Unesko world heritage sites in Belarus


Слайд 2

Belarus joined UNESCO in 1954 and has maintained fruitful and dynamic

Belarus joined UNESCO in 1954 and has maintained fruitful and dynamic

relations with this international organization for many years. In October 1988, Belarus acceded to the Convention for the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage. Today, 4 objects located on the territory of Belarus are included in the UNESCO world heritage List.
Слайд 3

Animals of Belovezhskaya Pushcha Nesvizh Park and Palace complex Mir Castle

Animals of Belovezhskaya Pushcha
Nesvizh Park and Palace complex
Mir Castle
Geodetic points

of the Struve Arc


Слайд 4

The national Park Belovezhskaya Pushcha

The national Park Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Слайд 5

During the First world war, when the reserve was captured by

During the First world war, when the reserve was captured by

German troops, it was irreparably damaged, there was a felling of valuable century-old trees. However, European bison, exterminated everywhere, were preserved as a species only in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. It was transferred to the territory of the Soviet Union in 1939 and received the status of a reserve, and in 1992 it was included in the UNESCO world heritage list.
Слайд 6

Estate Of Santa Claus

Estate Of Santa Claus

Слайд 7

Flora of Belovezhskaya Pushcha and animals

Flora of Belovezhskaya Pushcha and animals

Слайд 8

Ramoplanin Vasileshnikova Dark Geranium European Barleycorn Large Astrance Red Pollen Head

Ramoplanin Vasileshnikova

Dark Geranium

European Barleycorn


Pollen Head




Trees and plants included in

the Red Book
Слайд 9

Wolf Fox Wild Boar Brown Bear Lynx Elk Red Deer Roe Animals of Belovezhskaya Pushcha



Wild Boar

Brown Bear



Red Deer


Animals of Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Слайд 10

Museum of nature

Museum of nature

Слайд 11

Palace in Nesvizh

Palace in Nesvizh

Слайд 12

Nesvizh Palace and Park complex with diverse architecture and the largest

Nesvizh Palace and Park complex with diverse architecture and the largest

landscape Park is the most beautiful place in Belarus and one of the most popular attractions of the country. 
Слайд 13

The castle was rebuilt many times and as a result acquired

The castle was rebuilt many times and as a result acquired

the appearance of a Palace, combining features of many architectural styles: Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, classicism, neo-Gothic, modernism. 
Слайд 14

The library of 10 thousand books and the archive were taken to St. Petersburg.

The library of 10 thousand books and the archive were taken

to St. Petersburg.
Слайд 15

Mir Castle

Mir Castle

Слайд 16

The castle complex "Mir" is an object with a well-developed infrastructure:

The castle complex "Mir" is an object with a well-developed infrastructure:

two conference halls for high-level events, a hotel with 16 rooms, a restaurant with dishes of ancient cuisine, a souvenir shop with products of Belarusian masters.
Слайд 17

The castle has a tour service, there are many thematic tours

The castle has a tour service, there are many thematic tours

of various parts of the complex, such as "the Wars of the XX century", "The owners of the Mir castle" and others. Excursions are conducted in Russian, English and Polish, there is a possibility to rent an audio guide. You can order the organization of thematic theatrical performances, as well as quests around the castle, for 10-50 participants. There are also separate historical programs for schoolchildren.
Слайд 18

A walk through the castle will take You to ancient times,

A walk through the castle will take You to ancient times,

from time to time You will find yourself in stone labyrinths, climb and descend spiral stairs, see the knight's armor with wings, which dressed knights in the Commonwealth in the XVII century.
Слайд 19

The stacked ceiling with gilding

The stacked ceiling with gilding

Слайд 20

Geodetic points of the Struve Arc

Geodetic points of the Struve Arc

Слайд 21

Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve The work was carried out under the

Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve

The work was carried out under the guidance

of the famous Russian astronomer and surveyor of those times - Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve.
Слайд 22

All geodetic points of the Struve Arc are located in Belarus

All geodetic points of the Struve Arc are located in Belarus

near Grodno and Brest and have names corresponding to the names of nearby villages:  «Lopaty», «Tupishki», «Сhekutsk», «Osovnitsa», «Leskovichi».