Prophetic and Apocalyptic Divination: What Makes the Difference?

Слайд 2

Prophecy or wisdom? Break or continuity? SBL Denver 2001 Grabbe: A

Prophecy or wisdom?
Break or continuity?
SBL Denver 2001
Grabbe: A is a subdivision

of P; both are forms of divination
Collins: distinction between P and A is necessary; divination is not a helpful category
Current models:
Overlap between late P and early A (Cook)
A secondary transformation of P (Hendel)
A as inheritance and continuation of P (Najman, Høgenhaven)


Prophecy and Apocalypticism: status quaestionis

Слайд 3

What is being compared Texts can be compared with texts How

What is being compared
Texts can be compared with texts
How to compare

phenomena with phenomena?
Apocalypticism: literary definition (genre-based)
Prophecy: social definition (prophet-based)
Can the map include both?


Teologinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi

Comparative Asymmetry

Слайд 4

Apocalypticism: a phenomenon of the Hellenistic world Greek, Mesopotamian, Persian, Egyptian

Apocalypticism: a phenomenon of the Hellenistic world
Greek, Mesopotamian, Persian, Egyptian rootage

a network of ideas and practices
Divination: the art of acquiring superhuman knowledge
Inductive/technical: extispicy, astrology, augury, exorcism, etc.
Non-inductive/inspired: prophecy, dreams, visions, etc.


Teologinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi

Prophecies and Apocalypses as Divination

Слайд 5

24.5.2021 Teologinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi


Teologinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi

Слайд 6

Yehud Decline of oral prophetic performance Rise of scribal interpretation of

Decline of oral prophetic performance
Rise of scribal interpretation of existing

Creation of a new type of literature: the prophetic book
Decline of oral prophetic performance and extispicy (bārûtu )
Rise of exorcism (āšipūtu) and interpretation of intellectual tradition
Scholarly agency: intellectual leadership


Teologinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi

Changes in Divinatory Culture

Слайд 7

Apocalypse: a mix of inductive and non-inductive divination Direct divine revelation

Apocalypse: a mix of inductive and non-inductive divination
Direct divine revelation

– prophetic process of transmission
Learned interpretation of textual material and its appropriation in a new setting
Diverse roots: not either/or but both/and
Prophetic books and other authoritative texts
Mesopotamian astronomy and āšipūtu
Persian motifs


Teologinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi

Apocalypticism: A New Type of Divination