Обучение чтению на ИЯ (6 класс). Вид: с полным пониманием содержания (изучающее чтение – intensive reading)

Слайд 2

ФГОС Чтение в средней школе по ФГОС с полным пониманием содержания


Чтение в средней школе по ФГОС с полным пониманием содержания (изучающее

Чтение с полным пониманием осуществляется на несложных аутентичных , построенных на изученном языковом материале, с использованием различных приемов смысловой переработки текста (языковой догадки, выборочного перевода) и оценки полученной информации.
Объем текстов для чтения – около 500 слов.
Слайд 3

Цель Чтение текста с полным пониманием содержания.


Чтение текста с полным пониманием содержания.

Слайд 4

Дотекстовый этап Where do you live? Is your house big or

Дотекстовый этап

Where do you live? Is your house big or small?

you have many friends? Why (not)?
Who is your best friend and why?
Слайд 5

Find the translation to the English words and phrases

Find the translation to the English words and phrases

Слайд 6

Vocabulary Bedroom – спальня Floor – зд. Этаж Outside – вне


Bedroom – спальня
Floor – зд. Этаж
Outside – вне дома, на улице

live next to one’s house – жить в соседнем доме
The drums – барабан
Be good at – хорошо дается что-то, преуспевать в чем-то
Pool – swimming pool – плавательный бассейн
Слайд 7

Read the text carefully paying attention to all the details. My

Read the text carefully paying attention to all the details.

My name

is Kevin and I’m fifteen years old. I live in the village near the Kansas city, USA. My family lives in a big house with two floors. There are five rooms in it and a garden outside. I favourite room is my bedroom, it is on the second floor.
My best friend is Samantha and she's thirteen years old. She lives next to my house. Samantha is very smart and beautiful and can do a lot of things. She can play the drums and the electric guitar. She is very good at sports. She can play football very well and she can swim. She goes to the pool every weekend. I can't play football very well and I can't swim, but I can play basketball and jump high.
We spend much time together and always have fun! We often walk in the park, read books or watch films. Samantha cooks lunch for herself and her little brother Tim every day. I can't cook because my mum says I'm too young. There is one thing that Samantha and I can't do. We can't drive a car!
Слайд 8

Текстовый этап. Задания на оценивание Choose the right answer 1.Kevin is

Текстовый этап. Задания на оценивание

Choose the right answer
1.Kevin is ______ years

2.Kevin lives in …
The village
the Kansas city
3.His house has …
5 floors and 2 rooms
2 floors and 5 rooms
4.Kevin’s best friend is ….

5.Samantha can play…
Electric guitar
6.Kevin can play..
7.Is Samantha good at sport?
Yes, she is.
No, she isn’t.
8.Kevin and Samantha go to ________ together.
The pool
The park
9.Tim is _________ little brother.
10.Kevin and Samantha can’t _____
Drive a car

Слайд 9

Ответы a a b b a b a b a b



Слайд 10

Шкала оценивания

Шкала оценивания

Слайд 11

Послетекстовый этап Dialogue: one of you is a parent, another is

Послетекстовый этап

Dialogue: one of you is a parent, another is a

Imagine that one of your parents found the photo where your best friend and you are together. They didn’t know him and ask you some questions about your friend and you answer.
You can follow this plan:

A name of a friend
His age/studies/hobbies
Both have in common (иметь что-то общее)

Feedback: students are giving some traits of character to the teacher to put them down on the board and dividing them into bad and good ones. Then the teacher choose 1 person to describe his/her friend using the words (collocations) and when the student finishes speaking he/she chooses the next person to speak. The teacher gives an opportunity to speak to 3 or 4 students depending on the time.

Слайд 12

Источник УМК Spotlight для 6 класса https://multiurok.ru/files/kontrol-naia-rabota-reading-test-dlia-6-klassa-umk.html


УМК Spotlight для 6 класса