Journey across China, Japan and South Korea


Слайд 2

Is it true whether that some japanese names can be names

Is it true whether that some japanese names can be names

of seasons?
Is it true that the salary of women in Japan lower than men’s salary?
Does whale festival exist in Japan?
Do shops where all goods are cost 100 yen(1 dollar) exist?
Does emoji of Tengu mask have a meaning «to envy* someone»?
Does emoji where girl rise and connect her hands have a meaning «the right answer»?
Is it true whether that in Japan’s folklore demon cats exist?

*envy - завидовать

Слайд 3

Is it true that skipping of school lessons in China is

Is it true that skipping of school lessons in China is

punished by payment of 100 dollars?
Is it truth that in China almost don’t sale any milk’s goods?
In China really on 30 millions more girls than boys?
Did the longest traffic jam in the world which was during 11 days happen in China?
Do people in China use about 90 milliards chopsticks* every year?
Is the beef in China the most expensive in the world?

*chopsticks –палочки для еды

Слайд 4

*crane – журавль Does China have a low about visiting and

*crane – журавль

Does China have a low about visiting and spending

time with your grandmother and grandfather?
Is the most popular name in China Wang?
Does China has only one time zone?
Is crane* the symbol of success in China?
Does China provide the world about 30 per cent of rice every year?
In China does a singing road for cars exist?
Are all films and movies in China with subtitles?
Does Chinese people haven’t way in Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc.?
Слайд 5

Is it truth that in South Korea child is already 1

Is it truth that in South Korea child is already 1

years old when he/she is born?
Is it truth that South Korea the most drinking country in Asia?
Is the most popular kind of sport in South Korea table tennis?
Do people in Seoul usually can be noticed by video cameras about 40 times during the day?
Are all roofs of building in South Korea dyed green color?
Is it true that many South Korean people can’t swim?
Doesn’t South Korean has necessary service in army?
Слайд 6

Is it truth that when in South Korean schools last exams

Is it truth that when in South Korean schools last exams

all kinds of transport don’t move for the silence?
Do South Korean people use metal chopsticks instead of wood ones?
Is South Korea known as capital of cybersport?
Does South Korea have sidewalks for «smartphone’s zombies»?
Is it usually in South Korea to cut food by scissors?
Does «Orange island» exist in South Korea?


Слайд 7

Riddle «Find out proper food» Japanese dish ラーメン - ramen

Riddle «Find out proper food»

Japanese dish ラーメン - ramen

Слайд 8

South Korean dish 김치 - kimchi

South Korean dish 김치 - kimchi

Слайд 9

Chinese dish 餃子(jiaozi) - dumplings

Chinese dish 餃子(jiaozi) - dumplings

Слайд 10

Chinese dish 肉夹馍 - roujiamo

Chinese dish 肉夹馍 - roujiamo

Слайд 11

Japanese dish 鍋物(nabemono) – nabe

Japanese dish 鍋物(nabemono) – nabe

Слайд 12

South Korean dessert 강정 – gangjeong

South Korean dessert 강정 – gangjeong

Слайд 13

Japanese dish たこ焼き – takoyaki

Japanese dish たこ焼き – takoyaki

Слайд 14

South Korean dish 떡볶이 – tteokbokki

South Korean dish 떡볶이 – tteokbokki

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Chinese dish 皮蛋 – century egg

Chinese dish 皮蛋 – century egg

Слайд 16

Chinese dessert 發粿 – fa gao

Chinese dessert 發粿 – fa gao

Слайд 17

Japanese dessert 団子 – dango home

Japanese dessert 団子 – dango


Слайд 18

Riddle «Find out the chinese, japanese, south korean peoples» South Korean person

Riddle «Find out the chinese, japanese, south korean peoples»

South Korean person

Слайд 19

Japanese person

Japanese person

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South Korean person

South Korean person

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Chinese person

Chinese person

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Chinese person

Chinese person

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Japanese person

Japanese person

Слайд 24

Japanese person

Japanese person

Слайд 25

South Korean person

South Korean person

Слайд 26

Chinese person

Chinese person

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Japanese person

Japanese person

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Chinese person

Chinese person

Слайд 29

Chinese person

Chinese person

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Japanese person

Japanese person

Слайд 31

Chinese person

Chinese person

Слайд 32

South Korean person home

South Korean person


Слайд 33

Questions about meanings some phrases In South Korea instead of «How

Questions about meanings some phrases

In South Korea instead of «How

are you?» people ask «How did you eat?»
In Chinese language there isn’t phrase «Good night»
In Japan «My stomach steps back» means «I’m full»
In China «Beef fruit» means avocado
In South Korea the sitting pose of cat is called «A cat bakes a bread»
In China «shu-shu-shu» is used for calling a cat
In Japan «Good head» means «clever»
In South Korea «You have thin ears» means «You’re trusting»
In Japan the good place of work is called «White company» and the bad place of work is called «Black company»
In China «I fry shoes» means «I’m fired»
In Japan «My mouth is upset» means «I want to chew* something but I’m not hungry»
In South Korea «Person with dyed in white hands» means «Handyman**»

*chew - жевать
**handyman – мастер на все руки


Слайд 34

Where who? Japanese sign South Korean sign Chinese sign home

Where who?

Japanese sign

South Korean sign

Chinese sign


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Japanese sign Chinese sign South Korean sign

Japanese sign

Chinese sign

South Korean sign

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Chinese sign South Korean sign Japanese sign

Chinese sign

South Korean sign

Japanese sign

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Chinese sign Japanese sign South Korean sign

Chinese sign

Japanese sign

South Korean sign

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Chinese sign South Korean sign Japanese sign

Chinese sign

South Korean sign

Japanese sign

Слайд 39

South Korean sign Japanese sign Chinese sign

South Korean sign

Japanese sign

Chinese sign