
Слайд 2

1 What do green plants need to make food? Read the

1 What do green plants need to make food?
Read the

definition to check

Photosynthesis [N-UNCOUNT] is the way that green plants make their food using sunlight

Green plants need sunlight to make food

Слайд 3

2 Write down two questions you have about photosynthesis, then read

2 Write down two questions you have about photosynthesis, then read

the text. Can you answer your questions?

Why is photosynthesis needed?
(It provides the plants with food)

How many stages are there in photosynthesis?

Слайд 4

2 Read the text Match the paragraphs to the headings A

2 Read the text
Match the paragraphs to the headings

Energy moves

along the food chain from one life form to another. Some animals eat plants to get energy. Other animals then eat these animals to obtain the energy they need. Plants, on the other hand, produce their own food using energy from the sun. They do this through a process called 'photosynthesis'.


Слайд 5

B Photosynthesis uses energy from the sun to change carbon dioxide

Photosynthesis uses energy from the sun to change carbon dioxide

(C02) and water (H20) into carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are chemicals that contain hydrogen, carbon and oxygen and they are the plant's food. To start the process, the plant absorbs carbon dioxide through tiny holes in its leaves and sucks up water from the soil through its roots. A green substance in the plant's leaves called chlorophyll absorbs energy from the sun. The plant now has all it needs for photosynthesis to begin.

2 Read the text
Match the paragraphs to the headings


carbon ['kɑːb(ə)n] углерод

oxygen ['ɔksɪʤən] кислород

Слайд 6

C There are two stages to the photosynthesis process. In the

There are two stages to the photosynthesis process. In the

first stage, called the light reaction, light energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy. This energy is stored in a chemical called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The second stage of the process is the dark reaction. In this reaction, the plant converts the carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide the plant with the energy it needs in order to grow.

2 Read the text
Match the paragraphs to the headings


adenosine triphosphate
аденозинтрифосфат, АТФ

Слайд 7

D The chemical reaction involved in photosynthesis can be summarised by

The chemical reaction involved in photosynthesis can be summarised by

this equation

2 Read the text
Match the paragraphs to the headings


Слайд 8

E The equation shows how important photosynthesis is for life. As

The equation shows how important photosynthesis is for life. As

well as providing food for the plant from the sun's energy, the equation shows that the reaction also produces the oxygen that animals need to breathe. Without photosynthesis, our planet could not support life as we know it.

2 Read the text
Match the paragraphs to the headings


Слайд 9

3b Explain the words in bold process: a series of actions

3b Explain the words in bold

process: a series of actions performed

to achieve an objective (процесс: серия действий, выполняемых для достижения цели)
absorbs: soaks up (поглощать: впитывать)
sucks up: draws a liquid upwards using force (высасывать: тянуть жидкость вверх с помощью силы)
roots: part of a plant that grows into the ground (корни: часть растения, что растет в земле)
substance: a solid, liquid or gas (вещество: твердое, жидкое или в газообразном состоянние)
reaction: a chemical process in which two substances combine to form another substance (реакция: химический процесс, при котором два вещества образуют другое вещество converts: changes sth into sth else (преобразовывать: изменить что-либо на что-либо)
equation: a mathematical statement to explain a process (уравнение: математическое утверждение, чтобы объяснить процесс)
Слайд 10

4 Use the words in the box to complete the following

4 Use the words in the box to complete the following


is the production of carbohydrates from 1 …………………….. and 2 …………. using 3………………. from the sun and 4…………………. which exists in the cells of green plants

carbon dioxide


light energy


Слайд 11