The Stock Market, the Theory of Rational Expectations, and the Efficient Markets Hypothesis


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© 2008 Pearson Education Canada 7. Ch 7: Stock Markets and

© 2008 Pearson Education Canada

Ch 7: Stock Markets and Efficient Market

Hypothesis. (*)
1. The price of common stock;
2. The Generalized Dividend Model and the Gordon Growth Model;
3. The theory of Rational Expectations and its applications in financial markets
(Efficient Market Hypothesis);
4. Empirical evidence on the Efficient Market Hypothesis.
Learning Objective.
To understand how stocks are valued and to examine the Efficient Market Hypothesis.
Equities/Stocks, like bonds as financial, are one of the key assets in the personal wealth portfolio of individuals, as well as one of the several ways of obtaining external finance for productive organizations. This chapter discusses the fundamental theories that help us in computing the price of the stock, and in explaining what forces cause prices to vary over time, including the important role of expectations in influencing the expected returns on equities.
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© 2008 Pearson Education Canada 7. The Markets for Stocks. (*)

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The Markets for Stocks. (*)
In Canada, stocks

are traded in two types of markets: organized stock exchanges(like Toronto Stock exchange) and over-the-counter(OTC) markets.
Stock Exchanges are organized markets where trading takes place in a central facility, either electronically through a broker or by open bidding. The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) is the largest stock exchange in Canada. Equities are traded in Toronto while derivative products are traded in the Montreal stock exchange.
Aggregate Stock Indexes
The aggregate movement of individual stocks is measured by stock indexes. The most famous stock index is the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which currently contains thirty large firms. The S&P (Standard and Poor’s) 500 Stock Index contains five hundred stocks and is a value-weighted price index. It is considered the benchmark index for large stocks traded and contains about 80 percent of the value of all U.S. stocks. The Nasdaq index is also value-weighted and is heavily influenced by the large technology stocks that trade on the NASDAQ market.
Toronto Stock Exchange 300 (TSE300), which was an index of 300 stocks traded at the Toronto Stock Exchange. Recently, TSE300 has been replaced by the S&P (Standard and Poor’s)/TSX composite index.
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Common Stock Common stock is the principal way that corporations raise

Common Stock

Common stock is the principal way that corporations raise equity

Stockholders have the right to vote and be the residual claimants of all funds flowing to the firm.
Dividends are payments made periodically, usually every quarter, to stockholders.
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Слайд 5

Several Kinds of “Value” There are several types of value, of

Several Kinds of “Value”

There are several types of value, of which

we are concerned with four:
Book Value – The carrying value on the balance sheet of the firm’s equity (Total Assets less Total Liabilities)
Tangible Book Value – Book value minus intangible assets (goodwill, patents, etc)
Market Value - The price of an asset as determined in a competitive marketplace
Intrinsic Value - The present value of the expected future cash flows discounted at the decision maker’s required rate of return
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9.1 Reading Stock Listings The following newspaper stock listing is usually

9.1 Reading Stock Listings

The following newspaper stock listing is usually printed

as a horizontal string of information
The listing is for IBM, which is traded on the New York Stock Exchange

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Reading Stock Listings Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

Reading Stock Listings

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Reading Stock Listings Hi = 123 1/8: The highest price the

Reading Stock Listings

Hi = 123 1/8: The highest price the stock

has traded at over the last 52 weeks
Lo = 93 1/8: The lowest price the stock has traded at over the last 52 weeks
Stock = IBM: The stock’s name
Sym = IBM: The stock’s symbol

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Reading Stock Listings Div = 4.84: The last quarterly dividend multiplied

Reading Stock Listings

Div = 4.84: The last quarterly dividend multiplied by

Yld % = 4.2: Dividend yield; (Annualized dividend ÷ stock price)
PE = 16: Price-to-earnings; (Latest price ÷ last 4 actual dividends)
Vol 100s = 14591*100; Volume of exchange traded shares

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Reading Stock Listings Hi = 115: Highest share price of the

Reading Stock Listings

Hi = 115: Highest share price of the day

= 113: Lowest share price of the day
Close = 114 3/4: Days closing share price
Chg = 1 3/8: Change in closing price from previous trading day

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© 2008 Pearson Education Canada 7. The price of common stock.

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The price of common stock. (*)
Common stocks

have two sources of future returns: future cash flows of dividends(which are periodic-like quarterly- payments) and the sale price of the stock when it is sold (yielding capital gain). Common stocks, compared to bond and other assets, carry greater risk of fluctuations in returns, and, therefore, must potentially pay a greater rate of return to induce investors to buy the stocks. This is referred to as the required rate of return (discussed below).
The equity valuation model, discussed below, relates the present stock price to the present value of its future cash flows(dividends and capital gains) in the same way that a bond is priced in terms of its future cash flows(coupon payments).
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Equation Total Return Copyright © 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. 9-

Equation Total Return

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Rate of Total Return Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Canada 10-

Rate of Total Return
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One-Period Valuation Model © 2008 Pearson Education Canada 7.

