Features of the health system in England

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In the united kingdom has its own name for the public

In the united kingdom has its own name for the public

health system - the national health service, or NHS (national health service). It includes:
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No mandatory health insurance system in England is not, and there

No mandatory health insurance system in England is not, and there

is a system through general tax revenues. This system offers a wide range of medical services, most of which are free to residents of the uk. And even visit the country during an emergency can get free medical care while in England.
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All the medicine in england is a recommendation, ie a doctor or not insist on anything.

All the medicine in england is a recommendation, ie a doctor

or not insist on anything.
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Call a doctor Make an appointment with the family doctor in

Call a doctor
Make an appointment with the family doctor in advance,

sometimes even on the phone can tell you how to treat, a person then do not come to the doctor appointment. A week or two will be able to talk to a doctor, but not the fact that the doctor will refer the patient to see a specialist. Usually he can write a prescription and assign regular paracetamol, antibiotics, and advised bed rest.
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Medicines in pharmacies on prescription are free, but for the very

Medicines in pharmacies on prescription are free, but for the very

process recipe to be paid. The only thing that people with disabilities, people under 16 and over 60, unemployed, students and cancer patients are exempt from this money. However, in each case, it depends upon the particular technician. If a doctor was lucky, so lucky, and with treatment.
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Call a doctor, which is possible in Russia, England, considered something

Call a doctor, which is possible in Russia, England, considered something

incredible. If life is not threatened, the ambulance did not arrive and will need to go to the accident & emergency (A & E).
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Planned operations in the British health care system are waiting for

Planned operations in the British health care system are waiting for

a very long time, about six months. But their conduct is completely free.
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Health care in England is very different from the Russian, but

Health care in England is very different from the Russian, but

to better understand it, you need to live in the country. But in general it does not hurt, and harden.
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List of references http://englishgid.ru/ (Англия от А до Я)

List of references
http://englishgid.ru/ (Англия от А до Я)