How to describe the place you went for your last holiday

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In your talk remember to speak about: Where and when the

In your talk remember to speak about:
Where and when the photo

was taken
What/ who is in the photo
What is happening
Why you keep the photo in your album
Why you decided to show the picture to your friend

How to describe the place you went for your last holiday

Say where you went, who with
and for how long.
Say what you did.
Describe the place.
Talk about what you liked
and disliked.

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How to describe the place you went for your last holiday

How to describe the place you went for your last holiday


who with, how long for

Example 1.
I went to the countryside with my family for a couple of weeks.

Example 2.
I went to Thailand with a group of friends for ten days.

Example 3.
My girlfriend and I went to Rome
for a long weekend.

How to describe what you did on holiday

Mostly, we went hiking in the hills and mountains nearby. We also just hung out in the village, playing cards and eating.
We did some sightseeing in Bangkok: the Grand Palace, Wat Pho and so on. Then we hit the beaches in Krabi for some sun, swimming and cocktails.
We went on a walking tour of the centre and the Vatican. Mostly, we went to restaurants and cafes and sample as much of local cuisine as we could fit in our stomachs!

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How to describe the place you visited in more detail Saying

How to describe the place you visited in more detail

Saying nice

doesn’t say much

We stayed in a very nice village surrounded by nice mountain scenery.

picturesque, sleepy


picturesque – beautiful like a painting;
sleepy – the village was very quiet and peaceful;
dramatic – very impressive and beautiful;
stunning – very beautiful;
overwhelming – very intense, has a lot of people, noises, sights and smells.

It’s a nice place but it’s quite touristy, too. The best thing was the food, which was really nice.


out of this world

fascinating – very interesting;
out of this world – really good and you are enjoying it very much
touristy – tourism has greatly developed; often, it means the city has lost its original atmosphere;
cosmopolitan – multi-national & multi-cultural.

Bangkok is a very nice place but it could be a little overwhelming because there was so much going on! Then we went to Krabi, which has some nice beaches.



Find more specific

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How to describe what you liked or disliked 1. It was

How to describe what you liked or disliked

1. It was relaxing

but by the end I was getting bored, because each day was pretty similar. (reason)

Remember to give reasons to support your idea!

2. I loved Krabi, because it was like nowhere I’d been before. On the other hand, I wasn’t so keen on Bangkok. It’s a cool place but it’s a bit big and noisy for my tastes.

3. I think I liked the general atmosphere most of all. Walking around the little streets in the centre, I felt like being in an old film. I wish it had been less crowded, though.

It was like nowhere – the place is unique

for my tastes – it’s just your perspective. After your giving a negative opinion, you should use “for my tastes” to soften your idea slightly.

I wish we’d had more time to explore the city.
I wish we hadn’t stayed in that awful hotel.