Oracle Clusterware. Installation and configuration


Слайд 2

Objectives After completing this lesson, you should be able to: Describe


After completing this lesson, you should be able to:
Describe the installation

of Oracle RAC 11g
Perform RAC preinstallation tasks
Perform cluster setup tasks
Install Oracle Clusterware
Слайд 3

Oracle RAC 11g Installation Oracle RAC 11g incorporates a two-phase installation

Oracle RAC 11g Installation

Oracle RAC 11g incorporates a two-phase installation process:

one installs Oracle Clusterware.
Phase two installs the Oracle Database 11g software with RAC.
Слайд 4

Слайд 5

Oracle RAC 11g Installation: Outline Complete preinstallation tasks: Hardware requirements Software

Oracle RAC 11g Installation: Outline

Complete preinstallation tasks:
Hardware requirements
Software requirements
Environment configuration, kernel

parameters, and so on
Perform Oracle Clusterware installation.
Perform ASM installation.
Perform Oracle Database 11g software installation.
Install EM agent on cluster nodes if using Grid Control.
Perform cluster database creation.
Complete postinstallation tasks.
Слайд 6

Windows and UNIX Installation Differences Startup and shutdown services Environment variables

Windows and UNIX Installation Differences

Startup and shutdown services
Environment variables
DBA account

for database administrators
Account for running OUI
Слайд 7

Preinstallation Tasks Check system requirements. Check software requirements. Check kernel parameters.

Preinstallation Tasks

Check system requirements.
Check software requirements.
Check kernel parameters.
Create groups and users.

cluster setup.
Слайд 8

Hardware Requirements At least 1 GB of physical memory is needed.

Hardware Requirements

At least 1 GB of physical memory is needed.
A minimum

of 1 GB of swap space is required.
The /tmp directory should be at least 400 MB.
The Oracle Database 11g software requires up to 4 GB of disk space.

# grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
MemTotal: 1126400 kB

# grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo
SwapTotal: 1566328 kB

# df -k /tmp
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use%
/dev/sda6 6198556 3137920 2745756 54%

Слайд 9

Network Requirements Each node must have at least two network adapters.

Network Requirements

Each node must have at least two network adapters.
Each public

network adapter must support TCP/IP.
The interconnect adapter must support User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
The host name and IP address associated with the public interface must be registered in the domain name service (DNS) or the /etc/hosts file.
Слайд 10

Virtual IP Addresses and RAC ERP=(DESCRIPTION= ((HOST=clusnode-1vip)) ((HOST=clusnode-2vip)) (SERVICE_NAME=ERP)) clnode-1 ERP=(DESCRIPTION=

Virtual IP Addresses and RAC

ERP=(DESCRIPTION= ((HOST=clusnode-1vip))


ERP=(DESCRIPTION= ((HOST=clusnode-1))

Timeout wait























Слайд 11

RAC Network Software Requirements Supported interconnect software protocols are required: TCP/IP

RAC Network Software Requirements

Supported interconnect software protocols are required:
Reliable Data Gram

Ring is not supported on AIX platforms.
Слайд 12

Package Requirements Package versions are checked by the cluvfy utility. For

Package Requirements

Package versions are checked by the cluvfy utility.
For example, required

packages and versions for Red Hat 4.0 and Oracle Enterprise Linux 4 include:
Слайд 13

Required UNIX Groups and Users Create an oracle user, a dba,

Required UNIX Groups and Users

Create an oracle user, a dba, and

an oinstall group on each node:
Verify the existence of the nobody nonprivileged user:

# groupadd -g 500 oinstall
# groupadd -g 501 dba
# useradd -u 500 -d /home/oracle -g "oinstall" \ –G "dba" -m -s /bin/bash oracle

# grep nobody /etc/passwd

Слайд 14

oracle User Environment Set umask to 022. Set the DISPLAY environment

oracle User Environment

Set umask to 022.
Set the DISPLAY environment variable.
Set the

ORACLE_BASE environment variable.
Set the TMP and TMPDIR variables, if needed.

