Global economy and world economic relations


Слайд 2

CONTENT: 1. General definitions and terms of GE. 2. Theories of


1. General definitions and terms of GE.
2. Theories of the world

trade (WT).
3. WT regulation. Free trading and protectionism.
4. Economic integration.
5. Currency. International monetary system.
6. Transnational companies.
7. Balance of payments.
8. Offshores.
9. Intellectual property (IP) and investment.
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Part 1. General definitions and terms of GE.

Part 1. General definitions and terms of GE.

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The difference between similar terms: economic/economical Economic pertains to the economy.

The difference between similar terms:
Economic pertains to the economy. Economical means not wasteful.
The economy is

the relationship between production, trade and the supply of money in a particular country or region (The economy is in recession).
Economics is a science that studies economies and develops possible models for their functioning (He studied economics at the LSE (London School of Economics).
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The world economy or global economy is the economy of the

The world economy or global economy is the economy of the world, considered as the international exchange

of goods and services that is expressed in monetary units of account (money). 
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A subject matter of GE is WER. WER: trade of goods

A subject matter of GE is WER.
trade of goods and services;

labour migration;
intellectual property trade;
currency relations;
credit relations (World Bank, International Monetary Fund );
co-operation of production (multinational companies/transnational corporations).
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BACKGROUND OF GE: 1. Global market. 2. International division of labour


1. Global market.
2. International division of labour

and factors of production.
3. Groups of countries in GE.
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IDL - the allocation of various parts of the production process

IDL - the allocation of various parts of the production process

to different places in the world.
2 main processes of IDL:
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GENERAL MEANING OF THE TERM «GE»: a system of world economic

a system of world

economic relations, national economies` cooperation;
a combination of different economic sectors and branches of national economies;
national economies` unity and world economic relations that help to make a complete and stable system.
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Stages of GE’s formation: Age of Discovery Before the 1st World

Stages of GE’s formation:
Age of Discovery
Before the 1st World War
Between 2

World Wars
From the 2nd World War to the 80th
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GE – a system of Goods, Services and Capital exchange between

GE – a system of Goods, Services and Capital exchange between

Buyers (Customers) and Sellers. Attributes/ peculiarities/ characteristics of GE:
Entirety/ unity
Hierarchy |ˈhʌɪərɑːki|
Self-adjustment/ self-regulation
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Part 2. Theories of WT.

Part 2. Theories of WT.

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World Trade theories: Mercantilism Absolute advantages Comparative advantages Heckscher-Ohlin theorem Technological

World Trade theories:
Absolute advantages
Comparative advantages
Heckscher-Ohlin theorem
Technological gap by Posner and Product

Life-Cycle Model by Vernon
Слайд 15

Adam Smith VS David Ricardo: 2 countries and 2 items of

Adam Smith VS David Ricardo:
2 countries and 2 items of goods

(labour factor – units of labour per a item of goods):
Alternative costs for the cloth in England are lower than in Portugal: 0,83 instead of 1,125 per a unit of wine.
The same situation is with wine for Portugal to export: 0,89 instead of 1,2 per a unit of cloth.
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Basics of Heckscher Ohlin theory: 2 countries 2 items of goods

Basics of Heckscher Ohlin theory:

2 countries
2 items of goods –

cloth and food
2 resources – Labour and Land (to produce the items) (you can also take Capital instead, but you should change an item of goods – cars for example)
2 production possibility curves (combination of 2 goods` max production with full usage of production factors in a country)
2 indifference curves (geometrical combination of 2 goods with equal utility)
There are also some assumptions☺
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The H-O theory says that countries will export products that use

The H-O theory says that countries will export products that use

their abundant (and cheap) factor and import products that use countries` scarce (and expensive) factor.
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Product Life-Cycle Model by Vernon

Product Life-Cycle Model by Vernon

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Part 3. WT regulation. Free trading and protectionism. INCOTERMS 2010.

Part 3. WT regulation. Free trading and protectionism. INCOTERMS 2010.

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2 ways to control world trade by a state : free-trade

2 ways to control world trade by a state : free-trade

& protectionist practices. World trade (for tradable goods): is it worth trading?


It`s profitable (beneficial).
Usually customers get quality goods for a lower price.


Domestic goods can`t meet competition, with low demand and production level.
As a result people don`t get a salary (are not paid) and their ability to pay goes down (reduces)

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FREETRADING PROS Market saturation with cheap & quality goods Growing of



Market saturation with cheap & quality goods
Growing of foreign tax

payments (fiscal charges)
New workplaces


Guess what) – think about domestic enterprises☺
Addiction to (dependence on) imported goods
Bull market or it simply raises prices….

