Germany. Hamburg

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In Hamburg there are 3 modern terminal for cruise ships. The

In Hamburg there are 3 modern terminal for cruise ships. The

main is in Hafen city on the territory of the old reconstructed warehouse, and the second is located in the area of Altona in the rebuilt fishing dock and operates since 2010. The centre of Hamburg can be reached on foot from the terminal in Hafen city. Since June 2015, the third cruise terminal in the Steinwerder area — the heart of the Hamburg port(number 3 in the picture above) - has been in use. Its pier Kronprinzkai is suitable for accommodation of cruise ships of new generation. A bus stop is 500 metres from the terminal. Nearby are moored and sea trams.
Some large Cruise Liner use the terminal at rest. It does not boast close proximity to the city, but the March ships No. 62 provide excellent connections from the Landungsbrucken phone, from where all tours on but also bus. Staying just 20 meters from the Karma of your ship, in the afternoon go every 15 minutes, and in the evening the interval of movement increases to plus (operating time). The fare is 1.3 euros for the trip or 6 euros for the new ticket, which gives the right to use other modes of transport in Hamburg. By itself the ship Mart is already an excellent option for sightseeing, and the full way back and forth can be suspended NEMA pleasure! Most cruise Cory for 10 euros offers a Shuttle service to the Central station. The taxi fee is about 13 euros per trip. The distance to Hamburg airport is 9.5 km away.
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PORT VALUE PORT VALUE. The port of Hamburg is the most


PORT VALUE. The port of Hamburg is the most shit

and important port Germany and the second eleven container port of Europe. The port of Hamburg represents an important employment source employment for metropol and the city of Hamburg and having a developed Cluster structure, offers Siro possibilities for additional placement of industrial logistics and enterprises'. Being a transport node Creme MO at stake in Central, Eastern and Northern Europe, the port of Hamburg provides closer international trade turnover. In addition, the port of Hamburg is responsible for the efficient the interaction of the Chest with environmentally friendly modes of transport: the navigation is expensive. The port and its surroundings are large, medium and Male enterprises as tradition, and the new Oracle economy, which vest sail contribution to stability and economic development of metropol.
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But do not think that this place serves only utilitarian purposes.

But do not think that this place serves only utilitarian purposes.

The port can be called a cultural and business center-there are offices of major publishers, Newspapers and magazines, advertising agencies. In addition, the port attracts tourists with exhibitions and museums. By the way, there is even a balloon. The territory is divided into several blocks. Visitors to the city will be particularly interested in Sandtorhafen harbour, where the Museum ships. If you are tired of visiting the exhibits, you can still take a short walk to the terraces of Marco Polo and relax on the beautiful benches, and then walk to the Vasco da Gama square. In the office building on the street there are several offices and warehouses of the company. This quarter is interesting because the buildings here began to build in the 1900s due to the growth of trade. Next to all warehouse city, Speicherstadt. In fact, it is just one large warehouse, built in 1883.
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The center for European transport logistics The port of Hamburg is

The center for European transport logistics The port of Hamburg is

a center of consolidation and distribution cargo (eng. The hub the hub, a transit point). As a major hub, the port acts as a magnet for additional cargo flow. Because of the positive economies of scale, this provides a highly effective and competitive logistics service. This factor combined with access to international trade routes contribute to the development export-oriented German industry as well as growth in imports and exports from the North, Center and East Europeans. Advantageous geographical location of the port of Hamburg and availability inland waterways with a length of 130 km, stretching far into allows you to reduce the more expensive land transport, which is more harmful to the environment. Proximity to the North Baltic canal and the Baltic economic region delivers high-frequency selection of feeder vessels. In Hamburg there are also access to the Continental
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The development plan of the

port was developed in cooperation with representatives of the port economy. Concepts and projects projects were agreed upon port company infrastructure and organization of the port. During the development of this planning control economy, transport and innovation worked closely with the port authority of Hamburg. During discussion with the most important port associations and transport enterprises', environmental associations', trade unions, chambers of Commerce and ports The lower Elbe, which also attracted experts, was the main issues of the port development are considered. The purpose of this discussions were an early recognition of interests and needs enterprises and organizations and to receive impulses for the creation of market-oriented and long - term development strategy port's. Four discussions took place following section: - Factors of successful development of the port.
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Increased trade with other developing countries the regions allows the container

