Geographical Position of Ukraine

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Keywords plain borders coasts crossroads peak







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Text Geographical Position of Ukraine Ukraine is situated in the south-east


Geographical Position of Ukraine

Ukraine is situated in the south-east of Europe.

borders on Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania. The geographical position of Ukraine is very favorable because the country lies on the crossroads of the ways from Asia to Europe.
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The territory of Ukraine is 603 700 km2. Ukraine is mainly

The territory of Ukraine is 603 700 km2. Ukraine is mainly

a vast plain with no natural boundaries except the Carpathian Mountains in the west and the Black Sea in the south.
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There are the Carpathian Mountains with the highest peak Hoverla in

There are the Carpathian Mountains with the highest peak Hoverla in

the west of Ukraine.
The Carpathians are young mountains. The are characterized by flat summits and gentle shops. The flat area of the treeless summit is called a polonyna.
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There are the Crimean Mountains with the highest peak Roman-Kosh in

There are the Crimean Mountains with the highest peak Roman-Kosh in

the south of Ukraine.
Their slopes are steep.


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The main rivers are the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Buh, the Donets and others.

The main rivers are the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Buh, the

Donets and others.
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The Dnieper is one of the longest European rivers and one

The Dnieper is one of the longest European rivers and one

of the main sources of hydroelectric power in the country.
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There are many lakes throughout Ukraine. The largest freshwater lakes are

There are many lakes throughout Ukraine.
The largest freshwater lakes are

Lake Yalpuh and Lake Svytiaz.

Lake Yalpuh

Lake Svytiaz

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Due to favorable climatic conditions, Ukraine is traditionally an agricultural country.

Due to favorable climatic conditions, Ukraine is traditionally an agricultural country.

Wheat, maize and other corns, vegetables, all kinds of fruit are grown here.
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The climate of Ukraine is temperate continental. Ukraine occupies the vast

The climate of Ukraine is temperate continental. Ukraine occupies the vast

territory and this is the reason why the continental climate changes from one region of the country to another. The climate of the Western regions is mild, while the climate of the Eastern ones is sharp. But nevertheless the climate in the most part of Ukraine is continental and not so mild.