Mikhail Lomonosov Vasilyevich

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Mikhail Lomonosov Vasilyevich

Mikhail Lomonosov Vasilyevich

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The son of a fisherman from the run-down village of Denisovka,

The son of a fisherman from the run-down village of Denisovka,

on the far northern edge of Russia. He was the first of the peasants to become a member of the Russian and Swedish Academies of Sciences, a nobleman, a scientist recognized in Russia and throughout Europe. Russian Russian Russian scientist-naturalist of world significance, poet, who laid the foundations of the modern Russian literary language, artist, historian, champion of paternal enlightenment, the development of Russian science and economy. In 1730, he entered the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow. In November 1735, among the 12 best students were sent to study. After returning to Moscow( 1745), Lomonosov became the first Russian professor, engaged in research in mathematics, physics, astronomy, geography, geology, biology, chemistry, linguistics, philosophy, history. MIKHAIL V. LOMONOSOV (1711-1765)
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Russian Russian language developed the rules, compiled the book "Russian grammar";

Russian Russian language developed the rules, compiled the book "Russian grammar";

In 1751. published "Collection of various works in verse and prose by Mikhail Lomonosov". In 1755, on the initiative of Lomonosov, the Moscow University was founded, " open to all persons ", and not only for the nobles. CREATING A BOOK " RUSSIAN GRAMMAR»
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In 1736, at the age of 25, Lomonosov, along with two

In 1736, at the age of 25, Lomonosov, along with two

other graduates of the academy, went to Germany for further training. Lomonosov spent five years abroad: about 3 years at the University of Marburg, under the guidance of the famous Christian Wolf, and about a year in Freiberg, with Henkel; about a year he spent on the move, was in Holland. This time he devoted not only to the natural sciences-chemistry and physics, but also to the applied sciences-metallurgy and mining, as well as to the study of European literature and even translations of poems. STUDY LOMONOSOV MIKHAIL VASILYEVICH
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One of Lomonosov's outstanding achievements was his corpuscular-kinetic theory of heat,

One of Lomonosov's outstanding achievements was his corpuscular-kinetic theory of heat,

where he anticipated many hypotheses and propositions of theories of the structure of matter, which became relevant only a hundred years later. In his works in the 1740s, he claims that all substances consist of corpuscles-molecules, which, in turn, are "collections" of elements — atoms. At the same time, Lomonosov laid the foundations of physical chemistry, which explains chemical phenomena based on the laws of physics and the theory of the structure of matter. OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS OF LOMONOSOV
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In the 1750s, Lomonosov developed the theory of electricity, actively studying

In the 1750s, Lomonosov developed the theory of electricity, actively studying

atmospheric electricity — that is, lightning. In the course of these joint studies with G. V. Rikhman, the first electric measuring device for experimental observation was developed — the "electric pointer", as well as the" Thunder Machine " for stable observation of electricity contained in the atmosphere in any weather. One of the scientific tragedies is connected with this: on July 26, 1753, during the experiments, G. V. Richman was killed by a lightning strike, which was used by the opponents of scientists in the Academy of Sciences. DEVELOPS THE THEORY OF ELECTRICITY
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Another discipline, the founder of which is Lomonosov, is the science

Another discipline, the founder of which is Lomonosov, is the science

of glass. Having established the Chemical Laboratory in 1748, the first research laboratory in Russia, he began to conduct experimental research in it on the chemistry and technology of silicates, in particular glasses. Here he conducted more than four thousand experiments and developed the technology of colored glasses, which he then applied in the industrial cooking of colored glass and to create products from it. At the same time, Lomonosov was developing his own theory of light and color. LOMONOSOV WAS THE FIRST IN RUSSIA TO ENGAGE IN COLORED GLASS