The Road to Revolution

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The first American Revolution is called the War of independence of

The first American Revolution is called the War of independence of

the United States in the 18th century. It lasted from April 19, 1775 to September 3, 1783. It was attended not only by North American colonies and the metropolis, that is, Great Britain, but also by Indian tribes, foreign volunteers and some European states - Holland, France, Spain.

the War of independence of the United States

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Background and start The result of the British colonization of the

Background and start

The result of the British colonization of the eastern

coast of North America in the 17th-18th centuries was the appearance of a significant amount of the white population there, which was opposed to the metropolis. In short, the reason was the royal policy of introducing new fees and charges.
Two events served as the reason for the revolution in the United States: • "Boston Tea Party" in December 1773 - a protest of the colonists against government tariffs, which resulted in the destruction of a cargo of tea in Boston Harbor; • The First Continental Congress in Philadelphia in September-October 1774.
The fighting began on April 19, 1775 near the city of Concord. From this date begins the first stage of the American War of Independence.
The key historical figure, whose name is associated with the struggle for the independence of the North American colonies, was George Washington.
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The course of the war and its results The second stage

The course of the war and its results

The second stage

of the war began with the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
In August 1776, the Americans were defeated at Long Island, and were soon at White Plains. George Washington was able to take revenge in the winter at the end of December 1776 and at the beginning of January 1777 at the battles of Trenton and Princeton.
In October 1777, the Americans won their first major victory over the British at the Battle of Saratoga.
In 1778, France entered the war on the side of the Americans. The main battle of that year was Monmouth, which ended in a draw. In 1779, Spain joined the anti-British coalition, and from 1780, the Netherlands.
There were no successes on the continent, so at the end of 1782 peace negotiations began in Paris. The peace treaty was signed in the capital of France on September 3, 1783.
Great Britain recognized the United States, but retained the Canadian provinces, where many loyalists emigrated. The British also ceded the island of Minorca and Florida to the Spanish.
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Results In 1783 the 13 colonies became the US. They developed


In 1783 the 13 colonies became the US.
They developed the Articles

of Confederation,a plan to work together as one nation.
George Washington was elected the 1st president of the US in 1789.
The Constitution of the Us as a system of fundamental laws of the USA was ratified in 1787.
The Bill of Rights.