Environmental protection measures in conditions industrial production

Слайд 2

Environmental and technological impact on the biosphere The main function of

Environmental and technological impact on the biosphere

The main function of the


-ensuring the circulation of chemical elements, which is expressed in the circulation of substances between the atmosphere, soil, hydrosphere and living organisms.

Слайд 3

By means of tools of labor, mankind began to create a

By means of tools of labor, mankind began to create a

virtually artificial environment for its habitat (settlements, dwellings, clothes, food, cars and much more).
Since then, the evolution of the biosphere has entered a new phase, where the human factor has become a powerful natural driving force.
Слайд 4

Consequences of technogenic impact on the biosphere. Man has always used

Consequences of technogenic impact on the biosphere.

Man has always used the

environment mainly as a source of resources, however, for a very long time, his activities did not have a noticeable effect on the biosphere. Only at the end of the last century, changes in the biosphere under the influence of economic activity attracted the attention of scientists. These changes were growing and are currently hitting human civilization.
Striving to improve the conditions of its life, mankind is constantly increasing the pace of material production, without thinking about the consequences. With this approach, most of the resources taken from nature are returned to it in the form of waste, often poisonous or not suitable for utilization. This brings a threat to both the existence of the biosphere and the person himself.
Слайд 5

Anthropogenic impact on the biosphere Environmental pollution with hazardous waste; Noise

Anthropogenic impact on the biosphere

Environmental pollution with hazardous waste;

Noise impact;

Biological pollution;


to electromagnetic fields and

The impact of weapons of mass destruction;

The impact of man-made environmental

Слайд 6

The largest amount of industrial waste is generated by the coal

The largest amount of industrial waste is generated by the coal

industry, enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, thermal power plants, and the construction materials industry.
Environmental crises that periodically arise in various parts of the planet are in many cases caused by the negative impact of so-called hazardous waste. Hazardous waste is understood as waste containing substances that have one of the hazardous properties (toxicity, explosiveness, infectivity, fire hazard, etc.) and are present in quantities that are dangerous to human health and the environment.
Слайд 7

Hazardous waste has become a problem of the century and huge

Hazardous waste has become a problem of the century and huge

efforts are being made around the world to combat it. In Russia, about 10% of the total mass of solid waste is classified as hazardous waste.
Among them are metal and galvanic sludge, fiberglass waste, asbestos waste and dust, residues from the processing of acidic resins, tar and tar, waste radio engineering products, etc.
Слайд 8

Radioactive waste solid, liquid or gaseous products of nuclear power, military

Radioactive waste

solid, liquid or gaseous products of nuclear power, military production,

other industries and health systems, containing radioactive isotopes in concentrations exceeding the approved standards.
Radioactive elements, for example, strontium-90, moving along food (trophic) chains, cause persistent disturbances in vital functions, up to the death of cells and the whole organism. Some of the radionuclides can remain deadly toxic for 10-100 million years.
Слайд 9

Noise impact One of the forms of harmful physical impact on

Noise impact

One of the forms of harmful physical impact on the

natural environment.
Noise pollution occurs as a result of unacceptable excess of the natural level of sound vibrations.
From an environmental point of view, in modern conditions, noise becomes not only unpleasant for the hearing, but also leads to serious physiological consequences for humans.
Слайд 10

Natural sounds are usually not reflected in the ecological well-being of

Natural sounds are usually not reflected in the ecological well-being of

a person.
Sound discomfort is created by anthropogenic sources of noise, which:
increase human fatigue,
reduce his mental capabilities,
significantly reduce labor productivity,
cause nervous overload, noise stress, etc.
Слайд 11

Main sources of anthropogenic noise Transport (car, rail and air) Industrial

Main sources of anthropogenic noise

and air)


Road transport
(80% of the total noise).


on highways
Moscow, St. Petersburg
and other large cities
Russian transport noise level
in the daytime reaches
90-100 dB
and even at night in some
areas does not fall below 70 dB
(at the rate no more than 40)
Слайд 12

Impact Anthropogenic noise impact adversely affects the human body and shortens


Anthropogenic noise impact adversely affects the human body and shortens its

life span, because it is physically impossible to get used to the noise.
A person may subjectively not notice sounds, but from this his destructive effect on the organs of hearing is not only not reduced, but also aggravated.
Слайд 13

Biological pollution introduction into ecosystems as a result of anthropogenic impact

Biological pollution

introduction into ecosystems as a result of anthropogenic impact of

uncharacteristic species of living organisms (bacteria, viruses, etc.) that worsen the conditions for the existence of natural biotic communities or negatively affect human health.