Basic relation between suppliers – OEM – Customer

Слайд 2

Please enter your name Olexandra Makarenko The text box with green

Please enter your name
Olexandra Makarenko

The text box with green background is

meant to be filled by student 1 and the one with blue background is reserved for the correcting student.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Franke | International Supply Chain Management

Please enter your name

Student 1:

Correcting student:

Слайд 3

Here you can see the results of student 1 simulation result

Here you can see the results of student 1 simulation result

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

J. Franke | International Supply Chain Management

Screenshot of the simulation after finishing the beergame

In how many weeks did you balance the supply chain?


Слайд 4

Here you can see the results of the correcting student simulation

Here you can see the results of the correcting student simulation result


Dr.-Ing. J. Franke | International Supply Chain Management

In how many weeks did you balance the supply chain?

Screenshot of the simulation after finishing the beergame

Слайд 5

Here you can see the results of both, the first and

Here you can see the results of both, the first and

the optimized beergame strategy!

Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Franke | International Supply Chain Management

Resulting graph of the first beergame of
student 1.

Results after implementing recommended measures (to be completed by correcting student).

Слайд 6

Here you can see the results of both, the first and

Here you can see the results of both, the first and

the optimized beergame strategy!

Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Franke | International Supply Chain Management

Resulting graph of the first beergame of
student 1.

Results after implementing recommended measures (to be completed by correcting student).

Слайд 7

What did you experience by playing the game: - Information about

What did you experience by playing the game:
- Information about your

customers and orders is very important.
- Important to keep track on time.
- The main component is to male a forecast.

What possible measures could be performed to optimize your first beergame results?

Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Franke | International Supply Chain Management

Recommendations of student 1:

What effects can it have on a company:
We could achieve our inventory balance much faster
Optimization of the process in the company
Increasing superfluity of money

Research and emphasize countermeasures and please mention your sources:
Analysis of the situation (what we have. Our recourses).
To set your target.
Take into consider history of the distribution.
In addition to cycle time reductions throughout the supply chain, Hau Lee, V. Padmanabhan, and Seungjin Whang recommend the following actions to reduce the supply chain management bullwhip effect:
Focus on end-user demand through point-of-sale (POS) data collection, electronic data interchange (EDI), and vendor-managed inventories (VMI) to reduce distortions in downstream communication.
Work with vendors to create smaller order increments and reduce order batching. Order batching exacerbates demand fluctuations.
Maintain stable prices for products. Price fluctuations encourage customers to over-purchase when prices are low and cut back on orders when prices are high, leading to large demand fluctuations.
Allocate demand among customers based on past orders, not present orders, to reduce hoarding behavior when shortages occur.

Слайд 8

Which measures of student 1 do you think were appropriate and

Which measures of student 1 do you think were appropriate and


Please rethink and evaluate your final results!

Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Franke | International Supply Chain Management

Assessment of correcting student:

Which measures of student 1 could not be used easily and why:

What are your results after implementing all the measures:

Слайд 9

Review Question Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Franke | International Supply Chain Management

Review Question

Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Franke | International Supply Chain Management




Why are

there order, production and shipping delays in a Supply Chain?


Suggestions of student 1:

Review of correcting student:

It can happen when you have bad communication with customers-
Optimizations distribution systems.
Using platforms. (For example, vendor-managed inventories (VMI) or others.)

Production was launched in a wrong time.
So, It’s important to follow your time and count it.
Organizing you technologies.
Just in time logistic.

You can do nothing here.
It moustly depends on two previous sections.
Use good equipment.New technologies.
Have a fullback.