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WEB WORKERS Web Workers allow you to perform long in time


Web Workers allow you to perform long in time and

complex tasks without blocking the user interface, i.e. performing complex work, the browser will continue to respond quickly to user actions. Web Workers run on a separate, isolated thread, so the Web Workers code must be kept in a separate file. They do not have access to the "window" and "document" objects, i.e. Web Workers cannot directly manipulate user interface graphics
Examples of tasks where you should consider using Web Workers:
preloading data
large data caching
analysis of text/audio/video according to various criteria
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WEB WORKERS To start working with Web Workers, you need to


To start working with Web Workers, you need to create

Worker object type, the parameter of which specifies the name of the file with the code. If the specified file does not exist, there will be a 404 error and the object will not be created
The interaction between the main thread of the Web page and the Web Workers is based on the event system and message passing:
to transfer data, the postMessage(data) method is used, the parameter of which is the data to be transferred
to receive data, the "message" event is used, into the handler of which an object of the MessageEvent type will be passed, the "data" property of which contains the transferred data
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WEB WORKERS Please note, that the postMessage() method and the "message"


Please note, that the postMessage() method and the "message" event

are used by both the main thread of the Web page and Web Workers, i.e. if the main thread of the Web page wants to transfer data to Web Workers, it calls postMessage(), the same does the Web Workers if it wants to transfer data to the main thread of the Web page
There are two ways to stop Web Workers:
call the terminate() method on the main thread of the web page
call close() method inside Web Workers
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WEB WORKERS To demonstrate how Web Workers work, let's create the


To demonstrate how Web Workers work, let's create the following

index.js – the code of the main thread of the Web page
worker.js – Web Workers code
index.html – Web page, only needed to include index.js
Please note, that the files must be placed on any available server. If you run the code without a server, directly in the browser, Web Workers will not work
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WEB WORKERS index.js file: const w = new Worker("worker.js"); w.addEventListener("message", (e)


index.js file:
const w = new Worker("worker.js");
w.addEventListener("message", (e) => {

<- Worker:", e.data);
w.postMessage("Hello Worker!");
setTimeout(() => w.postMessage("Hello World!"), 1000);
setTimeout(() => w.postMessage("stop"), 2000);
We create Worker object type. Add a handler to the "message" event to receive messages from Web Workers. We send data three times with a small delay
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WEB WORKERS worker.js file: console.log("Worker started"); addEventListener("message", (e) => { if


worker.js file:
console.log("Worker started");
addEventListener("message", (e) => {
if (e.data !== "stop")

console.log("Main -> Worker:", e.data);
postMessage("data received");
} else {
console.log("Worker stopped");
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WEB WORKERS We display the start of work in the browser


We display the start of work in the browser console.

Add a handler to the "message" event to receive messages from the main thread of the Web page. If the main thread of the Web page passes the string "stop", we stop working
After running the code, the browser console will display the following output:
Worker started
Main -> Worker: Hello Worker!
Main <- Worker: data received
Main -> Worker: Hello World!
Main <- Worker: data received
Worker stopped
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WEB WORKERS During the execution of Web Workers, errors may occur,


During the execution of Web Workers, errors may occur, the

"error" event is responsible for handling errors, and an error object and its useful properties will be passed to its handler:
filename – the name of the file that contains the script that caused the error
lineno – the line number where the error occurred
message – error description
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WEB WORKERS An example of error handling. index.js file: const w


An example of error handling. index.js file:
const w = new

w.addEventListener("error", (e) => {
console.log("File:", e.filename);
console.log("Error in", e.lineno, "line");
console.log("Message:", e.message);
w.postMessage("Hello Worker!");
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WEB WORKERS worker.js file: console.log("Worker started"); addEventListener("message", (e) => { console.log(x);


worker.js file:
console.log("Worker started");
addEventListener("message", (e) => {
After running the code,

the browser console will display the following output:
Worker started
File: http://localhost:3000/worker.js
Error in 5 line
Message: Uncaught ReferenceError: x is not defined