$ cd
$ vi .bash_profile
umask 022
ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
TMP=/u01/mytmp; export TMP

Слайд 15

User Shell Limits Add the following lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:

User Shell Limits

Add the following lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:
Add the

following line to the /etc/pam.d/login file:

* soft nproc 2047
* hard nproc 16384
* soft nofile 1024
* hard nofile 65536

session required /lib/security/

Слайд 16

Configuring for Remote Installation To configure Secure Shell: Create the public

Configuring for Remote Installation

To configure Secure Shell:
Create the public and private

keys on all nodes:
Concatenate from all nodes into the authorized_keys file on the first node:
Copy the authorized_keys file to the other nodes:

[vx0044]$ /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t dsa
[vx0045]$ /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t dsa

[vx0044]$ ssh vx0044 "cat ~/.ssh/" >> \ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
[vx0044]$ ssh vx0045 "cat ~/.ssh/" >> \ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

[vx0044]$ scp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys vx0045:/home/oracle/.ssh/

Слайд 17

Слайд 18

Required Directories for the Oracle Database Software You must identify five

Required Directories for the Oracle Database Software

You must identify five directories

for the Oracle database software:
Oracle base directory
Oracle inventory directory
Oracle Clusterware home directory
Oracle home directory for the database
Oracle home directory for ASM
Слайд 19

Слайд 20

Linux Operating System Parameters

Linux Operating System Parameters

Слайд 21

Слайд 22

Cluster Setup Tasks View the Certifications by Product section at

Cluster Setup Tasks

View the Certifications by Product section at
Verify your

high-speed interconnects.
Determine the shared storage (disk) option for your system:
OCFS or other shared file system solution
Raw devices
ASM cannot be used for the OCR and Voting Disk files!
Install the necessary operating system patches.
Слайд 23

Verifying Cluster Setup with cluvfy Install the cvuqdisk rpm required for

Verifying Cluster Setup with cluvfy

Install the cvuqdisk rpm required for cluvfy:

the cluvfy utility as oracle as shown below:

# su root
# cd /stage/db/rpm
# export CVUQDISK_GRP=dba
# rpm -iv cvuqdisk-1.0.1-1.rpm

# cd /stage/db
./ stage -post hwos -n all -verbose

Слайд 24

Installing Oracle Clusterware $ export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle $ /stage/db/runInstaller

Installing Oracle Clusterware

$ export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
$ /stage/db/runInstaller

Слайд 25

Specifying the Inventory Directory

Specifying the Inventory Directory

Слайд 26

Specify Home Details

Specify Home Details

Слайд 27

Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks

Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks

Слайд 28

Cluster Configuration

Cluster Configuration

Слайд 29

Private Interconnect Enforcement

Private Interconnect Enforcement

Слайд 30

Oracle Cluster Registry File

Oracle Cluster Registry File

Слайд 31

Voting Disk File

Voting Disk File

Слайд 32

Summary and Install

Summary and Install

Слайд 33

Run Configuration Scripts on All Nodes

Run Configuration Scripts on All Nodes

Слайд 34

End of Installation

End of Installation

Слайд 35

Verifying the Oracle Clusterware Installation Check for Oracle Clusterware processes with

Verifying the Oracle Clusterware Installation

Check for Oracle Clusterware processes with the

ps command.
Check the Oracle Clusterware startup entries in the /etc/inittab file.

# cat /etc/inittab
# Run xdm in runlevel 5
x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon
h1:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.evmd run >/dev/null 2>&1 h2:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.cssd fatal >/dev/null 2>&1 h3:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.crsd run >/dev/null 2>&1

Слайд 36

Слайд 37

Summary In this lesson, you should have learned how to: Describe


In this lesson, you should have learned how to:
Describe the installation

of Oracle RAC 11g
Perform RAC preinstallation tasks
Perform cluster setup tasks
Install Oracle Clusterware