A Voyage Up the Volga

Слайд 2

Look through some useful word-combinations enduring spirit [ɪnˈdjʊərɪŋ ˈspɪrɪt] – стойкий

Look through some useful word-combinations

enduring spirit [ɪnˈdjʊərɪŋ ˈspɪrɪt] – стойкий дух

life [ˈrʊərəl] – сельский
amber jewellery [ˈæmbə ˈʤuːəlrɪ] – ювелирные украшения из янтаря
Annunciation Cathedral [ənʌnsɪˈeɪʃn kəˈθiːdrəl] – Благовещенский собор
Soyembica Tower [sujum’bikə ˈtaʊə] – Башня Сююмбике
Muslim Mosques [ˈmʊslɪm mɒsks] – мусульманские башни (мечети)
Archangel Cathedral [ˈɑːkeɪnʤ(ə)l kəˈθiːdrəl] – Архангельский собор
medieval peasant homes [medɪˈiːvəl ˈpezənt] – средневековые крестьянские дома
Byzantine icon [bɪˈzæntaɪn ˈaɪkɒn] – византийская икона
Our Lady of St (Saint) Theodore [ˈθɪədɔː] – Пресвятая Богородица
literary treasure [ˈlɪtərərɪ ˈtreʒə] – литературное сокровище
the Lay of Igor`s Host –«Слово о полку Игореве»
Слайд 3

We begin our journey in the historic city of Volgograd

We begin our journey in the historic city of Volgograd

Слайд 4

Over the few days the boat stops in Saratov

Over the few days the boat stops in Saratov

Слайд 5

In Kazan the Volga meets the Kazanka River

In Kazan the Volga meets the Kazanka River

Слайд 6

Nizhny Novgorod comes into a view

Nizhny Novgorod comes into a view

Слайд 7

This city is as old as Moscow.

This city is as old as Moscow.

Слайд 8

Finally, our voyage brings us to Yaroslavl

Finally, our voyage brings us to Yaroslavl