Increased trade with other developing countries the regions allows the container

port of Hamburg to strengthen and expand its market position in relation to competitors on the North sea coast. However, in the framework of based on long-term cooperation with North sea ports maintain partnership relations and the General protection of their interests is ensured. Regional cooperation with the ports of the Lower Elbe allows professionally to distribute the tasks between the ports and opens up opportunities for creating a strong corporate image's.
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STRATEGIC DIRECTION PORT DEVELOPMENT The main characteristics of the port development


The main characteristics of the port development plan

are presented future port, developed on the basis of the current and projected development of the port's cargo turnover and results discussions. The main attention is paid to the further to increase container turnover of the port, development strategy port areas' and recovery infrastructures road, rail and water transport. On planning period until 2025 the plan proposed the following strategic directions of development: Freight turnover Since the port of Hamburg is a universal port, the structure its cargo turnover includes all types of cargo, including containers, solid and liquid bulk cargoes, as well as conventional general cargo. The main ones are the General and containerized goods, which account for 70% port cargo turnover. Serious regional differences in the cost of production, observed around the world, will continue to be noted in medium-and long-term perspective, therefore not yet General expected.
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Profitability of enterprises During the global financial and economic crisis, obvious

Profitability of enterprises During the global financial and economic crisis, obvious

instability of cargo turnover and, in particular,, container turnover. In the shortest period of time the port's cargo turnover sharply decreased. At the same time, significant volumes of transit cargo to containers have gone to competing ports in the Netherlands and Belgium. The traffic volume of local freight and cargo, hinterland, was, on the contrary, more stable. In this regard, the purpose of the development of port b the future will be a stronger territorial binding of goods for by increasing the level of added value within the chain deliveries. This can be achieved both by placing industrial enterprises, and by deepening the vertical integration within the logistics chain. Such support local production will allow you to save and create additional jobs in this area.
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The leader in the field of quality Hamburg for a long

The leader in the field of quality Hamburg for a long

time and is considered to be extremely fast, safe and secure port. To maintain leadership in quality areas in the coming years is necessary, first place, to modernise the transport system. Already now port facilities are overloaded at times. Is a robust and reliable infrastructure at the quay, port and in inland regions, as well as in the transport chain, optimally combining different species transport, ensure the success of the port. Integrated development of all transport modes, more transparent management systems information and freight flows and efficient operation highly pathogenic and qualified personnel should to make the port of Hamburg the leader of European ports is that concerns reliability, customer orientation, quality maintenance and safety.
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Environment Through the use of larger ships and more environmentally sound

Environment Through the use of larger ships and more environmentally sound

technologies and ecological balance of the marine transport will continue to improve. Now accepted measures to reduce emissions of harmful substances and greenhouse gases gases from the combustion of fuel and use other types of fuel, less harmful to the environment, such as liquefied petroleum natural gas (LNG). The international Maritime organization (IMO) stands for further restriction of the use of heavy oil in marine engines. Thanks to the creation of control zones on the sulphur content of the emissions and adoption of regulations EU for berthing, the use of heavy sulfur already significantly limited. In the coming years after adoption further regulations requirements will be tightened. Ports have new power system, which could be used instead of emitting harmful substances of ship aggregates during loading / unloading and Parking courts'.
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Development of

market potential in the field of logistics The importance of the port of Hamburg in the transport chain goes far beyond simple loading and unloading operations. Besides proper handling in the facilities of the sea port include other cargo-related services, such as storage, complete set, consolidation and distribution of goods. Extensive the range of logistics services is an important addition to loading and unloading operations at terminals and in General increases the attractiveness of the port of Hamburg. In order to grant increasing demand on logistic services in the Hamburg area, it is necessary to create additional logistics centers with an attractive infrastructure as the territory of the port and beyond.
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Support of existing and deployment of new industrial enterprise The port

Support of existing and deployment of new industrial enterprise

The port of

Hamburg has always been widely used in industrial purposes. Today for industrial and industrial purposes approximately 35% of the total area of the port is used. Value the port industry is also confirmed by the fact that its share approximately 10% of the port-related jobs in the metropolis and 14% of port-related gross added prices in Hamburg in 2010. A number of industrial sectors are guided by the choice of production areas with their proximity to water bodies sufficient depth for the passage of ships. Example of that are manufacturers equipments for windy power plants, factories for the processing of biomass or powerhouses. In General, this trend is also typical for those industrial industries that recycle and overload large volumes of raw materials have a large share export or import or receive special benefit from the transportation system of inland waterways in the delivery components'.
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