Database Design and Administration


Слайд 2

The 4th Normal Form (4NF) Definition: A table is in 4NF

The 4th Normal Form (4NF) Definition: A table is in

4NF if it is in BCNF and if it has no multi-valued dependencies.
The 4th Normal Form is concerned with the anomalies that can occur when a table fails to have the property of containing no multivalued dependencies (i.e., the anomalies that can occur when a table does have such dependencies).
We develop below a table that has these undesirable multivalued dependencies.
Слайд 3

Suppose we have some information about the hobbies of some students

Suppose we have some information about the hobbies of some students

at Enormous State University and want to put this information into a database. Suppose, in particular, that Jack Jones's hobbies are surfing the Internet and playing chess;
Lynn Lee's, photography and stamp collecting; Mary Ruiz's, surfing the Internet and photography; and Lynn Smith's, playing poker.
Слайд 4

If we (foolishly) try to put all this information into just

If we (foolishly) try to put all this information into just

one table, here is what we get.


Слайд 5

The problem is that Jack Jones, for example, has two majors

The problem is that Jack Jones, for example, has two majors

and two hobbies.
If we coupled each of his majors with just one of his hobbies (e.g., LIS with chess, or Public Affairs with surfing the Internet), we would imply that Jack plays chess only as an LIS major and surfs the Internet only as a Public Affairs major.
This would not make sense. (Note that in this relatively small and simple example, it is obvious that such restrictive pairing does not make sense.
Слайд 6

In practice, however, the problems arise in connection with much larger

In practice, however, the problems arise in connection with much larger

tables, where it may be very difficult to detect that restrictive pairing has occurred.)
To avoid such false implications, we enter all pairings of majors and hobbies for all the students. Obviously, however, this approach has the problem of redundant information.
Equally obviously, updating this table presents anomalies; for example, you can work out for yourself what would have to be added to Table7 if Jones took up tennis as a third hobby.
Слайд 7

This situation is an example of the effects of multivalued dependencies.

This situation is an example of the effects of multivalued dependencies.

A multivalued dependency occurs when
(a) a table has at least three attributes,
(b) two of the attributes are multivalued, and
(c) the values of the multivalued attributes depend on only one of the remaining attributes.
Table7 fits these specifications for the following reasons:
The LastName attribute determines multiple values of the attributes Major and Hobby, but neither of these latter attributes depends on the other; they are independent.
Слайд 8

The notation for multivalued dependency is a double arrow. In this

The notation for multivalued dependency is a double arrow. In this

example, we can write: LastName → → Major, and LastName → → Hobby. We read these expressions as, "LastName multidetermines Major" and "LastName multidetermines Hobby." Once again, single-theme tables provide the solution. We break Table7 down into the following tables.
Слайд 9

Tables 8 and 9 display, separately, the various students' majors and

Tables 8 and 9 display, separately, the various students' majors and

hobbies; and while doing so, these tables correctly avoid suggesting any connections between particular majors and particular hobbies.
Слайд 10



Слайд 11

The 5th Normal Form (5NF) and the Domain-Key Normal Form (DKNF)

The 5th Normal Form (5NF) and
the Domain-Key Normal Form (DKNF)


A table is in 5NF, also called "Projection-Join Normal Form" (PJNF), if it is in 4NF and if every join dependency in the table is a consequence of the candidate keys of the table.

Definition: A table is in DKNF if every constraint on the table is a logical consequence of the definition of keys and domains.

Слайд 12

The 5th Normal Form is difficult to illustrate in terms of

The 5th Normal Form is difficult to illustrate in terms

of relatively simple examples.
Hence, we will not attempt to illustrate the 5NF property of having every join dependency in the table be a consequence of the candidate keys of the table.
This omission is a minor one, for at least two reasons: First, in practice the 4NF is often regarded as sufficient; and second, the Domain-Key Normal Form (DKNF) subsumes the 5NF.
Слайд 13

The DKNF is important because it offers a complete solution to

The DKNF is important because it offers a complete solution to

the problem of avoiding anomalies:
A set of tables (relations) that is in DKNF is known, as a consequence of a theorem proved by Ronald Fagin in 1981, to be free of anomalies.
We do not attempt here to reproduce the proof of Fagin's theorem but merely to illustrate how the theorem can be applied in practice.
Слайд 14

