The Political parties of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

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Parties in Scotland Scottish National Party It campaigns mostly for Scotland

Parties in Scotland

Scottish National Party
It campaigns mostly for Scotland to leave

the United Kingdom and become an independent country. It is a social democratic party and is currently the largest party in the Scottish Parliament, with its party leader Nicola Sturgeon is First Minister of Scotland.
Scottish Labour Party
Traditionally one of the strongest parties in Scotland however major struggles in past 2-3 years.
Kezia Dugdale MSP, Leader of The Scottish Labour Party’
Scottish Conservative Party
Their key policy is to keep Scotland as part of the UK, expand flexible and quality childcare, increase investment in mental health care and introduce tougher prison sentences. Ruth Davidson MSP – Leader of the Scottish Conservatives and Leader of the Opposition in the Scottish Parliament
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Parties in Scotland Scottish Green Party their key policies are Want

Parties in Scotland

Scottish Green Party
their key policies are Want Scotland

to be an independent country,Support Forestry Commission Scotland and other organizations to develop more community Green spaces, Harvie MSP – Co-Convenor of the Scottish Green Party and leader of the party in the Scottish Parliament.
Scottish Liberal Democrats
their key policies are Want Scotland to be a part of a federal UК, increase in income tax across all bands to raise an additional means for education,increase the shape of the budget spent on mental health and double support for services for young people,Increase the funding for Police Scotland . Willie Rennie MSP - Leader of The Scottish Liberal Democrats.
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Over the years, the logo has shifted from a torch to

Over the years, the logo has shifted from a torch to

a torch being held aloft by a muscular arm, and finally to a scribbly tree. it’s an oak tree – the national tree of England. Blue is used to invoke feelings of reliability, success, and confidence.

The rose is an iconic image for Britain, as it’s the national flower of England. It’s been a symbol of anti-authority since the middle ages, frequently associated with socialism. red is the common choice for left-wing parties. In years gone by, people even referred to the choice of “red” in a logo as a representation of the blood of angry workers.

Birds are generally associated with feelings of liberalism, freedom, and development, so it makes sense the “Liberal” Democrats would want to use this icon for their brand. The Liberal Party logo, designed in gold, was intended to show a move away from the old ways

the SNP logo actually a stylised combination of the “Saltire”, the diagonal cross on the Scottish flag, and a thistle, the national flower of Scotland.
While the Saltire is the shape of the cross St Andrew was apparently crucified on, the thistle is their ancient symbol of nobility. In other words, they’re going for heritage, culture, and dignity.

sunflowers are intended to symbolize “pure and lofty” thoughts. 
In other words, the Green Party logo is encouraging us to look towards a healthier, more unified global future. 

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Parties in Wales Welsh Labour Party Welsh Conservative Party Welsh Liberal Democrats

Parties in Wales

Welsh Labour Party
Welsh Conservative Party
Welsh Liberal Democrats

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Parties in Wales Plaid Cymru the largest opposition party which favour

Parties in Wales

Plaid Cymru
the largest opposition party which favour Welsh independence.

Plaid Cymru policy are the Greater autonomy not independence. Development of a bilingual Wales. Generally socialist- redistributive taxation and stronger employment rights. Environmental protection. Plaid Cymru are referred to as a nationalist party but they are not this
Plaid Cymru and the SNP are in fact ethnoregionalist parties. This means that they represent a specific regional/national group within a larger nation state. In the political world and in the media, however, they remain defined as nationalist parties

Founding members wanted to fight back against the “sense of injustice” facing the Welsh people. “Plaid Cymru” actually means “The Party of Wales”. a Welsh poppy in yellow is depicted on the logo.

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Parties in Northern Ireland Sinn Fein The republican Sinn Féin advocates

Parties in Northern Ireland

Sinn Fein
The republican Sinn Féin advocates a united

Ireland free from British rule. The leader Gerry Adams is the most visible and charismatic figure in the republican movement. He is also the person most capable of thinking simultaneously in political and military terms. Still a secretive body, the republican movement still has tensions over the abandonment of the armed struggle. The image in the logo is the shape of Ireland on a map, while the colours follow the Irish flag in green, white, and orange.
The phrase Sinn Fein means “We ourselves” or just “Ourselves” in Ireland, making it an excellent choice for a party dedicated to helping Ireland govern itself.
Ulster Unionist Party(UUP)
Historically the largest unionist party, the UUP has always opposed a united Ireland . Its leader David Trimble. In favor of keeping Ulster as part of the UK . As part of the new union, the party performed unsuccessfully in the 2010 UK parliamentary election , winning no parliamentary seats.

 As part of the new union, the party performed unsuccessfully in the 2010 UK parliamentary election , winning no parliamentary seats.

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Parties in Northern Ireland Alliance Party of Northern Ireland This is

Parties in Northern Ireland

Alliance Party of Northern Ireland
This is the only

non-sectarian party in Northern Ireland and attracts support from both Catholics and Protestants. The Alliance works for a compromise between the two communities and a continuing British presence in Northern Ireland. David Ford will be hoping his role as leader will have secured his South Antrim seat
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Parties in Northern Ireland Democratic Unionist Party Social Democratic and Labour

Parties in Northern Ireland

Democratic Unionist Party
Social Democratic and Labour Party

The hardline

Democratic Unionists believe that Northern Ireland should be an integral part of the United Kingdom, and have vehemently opposed both the Good Friday agreement and Sinn Féin's participation in peace talks. Ian Paisley is the leader of the party. The DUP party logo is accompanied by a lion’s head, conveying the animal best associated with England and the UK. The lion conveys strength and has been used by various parties over the years, including UKIP

The SDLP wants to achieve the reunification of Ireland through democratic means. The SDLP is a social democratic party that opposes austerity. It is also an Irish nationalist party advocating for a shared home place for all the people on the island of Ireland.