Infinitive constructions

Слайд 2

Lone – 1. a very heavy snowstorm Amount – 2. a

Lone – 1. a very heavy snowstorm
Amount – 2. a set

of tools, devices, etc.
Lightweight – 3. dangerous
Equipment – 4. not heavy
To deteriorate – 5. without companion or companionship
Severe – 6. to grow worse
Blizzard – 7. the total number
Слайд 3

Fears are growing here for a lone climber missing for the

Fears are growing here for a lone climber missing for the

past 48 hours. Jamie Biddals, 32, from New Zealand, is known to have left Kathmandu alone six days ago but has not been seen since. He is thought to have only a small amount of food and he is believed to be wearing only lightweight climbing clothes. As for equipment, he is known to be carrying a small rucksack and a lightweight tent. He is said to have been heading for an old base camp. The weather has deteriorated during the last 48 hours, and he is thought to have been trying to get to the camp when a severe blizzard started. Jamie considered to be one of the best climbers in the world but there are still fears for his safety in these conditions.
Слайд 4

Complex Subject + + Noun or Pronoun Predicate infinitive

Complex Subject
+ +

Noun or Pronoun



Слайд 5

Сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject) состоит из подлежащего (существительное или местоимение в

Сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject) состоит из подлежащего (существительное или местоимение в

именительном падеже), составного глагольного сказуемого: первая часть – глагол в пассивном/активном залоге, вторая часть – инфинитив.
Предложения с субъектным инфинитивным оборотом соответствуют русским неопределенно-личным предложениям типа «говорят, что…», «думают, что…», «сообщается, что…», «известно, что…» и т.д.
Слайд 6

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

Слайд 9

It is known that he is a good student. He is

It is known that he is a good student.
He is known

to be a good student.
Слайд 10

Work in pairs. Suggest any ideas about Jamie’s escape. Exchange your

Work in pairs. Suggest any ideas about Jamie’s escape. Exchange your

ideas in the class. Use the following patterns:
Слайд 11

TRANSLATE INTO RUSSIAN. I called him every morning to see if

I called him every morning to see if there

was any news.
We stopped to have a smoke.
He came here to speak to me, not to you.
The car was waiting at the door to take them to the station.
To explain the problem he drew diagrams all over the blackboard.
Я попросил вас прийти, чтобы сообщить вам об этом.
Я возьму такси, чтобы не опоздать на поезд.
Он шел медленно, чтобы не упасть.
Сейчас слишком поздно, чтобы идти в парк.
Я слишком устал, чтобы идти сегодня в кино.
Он недостаточно силен, чтобы участвовать в такой экспедиции.
Слайд 12

Insert the required form of the infinitive in brackets. Philip Bossiney

Insert the required form of the infinitive in brackets.
Philip Bossiney was

known (be) a young man without fortune.
He is supposed (bury) in Westminster Abbey.
Perhaps she had mentioned the fact already to Rebecca but this young lady didn’t appear (remember) it.
The ship was seen (leave) the harbour.
The murderer is sure (discover) unless they help him.
Do you happen (see) a crocodile in this parts?
Adwin seemed (look) for something in the grass ever since dinner time.
She was heard (sing) a popular tune.
He invited confidences and seemed (give) him far too many. I said to him, “We seem (become) friendly in a very short time”.
This Baron seems (be) a very important man and (live) like a king.
We seemed (walk) some distance and were in another part of the castle.
Слайд 13


It is known that he

is a great book lover.
It was expected that the members of the committee would come to an agreement.
It was reported that many buildings had been damaged by the fire.
It is reported the delegation has left London.
It is expected that many people will attend the meeting.
It was reported that the ship had arrived in Odessa.
It is considered that this mine is the best in the district.
It is said that the expedition has reached Vladivostok.
Слайд 14

What were you made to do that you were really annoyed

What were you made to do that you were really annoyed

What were you allowed to do that really surprised you?
What were you advised to do that really helped you?
What is something you were asked to do and you did though you didn’t want to?
What were you seen to do that you feel ashamed of?
What are you expected to become in future?
What does (any of your groupmates) seem to be thinking about?
What is (any of your groupmates) likely to do after the lesson?
Слайд 15

1. When I saw him ____. 2. When he heard the

1. When I saw him ____.
2. When he heard the woman

3. Why don’t you let me _____.
4. We were allowed to _____.
5. He was forced to _____.
6. That man is considered/believed _____.
7. She is known _____.
8. The teacher expected me _____.
9. That old lady is said to _____.