Jeopardy Australia


Слайд 2

$100 Question from H1 Which is the largest country in South America?

$100 Question from H1

Which is the largest country in South America?

Слайд 3

$100 Answer from H1 Brazil

$100 Answer from H1


Слайд 4

$200 Question from H1 Which is the 2nd largest country in South America?

$200 Question from H1

Which is the 2nd largest country in

Слайд 5

$200 Answer from H1 Argentina

$200 Answer from H1


Слайд 6

$300 Question from H1 Which country is larger Canada or USA?

$300 Question from H1

Which country is larger Canada or USA?

Слайд 7

$300 Answer from H1 Canada

$300 Answer from H1


Слайд 8

$400 Question from H1 How many countries can you find in

$400 Question from H1

How many countries can you
find in North

Less than 20 or more than 20
Слайд 9

$400 Answer from H1 More than 20 = 23

$400 Answer from H1

More than 20 = 23

Слайд 10

$500 Question from H1 Which is the most important river in South America?

$500 Question from H1

Which is the most important river
in South

Слайд 11

$500 Answer from H1 Amazon River

$500 Answer from H1

Amazon River

Слайд 12

$100 Question from H2 Which is the most important desert?

$100 Question from H2

Which is the most important desert?

Слайд 13

$100 Answer from H2 Sahara

$100 Answer from H2


Слайд 14

$200 Question from H2 Which is the longest river?

$200 Question from H2

Which is the longest river?

Слайд 15

$200 Answer from H2 Nile

$200 Answer from H2


Слайд 16

$300 Question from H2 Which country is larger …. Sudan or Argelia?

$300 Question from H2

Which country is larger ….
Sudan or Argelia?

Слайд 17

$300 Answer from H2 Sudan is the largest in Africa

$300 Answer from H2

Sudan is the largest in Africa

Слайд 18

$400 Question from H2 Which is the continent’s highest Mountain?

$400 Question from H2

Which is the continent’s highest

Слайд 19

$400 Answer from H2 Kilimanjaro

$400 Answer from H2


Слайд 20

$500 Question from H2 How many countries can you find in

$500 Question from H2

How many countries can you find
in Africa? More

or less than 50?
Слайд 21

$500 Answer from H2 More than 50 = 53

$500 Answer from H2

More than 50 = 53

Слайд 22

$100 Question from H3 Which is the largest country in the world?

$100 Question from H3

Which is the largest country in the world?

Слайд 23

$100 Answer from H3 Russia

$100 Answer from H3


Слайд 24

$200 Question from H3 Which is the largest island in the world?

$200 Question from H3

Which is the largest island in the world?

Слайд 25

$200 Answer from H3 Greenland

$200 Answer from H3


Слайд 26

$300 Question from H3 How many countries can you find in

$300 Question from H3

How many countries can you find in
Europe? More

or less than 50?
Слайд 27

$300 Answer from H3 Less than 50 = 47

$300 Answer from H3

Less than 50 = 47

Слайд 28

$400 Question from H3 Which is the largest all-European country?

$400 Question from H3

Which is the largest all-European country?

Слайд 29

$400 Answer from H3 Ukraine

$400 Answer from H3


Слайд 30

$500 Question from H3 What country is located in both, Europe

$500 Question from H3

What country is located in both,
Europe and

Asia and is the third largest?
Слайд 31

$500 Answer from H3 Turkey

$500 Answer from H3


Слайд 32

$100 Question from H4 What is the world’s highest mountain?

$100 Question from H4

What is the world’s highest

Слайд 33

$100 Answer from H4 Mount Everest

$100 Answer from H4

Mount Everest

Слайд 34

$200 Question from H4 Which are the 2 most populated countries?

$200 Question from H4

Which are the 2 most populated

Слайд 35

$200 Answer from H4 China and India

$200 Answer from H4

China and India

Слайд 36

$300 Question from H4 Which country is larger… Sri Lanka or Georgia?

$300 Question from H4

Which country is larger…
Sri Lanka or Georgia?

Слайд 37

$300 Answer from H4 Georgia

$300 Answer from H4


Слайд 38

$400 Question from H4 Which is the largest and most varied archipelago on Earth?

$400 Question from H4

Which is the largest and most
varied archipelago

on Earth?
Слайд 39

$400 Answer from H4 Indonesia

$400 Answer from H4


Слайд 40

$500 Question from H4 Which is the largest continent?

$500 Question from H4

Which is the largest continent?

Слайд 41

$500 Answer from H4 Asia

$500 Answer from H4


Слайд 42

$100 Question from H5 Which is the most populated city in Australia?

$100 Question from H5

Which is the most populated city
in Australia?

Слайд 43

$100 Answer from H5 Sydney

$100 Answer from H5


Слайд 44

$200 Question from H5 Which 2 countries do most immigrants come from?

$200 Question from H5

Which 2 countries do most
immigrants come from?

Слайд 45

$200 Answer from H5 United Kingdom and Ireland

$200 Answer from H5

United Kingdom and Ireland

Слайд 46

$300 Question from H5 What modern and popular construction is the most representative of Australia?

$300 Question from H5

What modern and popular construction is
the most

representative of Australia?
Слайд 47

$300 Answer from H5 Sydney Opera House

$300 Answer from H5

Sydney Opera House

Слайд 48

$400 Question from H5 Which are the 2 most common marsupials

$400 Question from H5

Which are the 2 most common
marsupials that

you can
find in Australia?
Слайд 49

$400 Answer from H5 Kangaroo and koala

$400 Answer from H5

Kangaroo and koala

Слайд 50

$500 Question from H5 What is the single most important factor

$500 Question from H5

What is the single most important
factor that determines

land use
and rural production?
Слайд 51

$500 Answer from H5 The presence or absence of rainfall

$500 Answer from H5

The presence or absence of rainfall

Слайд 52

Final Jeopardy Category Central America

Final Jeopardy Category

Central America

Слайд 53

Final Jeopardy Which is the largest country in Central America?

Final Jeopardy

Which is the largest country in
Central America?