The DKNF definition is this: A relation is in DKNF if

The DKNF definition is this: A relation is in DKNF if

every constraint on the relation is a logical consequence of the definitions of keys and domains.
To understand what this definition means, we begin by noting that the central ideas are embodied in the words "constraint," "key," and "domain."
By "key" Fagin means both primary keys and candidate keys.
Слайд 15

By "domain" Fagin means the set of definitions of the contents

By "domain" Fagin means the set of definitions of the contents

of attributes (columns) and any limitations on the kind of data to be stored in the columns, such as a limitation to only numeric data or only logical data; in addition, domain limitations may include such matters as the format (e.g., a limitation on numeric data to being expressed to exactly two decimal digits).
By "constraint" Fagin means any rule dealing with attributes that is clear enough so that one can decide whether the rule is upheld or broken by any set of the data with which one is dealing.
Слайд 16

There is an important qualification to be attached to the DKNF

There is an important qualification to be attached to the DKNF

definition as presented in the preceding paragraph. Fagin excludes constraints that are time-dependent or relate to changes made in data values.
That means that a time-dependent constraint (or other constraint on changes in value) may exist in a table and may fail to be a logical consequence of the definitions of keys and domains, yet the table may nevertheless be in DKNF.
Слайд 17

As an illustration, some states have a property-tax rule specifying that

As an illustration, some states have a property-tax rule specifying that

the assessed value of the primary-residence property owned by a citizen over 65 cannot be increased above the value that was assessed in the year in which the property owner turned 65.
The existence of such a rule would not, in itself, prevent a table of properties and their assessed values from being in DKNF.
Слайд 18

Achieving DKNF amounts to establishing a set of tables in each

Achieving DKNF amounts to establishing a set of tables in each

of which the constraints follow logically from (i.e., are logical consequences of) the keys and the domain definitions.
Although there is no direct procedure for converting an arbitrary table into one or more tables each of which is in DKNF, in practice the effort to replace an arbitrary table by a set of single-theme tables achieves the goal.
To show this, we consider some of the previous examples from the DKNF point of view.
Слайд 19

Converting a Table with Partial Dependencies into DKNF Tables Here once

Converting a Table with Partial Dependencies into DKNF Tables

Here once

again is the table, Table3, that we used in our discussion of the problem of partial dependencies.  Since we going to use it here, we name this copy of it Table 10.
Слайд 20

Let us consider Table 10 from the DKNF point of view.

Let us consider Table 10 from the DKNF point of view.

First, we see that the key is composite, consisting of the LastName-FirstName pair of attributes.
We see also that all other attributes in the table are dependent on this key.
But there is another significant aspect to this table: the Level attribute is dependent on the LastName attribute, i.e., Level is dependent on just part of the key. (As noted earlier, this partial dependency is contrived, but nevertheless it illustrates the problem of partial dependency.)
Because Level is dependent on just LastName, the table fails to be one in which all constraints are logical consequences of the key; hence, Table 10 is not in DKNF.
Слайд 21

From the DKNF point of view, therefore, we see that we

From the DKNF point of view, therefore, we see that we

should take the Level attribute out of Table 10 and put it in some other table, or tables, where it will be a logical consequence of the keys and domains. Clearly, a table that associates just the attributes Major and Level will achieve this.
We will also need a table that provides the necessary link between the paired attributes, FirstName and LastName, and the attribute Major. In such a table, the attribute Major will be a logical consequence of the keys and domains.
Слайд 22

Thus it appears that we need two tables, one containing just

Thus it appears that we need two tables, one containing just

Major and Level, and the other containing FirstName, LastName, and Major. We can indicate this more briefly as Table A: (Major, Level) and Table B: (FirstName, LastName, Major). Here are the tables.

(Table B as described above)

(Table A as described above)

These are single-theme tables, and we arrived at them by steps aimed at achieving DKNF.

Слайд 23

Converting a Table with Transitive Dependencies into DKNF Tables Here once

Converting a Table with Transitive Dependencies into DKNF Tables

Here once again

is the table, Table4, that we used in our discussion of transitive dependencies. Since we going to use it here, we name this copy of it Table 11.
Слайд 24

You will recall from the discussion of this table as Table4

You will recall from the discussion of this table as Table4

that it exhibits the following transitive dependencies:
Book Title → Subject,
Subject → Collection-Library,
Collection-Library → Building.
From the DKNF point of view, this means that the primary key, Book Title, is not the only thing that determines the Collection-Library attribute and the Building attribute. In turn, this means that there are constraints that are not logical consequences of the key and, hence, that the table is not in DKNF.
Слайд 25

