урок 8 класс. Specially Protected Territories


Слайд 2

The Aims of the Lesson: - To know more about Specially

The Aims of the Lesson:

- To know more about Specially Protected

Territories in Russia.
- To prove the statements:
The health of the planet is the health of a man.
The health of the planet is the health of yours and mine.
- To create a project “My Healthy Planet”
Слайд 3

Specially protected territories are of great importance for us (prove this statement)

Specially protected territories are of great importance for us (prove this statement)

Слайд 4

The health of the planet is the health of yours and

The health of the planet is the health of yours and

mine Let’s take care of it!
Слайд 5

“The health of the planet is the health of a man”

“The health of the planet is the health of a man”

Everything in nature is interconnected.
If the planet is healthy we will be healthy too.
We should increase the area of the specially protected territories.
The breathing area for the national
lungs should appear in every region.

Слайд 6

«Кивач» «Галичья гора» Кавказский Башкирский Астраханский Костомукшский Кандалакшский Печеро-Илычский Алтайский Баргузинский


«Галичья гора»











Большой Арктический

Остров Врангеля

«Черные земли»

Слайд 7

Особо охраняемые природные территории России

Особо охраняемые природные территории России

Слайд 8

“If you don’t think of your future, you won’t have it”

“If you don’t think of your future, you won’t have it”

John Galsworthy
We are a young generation…
We won’t have…
We won’t be able…
We won’t enjoy…
Слайд 9

What do we call specially protected territories? Specially protected territories in

What do we call specially protected territories?

Specially protected territories in

Russia are territories which are called
natural complexes.
They are particular areas which
are protected by the government.
These specially protected
territories are of scientific, historical and
recreation importance.
Слайд 10

What do specially protected territories include? National parks Nature reserves Nature parks Forest reserves Nature monuments

What do specially protected territories include?

National parks
Nature reserves

Forest reserves
Nature monuments
Слайд 11

Specially Protected Territories in Some Countries Japan – 5% Great Britain

Specially Protected Territories in Some Countries

Japan – 5%
Great Britain – 4%

USA – 2.5%
Sweden – 1.5%
Russia – 1.5%
Слайд 12

Point out the difference between A National Park Its aims are

Point out the difference between

A National Park
Its aims are

to protect the countryside and to allow people to enjoy it.

A Nature Reserve
Its aim is to protect nature
but people are
not allowed to visit it.

Слайд 13

Welcome to the most famous National Parks of Russia Beauty attracts

Welcome to the most famous National Parks of Russia

Beauty attracts

Tourists and holiday-makers come to spend their holidays in the mountains or near the lake, and enjoy the beautiful scenery and quiet of the countryside.
You can’t help admiring the bright blue of the sky, fresh air, wild flowers,
peace and quiet
picturesque views…
Слайд 14

Fill in the table:

Fill in the table:

Слайд 15

Check yourself:

Check yourself:

Слайд 16

Specially Protected Territories on the Video

Specially Protected Territories on the Video

Слайд 17

Match texts with videos

Match texts with videos

Слайд 18

Nature and we, we and nature. If we don’t think of

Nature and we, we and nature. If we don’t think of

our future…

Forests, mountains, plains, seas, coasts, lakes and rivers need our help and care.
Anyway, it’s up to us to look after our planet and try to make it a better place to live.
If the planet is healthy, we will be healthy too.

Слайд 19

Answer the questions: 1. What is a national park? 2. What

Answer the questions:

1. What is a national park?
2. What are national

parks for?
3. How many national parks are there
in Russia?
4. What are some of these parks?
5. What can people enjoy there?
Слайд 20

Your hometask: English: to write an essay “My Healthy Planet” (100-120

Your hometask:

English: to write an essay “My Healthy Planet” (100-120 words).

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в заповеднике».