Food, science, hygiene. (Chapter 2)


Слайд 2

Foodborn contamination Ensuring the safety of food is the managers most

Foodborn contamination

Ensuring the safety of food is the managers most important

A thorough understanding of the causes and prevention of various types of contamination can help you keep the food safe.
Слайд 3

Biological Contamination Microorganisms are small, living beings that can only be

Biological Contamination

Microorganisms are small, living beings that can only be seen

with a microscope.
Helpful Bacteria
Yeast for bread, Rennet for cheese
Harmful Bacteria
cause food poisoning, Pathogens
Слайд 4

Bacteria Smallest living celled organisms Found in Food, Water, Soil, Humans,


Smallest living celled organisms
Found in Food, Water, Soil, Humans, Insects
They can

reproduce every 20 mins ( double )
Some can survive freezing
Some can turn into spores to protect themselves
Some can produce toxins as they multiply, die and break-down. These are not destroyed by cooking
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Bacteria growth pattern

Bacteria growth pattern

Слайд 6

Bacterial Growth continued There are 4 phases that bacteria go through

Bacterial Growth continued

There are 4 phases that bacteria go through
Lag phase…

Starting to adjust to environment
Log Phase… In favorable conditions Rapid growth
Stationary phase… Nutrients used and waste accumulates
Death phase… nothing left to support growth, and all waste, bacteria die
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Bacterial Growth Chart Bacterial Growth

Bacterial Growth Chart

Bacterial Growth

Слайд 8

Bacterial Growth

Bacterial Growth

Слайд 9

FOOD All food is susceptible to microorganisms, however they grow best


All food is susceptible to microorganisms, however they grow best in

foods that are high in protein, and/or Carbohydrates
Meat, Poultry, eggs
Dairy products. Milk, Cheese, cream
Слайд 10

Acidity (pH) This is a measurement of the degree of Acidity

Acidity (pH)

This is a measurement of the degree of Acidity or

Alkalinity. The scale is 0 – 14
A pH of 7 is neutral.
Bacteria grow best between 4.6 to 7.5
0 7 14
Acidity ----------Neutral-----------Alkalinity
Слайд 11

TEMPERATURE Bacteria grow best between the temperature of 5 degrees c


Bacteria grow best between the temperature of
5 degrees c and

60 degrees c
(Temperature danger Zone)
They will begin multiplying again if given the correct conditions
Слайд 12

MOISTURE There must be adequate moisture for bacteria to grow. The


There must be adequate moisture for bacteria to grow. The amount

of moisture available is defined as water activity (aw)
It is measured on a scale 0 through 1
with 1 = to 100% of water available for the bacteria to use
Bacteria grows best between 0.85 – 0.97
Dried foods. Dried milk is 0.2 Crackers 0.3
Слайд 13

CONTROLING THE GROWTH OF MICROORGANISMS Adding lactic or citric acid (Vinegar/


Adding lactic or citric acid (Vinegar/ Lemon)

Adding sugar or salt (lower water activity) aw
Vacuum packing ( deny oxygen)
Don’t allow food to stay at temperatures between 5 – 60 degrees c (the danger zone)
Prepare small batches if possible
Слайд 14

VIRUSES Viruses are the smallest of the microbial contaminants. They consist


Viruses are the smallest of the microbial contaminants. They consist of

genetic material wrapped with an outer layer of protein.
Whilst a virus cannot reproduce outside a living cell, once inside a human cell, it will produce more viruses, such as Hepatitis A
Слайд 15

BASIC CARACTERISTICS OF VIRUSES Unlike bacteria they rely on a living


Unlike bacteria they rely on a living cell

to reproduce
They are not complete cells
They do not reproduce in food
Some may survive freezing and cooking
They can be transmitted from person to person
They can be transmitted from people to food
Usually transmitted by improper hygiene
They can contaminate both food and water supplies
Слайд 16

PARASITES Parasites need a live host to survive Person, Animal or


Parasites need a live host to survive
Person, Animal or Plant
Cattle, Poultry,

Pigs and Fish
Vegetables and Fruit
Usually passed to humans by meat or Fish
Ensure food is from an approved source
Use proper cooking to avoid cross contamination
Use clean water, and follow personal hygiene
Слайд 17

MOULDS Individual mould cells can usually be seen only with a


Individual mould cells can usually be seen only with a microscope,

however fuzzy or slimy mould colonies consisting of a large number of cells are often visible to the naked eye.
Bread mould is an example.
Слайд 18

MOULDS continued Moulds are responsible for the spoilage of food, that

MOULDS continued

Moulds are responsible for the spoilage of food, that results

in discoloration and the formation of odours and off-flavors
Moulds can grow on most foods at most temperatures in most environments… moist, dry, high or low pH, salty or sweet
They prefer to grow on and in acidic food with a low water activity
Examples;- Fruit, Vegetables, Meat, Cheese, Bread
Слайд 19

MOULDS continued Some moulds produce toxins that can cause allergic reaction,

MOULDS continued

Some moulds produce toxins that can cause allergic reaction, nervous

system disorders and kidney and liver damage.
Corn, and Corn products
Peanuts and peanut products
Brazil nuts, Pecans, pistachio and wallnuts have all been associated with aflatoxins.
Слайд 20

BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF FOODBORN MOULDS continued Trim back or throw away


Trim back or throw away moldy

food unless the mould is a natural part of the food
Gorgonzola, Blue, Brie, Camembert
NOTE: While mould cells can be killed by heating them, toxins that may be present are NOT destroyed by normal cooking methods
Слайд 21

YEASTS Yeast is best known for producing bread and beer, however


Yeast is best known for producing bread and beer, however
Yeast can

spoil food by giving of carbon dioxide and alcohol as it slowly consumes the food, leaving a smell or taste of alcohol
Yeast prefers the same conditions as moulds
Слайд 22

BIOLOGICAL TOXINS Ciguatera poisoning… reef fish Paralytic poisoning… shell fish Scombroid


Ciguatera poisoning… reef fish
Paralytic poisoning… shell fish
Scombroid poisoning… spoiled fish

plants may be toxic in their raw state, but safe when properly cooked
Some beans may be toxic if eaten raw or uncooked,
Examples;- Fava beans, Red kidney beans
Слайд 23

CHEMICAL CONTAMINATION Chemical contaminants are responsible for many cases of foodborne


Chemical contaminants are responsible for many cases of foodborne illness,

they may come from a variety of substances normally found in restaurants and foodservice establishments… these include Toxic metals
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TOXIC METALS Utensils and equipment that contain toxic metals such as


Utensils and equipment that contain toxic metals such as Lead,

Copper, Brass, Zinc, can cause a toxic poisoning. If acidic food is stored in or prepared using these types of utensils or equipment it can leach toxins into the food.
Tomato sauce in copper,
Lemonade in pewter
Слайд 25

CHEMICALS AND PESTICIDES Chemicals such as cleaning products, polishes, lubricants and


Chemicals such as cleaning products, polishes, lubricants and sanitizers

can contaminate food
Always read manufactures instructions
Store away from food in locked cupboard
Always…. leave in original containers
Never…. transfer into other containers
Some chemical combinations can KILL !!!
(bleach & ammonia)
Слайд 26

PHYSICAL CONTAMINATION Physical contamination can occur when foreign objects are accidentally


Physical contamination can occur when foreign objects are accidentally introduced

into food
Natural objects… Bones ect
Metal, staples, glass, plastic, pins, plasters