One-Period Valuation Model
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Generalized Dividend Valuation Model © 2008 Pearson Education Canada 7.

Generalized Dividend Valuation Model
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Gordon Growth Model © 2008 Pearson Education Canada 7.

Gordon Growth Model
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© 2008 Pearson Education Canada 7. According to the above model,

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According to the above model, current stock

prices depend on three factors: (a)current dividends, (b) expected growth rate of dividends, and (iii) the required return on equity, which in turn is the sum of two components: available alternative risk free return, and the riskiness of the stock.
This approach is also termed as the fundamentalist approach,
which argues that fundamentals, such as the flow of anticipated dividends of a company, determine the price of its stocks.
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Example 9.1 Stock Prices and Returns Copyright © 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. 9-

Example 9.1 Stock Prices and Returns

Copyright © 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All

rights reserved.


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Example 9.1 Stock Prices and Returns Copyright © 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. 9-

Example 9.1 Stock Prices and Returns

Copyright © 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All

rights reserved.


Слайд 20

Example Valuing a Firm with Constant Dividend Growth Copyright © 2007

Example Valuing a Firm with Constant Dividend Growth

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Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.


Слайд 21

Example 9.2 Valuing a Firm with Constant Dividend Growth Copyright ©

Example 9.2 Valuing a Firm with Constant Dividend Growth

Copyright © 2007

Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.


Слайд 22

Factors Affecting Stock Prices Business cycles Interest rate changes Investor sentiment

Factors Affecting Stock Prices

Business cycles
Interest rate changes
Investor sentiment about
And markets
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interest rate = risk free rate + risk premium, ke = rf + rp then

interest rate = risk free rate + risk premium, ke =

rf + rp
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higher risk free rate, lower stock price higher risk premium, lower

higher risk free rate, lower stock price
higher risk premium, lower stock

higher dividends, higher stock price
higher dividend growth, higher stock price
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example D = $2, g = 2%, rf = 3%, rp


D = $2, g = 2%, rf = 3%, rp =

P= $2/(.03+.05-.02)
P = $2/.06 = $33.33
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what if risk premium rises to 7%? P = $2/(.03+.07-.02) =

what if risk premium rises to 7%?
P = $2/(.03+.07-.02) = $2/.08

= $12.50
what if risk premium falls to 3%?
P = $2/(.03+.03-.02) = $2/.04 = $50
Dividend discount model shows us why stock prices are volatile
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© 2008 Pearson Education Canada 7. Gordon Model- Applications. The effect

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Gordon Model- Applications.
The effect of monetary policy.

Gordon’s growth model can explain the effect of monetary policy on the stock’s price(intrinsic value). It may be noted that monetary Policy affects the stock prices in two ways: (i) through changes in the required return rate, KReq, (through changing rf , return on risk free securities) and (ii)through influencing g. First, when bond returns decline( that is lower interest rates), investors in the stock market investors are willing to accept lower equity returns, which means higher P0. Second, when interest rates are reduced, economy expands(through increase in aggregate demand), profitability and dividends increase, resulting in higher, stock prices, P0.
Economic conditions, uncertainties and Financial markets crisis.
When the economy enters a recessionary phase, stock prices start falling, predicated on the fear that the companies’ profits would be adversely affected during economic slowdown. The falling stock prices, during recessionary conditions( as evidenced in 2009 stock markets crash) and associated economic uncertainties, can be explained by rising KReq (through larger risk premium component, rp, required to induce investors to invest in securities). Thus, in a bear market, the KReq will be higher than in a bull market.
The growth prospects of the economy in general and of companies in particular(reflected in g) would have effect on the stock price movements.
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© 2008 Pearson Education Canada 7. Price-Earnings Ratio: The price/earnings ratio,

© 2008 Pearson Education Canada

Price-Earnings Ratio: The price/earnings ratio, which equals

to the
company’s net income divided by its earnings per share, is a widely
popular ratio reported for stocks. Earnings per share (EPS) is
calculated to be equal to the company’s net income minus the
dividends paid to preferred stockholders and divided by the number
of common shares outstanding.
A higher P/E ratio, usually, reflects a higher expectation of future company’s growth potential, while a relatively low P/E ratio reflects that there is less potential for rapid growth of the company.
The factors that contribute to an increase in P/E ratio of a company may
include, higher earnings growth rate of the company and higher
than expected dividend amount announced by the company etc.
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Price Earnings Valuation Method (Cont’d) The PE ratio can be used

Price Earnings Valuation Method (Cont’d)

The PE ratio can be used to

estimate the value of a firm’s stock.
The product of the PE ratio times the expected earnings is the firm’s stock price.
(P/E) x E = P
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Слайд 30

Stock Analysis Fundamental analysis Quantitative analysis Based on financial statements Qualitative

Stock Analysis

Fundamental analysis
Quantitative analysis
Based on financial statements
Qualitative analysis
More subjective
Examines management skill

Examines past performance
Of firm and market
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Слайд 31

© 2008 Pearson Education Canada 7. How the Market sets Stock

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How the Market sets Stock Prices.
(a)Theory of

