Complete Oral Care

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EMERGENCY CARE At MyDental we realize that emergencies are not predictable.


At MyDental we realize that emergencies are not predictable. If

ignored they can be life threatening or cause costly permanent damage. We offer same day compassionate emergency care to take your pain away. Our office has flexible hours to include weekends to evaluate and treat your emergency quickly and confidently. If you are experiencing an emergency call us immediately!

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COSMETIC MAKEOVER In my practice I consistently meet patients who tell


In my practice I consistently meet patients who tell me

they are so embarrassed about the appearance of their teeth that they avoid interpersonal interactions. To hide their teeth they avoid speaking with others, smiling, taking pictures and even stop dating which leads to social isolation. MyDental offers multiple options to smile like you mean it because when you look good, you feel good. “

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Tooth Replacement Options Overtime neighboring teeth will naturally tilt into the

Tooth Replacement Options

Overtime neighboring teeth will naturally tilt into the gap

causing the bite to collapse impairing the ability to chew. Additionally, the jawbone will deteriorate causing your gums to recede creating gum defects and a weakened jawbone. Our main goal is to save all of your natural teeth where possible and replace the missing teeth to encourage long lasting health, functionality and quality of life. At MyDental your oral health is our priority.

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Dental Implants Look great starting at $105/month with a free implant consultation*

Dental Implants

Look great starting at $105/month with a free implant consultation*

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Dental Crowns & Bridges Smile confidently and widely starting at under $100/month*

Dental Crowns & Bridges

Smile confidently and widely starting at under $100/month*

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Dentures Customized full and partial plates less than $50/month


Customized full and partial plates less than $50/month