Слайд 2

Some facts In 1950, 15% of the world was covered by

Some facts

In 1950, 15% of the world was covered by rainforest(тропический

лес). By 2000 it is estimated(по оценкам) that only 7% of the rainforest will remain.
By 2042 no rainforests will exist(существовать)
60% of all living things are found in the Rainforest
There will be no tigers left in the world in 20 years
Слайд 3

Introduction There has been animal and plant life on the Earth


There has been animal and plant life on the Earth for

millions of years
There have been many changes in climate, animals and plants
This has led to the extinction(исчезновение) of many animals
Since humans emerged animals and plants are dying out at a greater rate(скорость)
Слайд 4

Endangered or Extinct? The number of people in the world is

Endangered or Extinct?

The number of people in the world is growing

at an alarming rate.(угрожающая скорость)
But this is not true for all animals.
In some cases, there are only a few of one type of animal left in the wild(дикий).
These animals are endangered(находящийся под угрозой исчезновения).
If they die out completely, they become extinct.(вымерший)
Слайд 5

Apes(обезьяна) Considered humans' closest relatives, great apes are among the world's


Considered humans' closest relatives, great apes are among the world's most

fascinating species.(захватывающий вид)
Unfortunately,Great apes of Africa and Asia could face extinction in the next few decades if more is not done to conserve them.
Слайд 6

Elephant Elephants are the largest living land animals, with adults sometimes


Elephants are the largest living land animals, with adults sometimes weighing

six tons or more.
Elephants are threatened by shrinking(сокращения) living space and poaching(браконьерство) for the ivory trade(слоновая кость).
Слайд 7

Pandas It is estimated that as few as 1,600 pandas remain in the wild today.


It is estimated that as few as 1,600 pandas remain in

the wild today.
Слайд 8

Polar bear Climate change is causing the disappearance of sea ice

Polar bear

Climate change is causing the disappearance of sea ice from

which polar bears hunt their prey.
It’s leaves polar bears hungry.
Слайд 9

Why are these animals facing extinction? War torn countries(Пострадавшиt от войны)

Why are these animals facing extinction?

War torn countries(Пострадавшиt от войны)
Hunting and

poaching(браконьерство) (for sport, their fur, tusks(клыки) or meat).
Pollution/chemicals poison the animals.
New predators
Climate change
Destruction of habitat(Разрушение среды обитания) (woodlands(лесные массивы) cut down, rivers drying up).
Слайд 10

Caring for the Environment It is in our own best interests

Caring for the Environment 

It is in our own best interests to

look after the world we live in.
If a habitat(естественная среда )is lost or damaged, it has an effect on everything else, even if we do not see or understand it straight away(сразу).
Remember - once something becomes extinct(угасать), it’s gone forever!
Слайд 11

Слайд 12

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