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EARTH HOUR Global Environmental movement started by WWF in Sydney 2007.


Global Environmental movement started by WWF in Sydney 2007.
Creates awareness

about the impacts of climate change due to CO2 emissions.
On every 23rd March, people around the world switch off the lights for an hour (8.30 pm to 9.30 pm).
The Organizers believe that turning OFF the light decreases CO2 emission.
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Summary Bjorn Lomborg says the whole concept of Earth Hour teaches


Bjorn Lomborg says
the whole concept of Earth Hour teaches us

Major causes of co2 emission is from fossil fuels, industries, technological devices, heaters and air-conditioners
The need of alternative energy sources to form a sustainable future
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Structure of the Article Thesis statement is not actually written in

Structure of the Article

Thesis statement is not actually written in one

sentence, but it could be described as
“If we want to help the environment
we should think about how to turn on
more lights, not how to turn them off.”

This article is does not have the “standard” five-paragraph form, but still contains introduction, the main idea (thesis statement) ,three main points, and conclusion.

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Introduction draws the line between the people, who does not have

Introduction draws the line between the people, who does not have

electricity and those who does.
Conclusion of the article states that we should move forward in the area of green research and development.

Structure of the Article

The three main points of the article are following:
“... The reality is that Earth Hour teaches all the wrong answers, and it actually increases CO2 emissions.”
“Electricity has given us huge benefits.”
“...we should focus on new, more efficient green technologies to outperform fossil fuels.

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VOCABULARY 1) Vain [vān] - producing no result; useless. But the


1) Vain [vān] - producing no result; useless.
But the reality is

that Earth Hour teaches all the wrong lessons, and it actually increases CO2 emissions. Its vain symbolism reveals exactly what is wrong with today’s feel-good environmentalism.
2) Myriad [ˈmirēəd] - a countless or extremely great number.
The are myriads upon myriads of stars in the Universe.
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VOCABULARY 3) Entail [enˈtāl] - involve (something) as a necessary or


3) Entail [enˈtāl] - involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable

part or consequence.
4) Surge [sɜrdʒ] - a sudden, strong increase or burst.
Moreover, during Earth Hour, any significant drop in electricity demand will entail a reduction in CO2 emissions during the hour, but it will be offset by the surge from firing up coal or gas stations to restore electricity supplies afterward.
5) Incandescent - [ˌɪn kənˈdɛs ənt] - glowing or white with heat.
If you are planning to visit the desert you should beware of the incandescent sun.
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CHALLENGE OF A STATEMENT In the text the author starts with

In the text the author starts with the

hook in which he states that 1.3 billion people don't have access to electricity. To check whether this statement is true we can go to the
The research reveled that in 2016 approximately 1.2 billions of people did not have access to electricity; according to WEO-2016, it is 15 million fewer than reported in the previous year. Taking in note that Bjørn Lomborg's article "The whole idea of Earth Hour is not too bright" was written in 2013, we can assume that the author's statement is true.