. The Themes divides London into 2 parts : the West End and the East End. The West End is the district of rich. There are many famous museums and theatres here. The city is a part of London, where nobody lives and which is the commercial centre of the country. Whitehall-the political centre of the working class. There are many plants and factories here. London is known all over the world for it’s places of interest such as :the Tower, the Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square. London is not only a large city, but also a seaport


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