Слайд 2

Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson the learners will

Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson the learners will

be able to :
Define and understand the terms
Movement along and shift in the demand curves
Substitute goods
Complementary goods.
Analyse and apply the concept to real world situation .

(1 min)

Слайд 3

Demand Willingness to Buy Ability to Pay


Willingness to Buy
Ability to Pay

Слайд 4

Demand Schedule 01/11/2016 Sonali Sinha Roy

Demand Schedule


Sonali Sinha Roy

Слайд 5

Downward slope of Demand Curve 01/11/2016 Sonali Sinha Roy Law of

Downward slope of Demand Curve


Sonali Sinha Roy

Law of Demand:
The negative

relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded, when all other factors that influence demand are held fixed.
Слайд 6

Reason for Downward Sloping Demand Curve 01/11/2016 Sonali Sinha Roy The

Reason for Downward Sloping Demand Curve


Sonali Sinha Roy

The negative slope of

the demand curve is due to the substitution and income effects.
If the relative price of a good falls consumers will substitute that good for more expensive goods -that will buy more of the good whose relative price has fallen and less of the other goods. This is the substitution effect.
When the relative price of a good falls the consumer can buy the same bundle of goods as before the price decline and have some money left over. This money can be used to purchase more of all his consumption goods. In other words his purchasing power is called the income effect

Income and substitution effects

Слайд 7

Movement along the Demand Curve 01/11/2016 Sonali Sinha Roy Movement along

Movement along the Demand Curve


Sonali Sinha Roy

Movement along the Demand curve

is due to the change in price only. Other factors are kept constant .
Movement from Point A to B:
Extension in Demand/Increase in Quantity Demanded - P ↓ QD ↑
Movement from Point C to B:
Contraction in Demand/Decrease in Quantity Demanded - P ↑QD ↓
Слайд 8

Shift in Demand 01/11/2016 Sonali Sinha Roy PINTE: P = Price

Shift in Demand


Sonali Sinha Roy

P = Price of the related

I = Income of the consumer
N = Number of buyers
T = Taste & Preference
E = Expectation of price in future
Слайд 9

Identify from the following: Normal & Inferior Goods ; Complementary &

Identify from the following: Normal & Inferior Goods ; Complementary &

Substitute Goods


Sonali Sinha Roy

Слайд 10

Shifts in Demand Curve 01/11/2016 Sonali Sinha Roy

Shifts in Demand Curve


Sonali Sinha Roy

Слайд 11

01/11/2016 Sonali Sinha Roy


Sonali Sinha Roy

Слайд 12

Recap of Today’s Lesson 01/11/2016 Sonali Sinha Roy

Recap of Today’s Lesson


Sonali Sinha Roy

Слайд 13

Reflection 01/11/2016 Sonali Sinha Roy



Sonali Sinha Roy

Слайд 14

Demand 11.2a Lesson 2 NIS 01/11/2016 Sonali Sinha Roy

Demand 11.2a

Lesson 2



Sonali Sinha Roy

Слайд 15

Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson the learners will

Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson the learners will

be able to :
Define and understand the terms
Demand Function
Plot demand curve with the help of a given equation
Analyse and apply the concept to real world situation .

(1 min)

Слайд 16

Demand Function 01/11/2016 Sonali Sinha Roy Indirect relationship between Price and

Demand Function


Sonali Sinha Roy

Indirect relationship between Price and Quantity Demanded

Qd = a – bP
Qd = quantity of a good demanded
P is the price of the good
a = vertical intercept (Max QD )
b = the slope of the demand curve

P = (a/b) – (Q/b)

Слайд 17

Example 01/11/2016 Sonali Sinha Roy Demand: Q = 100 -2P Inverse



Sonali Sinha Roy

Demand: Q = 100 -2P
Inverse Demand: P = 50

– (Q/2)
• The vertical intercept is therefore 50 and represents the Price
• The horizontal intercept is therefore 100 , and represents the amount of the good the consumer would want to purchase at a price of 0.



P = 50- (Q/2)


Quantity Demanded


Demand: Q = a – bP
Inverse Demand: P = (a/b) – (Q/b)


P = (a/b) - (Q/b)

Слайд 18

In-class activity 01/11/2016 Sonali Sinha Roy Use the linear demand function

In-class activity


Sonali Sinha Roy

Use the linear demand function for cappuccinos, Qd =

500 – 25P to answer the questions that follow:
Create a demand schedule for cappuccinos with the prices of $0, $1, $3, $5, $7 and $9
Create a demand curve for cappuccinos, plotting the points from your demand schedule.
Assume the price of latte machiatos, a close substitute for cappuccinos, decreases, and causes the a variable in the demand function to fall to 300. Create a new demand schedule, with the adjusted values for Qd.
On your previous diagram, illustrate the new demand curve.
Assume that due to falling incomes, cappuccino consumers become more sensitive to changes in the price of cappuccinos, and the b variable in the original demand function increases to 40. Using the same prices, create a new demand schedule.
On the same graph as your original demand curve, illustrate the new demand for cappuccinos following the decline in consumers’ incomes.
Слайд 19

Recap of Today’s Lesson 01/11/2016 Sonali Sinha Roy

Recap of Today’s Lesson


Sonali Sinha Roy