Egypt. Historical Overview

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Egypt The Egyptian state is one of the oldest on earth.


The Egyptian state is one of the oldest on earth.

Its history begins around 3500 BC. since the foundation of the first settlements.
The word Egypt is of Greek origin and was originally spoken as Egiptos. The capital of Egypt was the city of Memphis.
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Egypt Historical Overview Ancient Egypt was the birthplace of one of


Historical Overview
Ancient Egypt was the birthplace of one of the

World’s greatest civilizations. It was far more advanced than European tribes of the same time period, who were still in the Stone Age.
Located in the northeast corner of Africa, Egypt grew to be an important civilization for over three hundred years because of the Nile River.
Egypt was originally divided into two kingdoms: Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.
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Egypt Pharaoh Pharaoh was believed by the Egyptians to be the


Pharaoh was believed by the Egyptians to be the supreme

ruler chosen by the gods to lead his people. They believed that when a man became a pharaoh, he also became a god. To keep the bloodline of the gods pure, pharaohs often married their sisters, mothers, and cousins.
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Egypt Major Time Periods of Egypt -The Old Kingdom When the


Major Time Periods of Egypt
-The Old Kingdom
When the pharaohs

the pyramids
-The Middle Kingdom
When training and military explorers were sent out to expand Egypt’s boundaries
-The New Kingdom
Ending with Queen Cleopatra losing her land to Augustus Caesar and Rome
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Egypt Life after Death The ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife


Life after Death
The ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife of

beauty, peace, and contentment.
Since most of their lives were filled with hard work, they looked forward to death as a release from this lifetime.
They believed their souls would need to use their bodies again, so the Egyptians invented a process to embalm their bodies called mummification.
Wealthy could afford better mummification than the poor.
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Egypt King Tut Tutankhamen, or King Tut, for short was called


King Tut
Tutankhamen, or King Tut, for short was called “The

Boy King”.
He became pharaoh when he was nine years old. During the year 1350 B.C.
He lived in a beautiful palace in the city of Thebes. He had servants who did everything for him. They believed him to be a god.
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Egypt Modern history of egypt By 1914, Egypt turned out to


Modern history of egypt
By 1914, Egypt turned out to be

a British colony and remained until 1936, after which it gained independence.