The school I want to go to…

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Цели: Образовательная цель: развитие монологической и диалогической речи по теме: «Школа,

Образовательная цель:
развитие монологической и диалогической речи по теме: «Школа, в которой

я хотел бы учиться»;
Знакомство с особенностями речевого этикета;
развитие умения слушать с извлечением конкретной информации
Развивающая цель:
развитие способностей к осуществлению продуктивных речевых действий;
развитие способности к догадке ( по словообразовательным элементам, по дефиниции)
Воспитательная цель:
развитие чувства патриотизма,
расширение знаний о различных школах и о их преобразовании
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Why I chose the theme: The school I want to go

Why I chose the theme: The school I want to

go to…

My name is Konovalova Kseniya. I am 12 years old. I’m in the 6th form. I have been studying at the Multiprofile Lyceum since the first form. I’m doing well at a lot of subjects and I like my school very much. We have highly-qualified teachers who give us good knowledge. Our class is rather friendly. We have much fun together. But there are some things I’d like to change in my class and my school. I’d like to tell you about them.

My name is Kudashkin Andrei. I am 12 years old. I’m in the 6th form, too. But I study at the Multiprofile Lyceum the first year. I studied at school # 26. When I came here many things surprised me. I like my new classmates and teachers. But there are also some things I’d like to change in my class and my school. Kseniya and I asked pupils of different classes some questions and now we’ll show the results.

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Are you happy at school? We see that : Most of

Are you happy at school?

We see that :
Most of the children

like school and they are happy here – 73.7%
But there are students who feel uncomfortable at school – 20.2%
And there are those
who can’t answer this question – 6.1%
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What things do you like at school? I like to see

What things do you like at school?

I like to see my

friends every day.
I’m glad to communicate with teachers.
I like to take part in different activities.
I like sports and I like to take part in sport competitions.
I like discotheques! They are great.
There are a lot of interesting clubs at our school.

Friends – 42.7%
Teachers – 22.5%
Study –
Sport – 13.0%
Activities – 6.5%

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What things don’t you like at school? I’m lonely, I don’t

What things don’t you like at school?

I’m lonely, I don’t have

Some teachers are very strict and rude.
I’m not good at many subjects and my classmates often laugh at me.
I feel uncomfortable at school, it’s boring.
Teachers give much homework, it’s difficult for me.
My classmates often fight with each other and bully. I really hate it.
Much homework – 36.2%
No friends – 24.1%
Teachers – 16.3%
My classmates – 15.1%
It’s boring and
uninteresting – 8.3%

What would I like to change to make our school life better…?

more computer classes

well-equipped gym

kind teachers

a nice canteen

big swimming pool

better sportsground

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What do students want! Lessons will last 30 min., and breaks

What do students want!

Lessons will last 30 min., and breaks

be 20 min.
No school uniform!
Sport will be the main subject at school.
No parents at school..!!!
There will be no exams!
More entertainment, less lessons.
A chance to choose subjects!

I’d like our
smile a lot,
be kind,

We have only two computer classes at our school. We’d like to have more!
To operate the computer is necessary nowadays

We’d like to have a well-equipped gym. Our gym is big but there is no modern sport equipment there.
It’s a pity!

We like to sing very much and perform on the stage.
We do it with great desire.
I’d like more students to take part in this activity

More activities, outings, trips

We’d like to have more performances, quizzes, concerts

We’d like to issue our own newspaper!

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Conclusion It’s not a secret that we spend most of our


It’s not a secret that we spend most of our life

at school. We don’t only study there but also learn to communicate with each other.
I think our advice is not bad and most of you share our opinions. Let’s try to use everything we said in our everyday life. If we do it our life at school will be more interesting and entertaining.
I wish our students be happy at school and smile like this…