World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

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WWF's mission - to prevent the degradation of the planet's natural

WWF's mission - to prevent the degradation of the planet's natural

environment and to achieve harmony between man and nature. The main objective - the preservation of Earth's biodiversity.
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DIRECTIONS OF WWF RUSSIA Conservation of biological diversity • the establishment

DIRECTIONS OF WWF RUSSIA Conservation of biological diversity • the establishment of priority

ecoregions systems of protected natural areas (nature reserves, national parks, reserves, etc..), Who for many years will ensure the conservation of biological diversity; • protection of animal species, standing on the brink of extinction: the Amur tiger, the Far East and the Persian leopard, polar bear, Atlantic walrus, bison, snow leopard, mountain sheep argali, and other.
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Sustainable forest management - conservation of biological diversity of forests in

Sustainable forest management - conservation of biological diversity of forests in Russia

on the basis of the transition to sustainable management and protection. Sustainable marine fisheries - environmentally responsible use and conservation of marine biological resources (pollock, cod, Pacific salmon and sturgeon).
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Climate and Energy - mitigation and adaptation to its effects; promote

Climate and Energy - mitigation and adaptation to its effects; promote the

development of renewable energy. "Green" economy - to create conditions under which the "ecological footprint" of Russians and the quality of economic growth of the country would not have threatened the functioning of the biosphere of our planet. The introduction of the largest corporations of the best international standards, environmental policy, management and reporting, consolidation of these standards in the federal and regional legislation.
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Legislation Russian legislation providing a basis for: • the conservation of

Legislation Russian legislation providing a basis for: • the conservation of biological diversity

and the sustainable use of nature; • Responsible management of mining and low-carbon development of the Russian economy;• implementation of the commitments by the Russian Federation on major international agreements in the field of environmental protection and natural resource management.