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What`s the difference between tradable (TG) and non-tradable goods (NTG): A

What`s the difference between tradable (TG) and non-tradable goods (NTG):

A price

for TG is defined by a ratio between demand & supply (D&S));
A balance of D&S for NTG is more important for there`s no opportunity to substitute them with foreign goods;
Local (domestic) prices for TG and their change (rise & fall) usually depends on foreign one.
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To trade or not to trade?

To trade or not to trade?

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WTO… What's wrong with it? an intergovernmental organization that regulates international

WTO… What's wrong with it?

an intergovernmental organization that regulates international trade
deals with regulation

of trade in goods, services and intellectual property
a framework for negotiating trade agreements
trade should flow as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible
free trade on industrial goods and services
retention (stoppage) of protectionism on farm subsidies to domestic agricultural sector
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2012….How long and difficult was it… Is it worth doing that?

2012….How long and difficult was it…
Is it worth doing that?

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5 principles of WTO: Non-discrimination (MFN) Reciprocity (mutual agreement or win-win☺)

5 principles of WTO:

Non-discrimination (MFN)
Reciprocity (mutual agreement or win-win☺)
Binding and enforceable

commitments (legitimate obligations)
Transparency (clarity)
Safety values (trade restrictions)
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Let`s have a small talk about world trade regulation… Should it

Let`s have a small talk about world trade regulation… Should it be

regulated at all? No doubt, it should. So… world trade is a little bit limited but not ultimately restrained)
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Eurasian Economic Union is an economic union of states located primarily

Eurasian Economic Union

is an economic union of states located primarily in northern Eurasia.
The Treaty

aiming for the establishment of the EAEU was signed on 29 May 2014 by the leaders of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, and came into force on 1 January 2015. 
Treaties aiming for Armenia's and Kyrgyzstan's accession to the Eurasian Economic Union were signed on 9 October and 23 December 2014, respectively.
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4 degrees of freedom given by EAEU: Goods Services Capital Labour

4 degrees of freedom given by EAEU:


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Tariff and Non-tariff Regulations (the Customs Code* of the Eurasian Economic

Tariff and Non-tariff Regulations (the Customs Code* of the Eurasian Economic Union)


Commodity Code (FEACN - Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature)
Duty rate (customs tariff)
Customs duties
* A standard act which regulates goods transfer through customs border of a country (customs union, economic union and etc.)

Quota allocation (setting quotas) (+voluntary export restrictions)
Safeguards (special safeguard measures):
special custom duty
antidumping duty
countervailing (compensatory) duty

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Duty VS Fee (Charge) Import VS Export ad valorem duties fixed

Duty VS Fee (Charge) Import VS Export

ad valorem duties
fixed (specific) duties

(mixed) duties

customs processing fee
charge for clearance
terminal handling charges

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How does Russia trade with other countries? General rate of duties

How does Russia trade with other countries?

General rate of duties
Most favoured

nation treatment
Preferential duties
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Let`s count all our customs payments: Customs value (cost) Customs duty

Let`s count all our customs payments:

Customs value (cost)
Customs duty
Excise tax
Customs fee

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How much is the fish? No, Spanish fizzy (sparkling) wine

How much is the fish? No, Spanish fizzy (sparkling) wine

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How сan customs value be estimated (calculated, defined, assessed)? The methods

How сan customs value be estimated (calculated, defined, assessed)?

The methods of

customs valuation, in descending order of precedence, are:
Transaction Value (TV)* of Imported Merchandise
Transaction Value of Identical Merchandise (goods, commodities) – 90 days
Transaction Value of Similar Merchandise – 90 days
Deductive Value
Computed Value
Derivative Method
* TV is the price actually paid or payable for the goods when sold for export to the country of importation
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Deductive Value: Domestic price (Customs Union) – Agent commission (broker`s fee,

Deductive Value:

Domestic price (Customs Union) –
Agent commission (broker`s fee,

profit %)
Transporting (transfer, move, haul, shipping) costs + cargo-handling costs + insurance costs
Customs payments (duties, taxes, fees)
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Computed Value: Goods estimated (calculated) value = Operating (production) cost (expenditure)