Rational Expectations in Financial Markets
( Efficient Market Hypothesis).
(b) Behavioural Finance
(a)The theory of Rational Expectations and its applications
in financial markets (Efficient Market Hypothesis).
Forecasting future stock prices
As the value of a share of stock is dependent on the expected future
income from that stock, it is essential to understand how people
form expectations in the market.
One well known mechanism, explaining how do people form expectations about future behavior of economic variables, like stock prices is known as the Rational Expectations model.
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© 2008 Pearson Education Canada 7. Rational Expectations Rational expectations theory

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Rational Expectations
Rational expectations theory views expectations as

being identical to
the best guess of the future (the optimal forecast) that uses all available
Xe = Xof
If we applying the Rational expectations Hypothesis in calculating a Stock's Intrinsic Value , it can be shown that stock prices should equal a discounted present-value sum of expected future dividends, is usually known as
the dividend-discount model.
That is, the prices in a financial market will be set so that the optimal forecast of a security’s return using all available information equals the security’s equilibrium return. The theory of Rational expectations, thus, assumes that
outcomes that are being forecasted do not differ systematically from the market equilibrium results .
Random Walk
The theory of rational expectations says that the actual price will only deviate from
the expectation if there is an 'information shock' caused by information unforeseeable at the time expectations were formed. Thus, changes in stock prices follow a random walk.
The term random walk describes a movement of a variable whose future value can not be predicted on the basis of the today`s values.
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The Efficient Market The efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) asserts that financial markets

The Efficient Market
The efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) asserts that financial markets are
"informationally efficient", or that

prices on traded assets (e.g.,stocks, 
bonds, or property) already reflect all available information.
This framework seeks to explain the random walk hypothesis by positing that only new information will move stock prices significantly, and since new information is presently unknown and occurs at random, future movements in stock prices are also unknown and, thus, move randomly.
Therefore, according to theory, it is impossible to consistently outperform the market by using any information that the market already has.
In strong-form efficiency, share prices reflect all information, public and private, and no one can earn excess returns. 
The efficient-market hypothesis requires that agents have rational expectations; that on average the population is correct (even if no one person is) and whenever new relevant information appears, the agents update their expectations appropriately.
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Implications of the Theory of Rational Expectations Even though a rational

Implications of the Theory of Rational Expectations

Even though a rational expectation

equals the optimal
forecast using all available information, a prediction based
on it may not always be perfectly accurate
It takes too much effort to make the expectation the best guess possible.
Best guess will not be accurate because predictor is unaware of some relevant information.
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Implications If there is a change in the way a variable


If there is a change in the way a variable moves,

the way in which expectations of the variable are formed will change as well.
The forecast errors of expectations will, on average, be zero and cannot be predicted ahead of time.
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Efficient Markets: An Application of Rational Expectations © 2008 Pearson Education Canada 7.

Efficient Markets: An Application of Rational Expectations
© 2008 Pearson Education

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Implications of the EMH for the stock market: Investing in the

Implications of the EMH for the stock market: Investing in the

Stock Market:

Recommendations from investment advisors cannot help us outperform the market.
A hot tip is probably information already contained in the price of the stock.
Stock prices respond to announcements only when the information is new and unexpected.
A “buy and hold” strategy is the most sensible strategy for the small investor.
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Evidence Against Market Efficiency Small-firm effect January Effect Market Overreaction Excessive

Evidence Against Market Efficiency

Small-firm effect
January Effect
Market Overreaction
Excessive Volatility
Mean Reversion
New information is

not always immediately incorporated into stock prices
Chaos and fractals
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(b)Behavioural Finance. The lack of short selling (causing over-priced stocks) may

(b)Behavioural Finance.

The lack of short selling (causing over-priced stocks) may be

explained by loss aversion.
The large trading volume may be explained by investor overconfidence.
Stock market bubbles may be explained by overconfidence and social contagion.
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(b) Behavioural Finance. Behavioral economists attribute the imperfections in financial markets

(b) Behavioural Finance.
Behavioral economists attribute the imperfections in financial markets
to a

combination of cognitive biases such as overconfidence,
overreaction, representative bias, information bias, and various other
predictable human errors in reasoning and information processing.
Empirical evidence has been mixed, but has generally not supported
strong forms of the efficient-market hypothesis.
Speculative economic bubbles are an obvious anomaly, in that the market
often appears to be driven by buyers operating on irrational exuberance,
who take little notice of underlying value. These bubbles are typically
followed by an overreaction of frantic selling, allowing shrewd investors to buy
stocks at bargain prices.
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Bubbles Large gaps between actual asset price and fundamental value Internet

Large gaps between actual asset price and fundamental value
Internet stock bubble

of late 1990s
Housing bubble?
Eventually the bubble bursts!
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In the Generalized Dividend Valuation Model equation: “Fundamentals”: “Bubble”: wi

In the Generalized Dividend Valuation Model equation:



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Implications of efficiency evidence very difficult for average person to beat

Implications of efficiency evidence

very difficult for average person to beat the

trying to do so generates trading costs
the alternative
buy-and-hold diversified portfolio