Reasoning from the DKNF point of view, we would like to

Reasoning from the DKNF point of view, we would like to

have a table in which the Building attribute is a logical consequence of the key; constructing a table containing the Collection-Library and Building attributes, with Collection-Library as key, will accomplish that.
Again from the DKNF point of view, we would like to have a table in which the Collection-Library attribute is a logical consequence of the key; clearly, a table containing Subject (as key) and Collection-Library suffices.
Слайд 26

The same point of view leads us to desire a table

The same point of view leads us to desire a table

in which the Author First Name and Author Last Name attributes will be a logical consequence of the key; such a table is one that contains Book Title (as key), Author First Name, and Author Last Name.
Finally, a table that contains Book Title (as key) and Subject will be
(1) a table in which the attribute Subject will be a logical consequence of the key and
(2) a table that provides the necessary connection between Title and Subject.
Слайд 27

Thus from the DKNF point of view, we are led to the same tables as previously:

Thus from the DKNF point of view, we are led to

the same tables as previously:
Слайд 28

Here we have arrived at these same tables by considering how

Here we have arrived at these same tables by considering how

the information in Table12 (the same information as in Table4) should be re-arranged from the DKNF point of view.
Слайд 29

Converting into DKNF a Table in Which Not Every Determinant Is a Candidate Key

Converting into DKNF a Table in Which Not Every Determinant Is

a Candidate Key
Слайд 30

You will recall from the discussion of this table as Table

You will recall from the discussion of this table as Table

6 that one determinant is the pair of attributes, SSN and Major, which determines Adviser; another determinant is the pair, SSN and Adviser, which determines Major; and still another is Adviser alone, which also determines Major. And you will recall that the candidate keys are the pairs, SSN-Major and SSN-Adviser. The third determinant, Adviser, is not a candidate key.
From the DKNF point of view, we reason as follows: If we choose SSN-Adviser as the key, then Major is determined by, and hence is a logical consequence of, this key, If, instead, we choose SSN-Major as the key, then Adviser is determined by, and hence is a logical consequence of, this alternative key. But in either case, the third constraint, viz., that Adviser determines Major, is not a logical consequence of the key. Hence, the table is not in DKNF.
Слайд 31

In order to move from this table to a set of

In order to move from this table to a set of

tables in DKNF, we can argue. from the DKNF point of view, that we need to move Major into a table in which it will be a logical consequence of the key.
Such a table would obviously need to have Adviser as the key.
If we put Adviser and Major into such a table, then we will need at least one other table, viz., a table that provides the necessary link between SSN and Adviser, so that we will know who each student's adviser is.
Once we have put SSN and Adviser into such a table, there is nothing further that needs to be done.
Слайд 32

These are the tables presented in Here we have arrived at

These are the tables presented in Here we have arrived at

these same tables by considering how the information in Table13 (the same information as in Table6) should be re-arranged from the DKNF point of view.
Слайд 33

Converting a Table with Multivalued Dependencies into DKNF

Converting a Table with Multivalued Dependencies into DKNF

Слайд 34

If we analyze Table 14 from the DKNF point of view,

If we analyze Table 14 from the DKNF point of view,

the first thing we see is that the key in the table is composite.
It is the triple, LastName-Major-Hobby.
But in an intuitive sense, the natural key would be just LastName, since we know that there are just four students involved and that we are trying to present data about their majors and their hobbies.
The complications arise because some of the students have more than one major and/or more than one hobby.
Another way of putting it is that the complications of the table arise from the fact that we are trying to display, in just one table, more information than it is practicable to display in a single table.
Слайд 35

From the DKNF point of view, we have two constraints. One

From the DKNF point of view, we have two constraints.

constraint concerns the natural key, LastName, and the attribute, Major.
If we set up one table that houses these attributes, then the constraint on Major will be a logical consequence of the key, LastName.
The other constraint concerns the natural key, LastName, and the attribute, Hobby.
If we set up a second table that houses these attributes, then the constraint on Hobby will be a logical consequence of the key, LastName.
Having set up these two tables, we will find that there is nothing further to be done.
Слайд 36

These are the tables presented in Here we have arrived at

These are the tables presented in Here we have arrived at

these same tables by considering how the information in Table14 (the same information as in Table7) should be re-arranged from the DKNF point of view.
Слайд 37



Слайд 38