Computed Value:
Goods estimated (calculated) value
Operating (production) cost (expenditure) –

all we need to produce smth – materials, energy, labour, depreciation etc.
2. Move & insurance costs
3. Packaging costs
3. Selling and administration costs
4. Agent commission
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Defined terms in Incoterms: (International Commercial Terms) - define obligations, costs,

Defined terms in Incoterms:  (International Commercial Terms) - define obligations, costs, and risks

involved in the delivery of goods from the seller to the buyer  - don’t define price payable, currency or credit items

Delivery: The point in the transaction where the risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer
Arrival: The point named in the Incoterm to which carriage has been paid
Carrier: Any person who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or to procure the performance of transport by rail, road, air, sea, inland waterway or by a combination of such modes
Freight fowarder: A firm that makes or assists in the making of shipping arrangements;
Terminal: Any place, whether covered or not, such as a dock, warehouse, container yard or road, rail or air cargo terminal
To clear for export: To file Shipper’s Export Declaration and get export permit

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FROM «E» TO «D»: EXW – Ex Works (named place of

FROM «E» TO «D»:

EXW – Ex Works (named place of delivery)

maximum obligation on the buyer and minimum obligations on the seller
DDP – Delivered Duty Paid (named place of destination) maximum obligations on the seller and minimum obligations on the buyer
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Part 4. Economic integration.

Part 4. Economic integration.

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The Economic Integration between two countries is a measure of how

The Economic Integration between two countries is a measure of how

much two or more countries work together, or give preference to each other. 
Micro-aproach: MNC (TNC)
Macro-aproach: interstate organizations and integration associations
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Economic integration: is the unification of economic policies between different states;

Economic integration:

is the unification of economic policies between different states;
the partial

or full abolition of tariff and non-tariff restrictions;
 lower prices for distributors and consumers with the goal of increasing the level of welfare
Economic integration is an economic arrangement between different regions, marked by the reduction or elimination of trade barriers and the coordination of monetary and fiscal policies. The aim of economic integration is to reduce costs for both consumers and producers, and to increase trade between the countries taking part in the agreement.
The more integrated the economies become, the fewer trade barriers exist, and the more economic and political coordination there is between the member countries.
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What is the basis of economic integration? Comparative advantage refers to

What is the basis of economic integration?

Comparative advantage refers to the ability

of a person or a country to produce a particular good or service at a lower marginal and opportunity (alternative) cost over another. 
Economies of scale refers to the cost advantages that an enterprise obtains due to expansion. There are factors that cause a producer’s average cost per unit to fall as the scale of output is increased. Economies of scale is a long run concept and refers to reductions in unit cost as the size of a facility and the usage levels of other inputs increase
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Degrees of economic integration: Preferential trading area Free trade area (North

Degrees of economic integration:

Preferential trading area
Free trade area (North American Free

Trade Agreement (NAFTA)- before, now - USMCA)
Customs union
Common market can be united into one degree
Economic union
Economic and monetary union
Complete economic integration
These differ in the degree of unification of economic policies, with the highest one being the completed economic integration of the states, which would most likely involve political integration as well.
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Additional info about degrees: A "free trade area" (FTA) is formed

Additional info about degrees:

A "free trade area" (FTA) is formed when

at least two states partially or fully abolish custom tariffs on their inner border. To exclude regional exploitation of zero tariffs within the FTA there is a rule of certificate of origin for the goods originating from the territory of a member state of an FTA.
A "customs union" introduces unified tariffs on the exterior borders of the union (common external tariffs).
A "monetary union" introduces a shared currency.
A "common market" add to a FTA the free movement of services, capital and labor.
An "economic union" combines customs union with a common market. A "fiscal union" introduces a shared fiscal and budgetary policy. In order to be successful the more advanced integration steps are typically accompanied by unification of economic policies (tax, social welfare benefits, etc.), reductions in the rest of the trade barriers, introduction of supranational bodies, and gradual moves towards the final stage, a "political union".
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Pros and Cons of Economic Integration: Trade benefits: a reduction in

Pros and Cons of Economic Integration:

Trade benefits:
a reduction in the

trade cost;
an improved availability and wider selection of goods and services;
a greater purchasing power
Employment, technology and capital:
a market expansion;
sharing of technology;
cross-border flows of investment
Political cooperation:
stronger economic ties;
a peaceful conflicts` resolve.

Trade diversion 
Erosion of national sovereignty*
An obligation to adhere to rules on trade, monetary policy and fiscal policy
* Sovereignty, in fact, was one of the key debates in the United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union (EU) in 2016.