Letters and sounds

Слайд 2

Letters and sounds Cat — Hat Dog — Frog Pig - Stick

Letters and sounds

Cat — Hat
Dog — Frog
Pig - Stick

Слайд 3

Questions and answers Is the pig pink? Has the pig got

Questions and answers

Is the pig pink?
Has the pig got a clock?

the pig swim?

Yes, it is.
No, it hasn't.
Yes, it can.

Слайд 4

Questions and answers Is the frog big? Has the cat got

Questions and answers

Is the frog big?
Has the cat got a hat?

the dog sing?
Has the dog got a stick?

No, it hasnt.
No, it isn't.
No, it can't.
Yes, it has.

Слайд 5

Articles (rules) A, The — артикли. Они стоят перед существительными. I

Articles (rules)

A, The — артикли. Они стоят перед существительными.
I have got

a dog. The dog is black.
Имена употребляются без артиклей
Слайд 6

Articles (practice)

Articles (practice)

Слайд 7

New words She is slim. She is merry. She is good.

New words

She is slim.
She is merry.
She is good.

Слайд 8

New words He is merry. He is slim. He is stupid.

New words

He is merry.
He is slim.
He is stupid.

Слайд 9

New words She is bad. She is angry.

New words

She is bad.
She is angry.

Слайд 10

New words He is good. He is brave. He is kind.

New words

He is good.
He is brave.
He is kind.