Olympic games

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A Greek legend says that Hercules, son of Zeus, started Olympic

A Greek legend says that Hercules, son of Zeus, started Olympic


According to Greek mythology Heracles had already accomplished his twelve labours, had become free from the service for Eurystheus, when he decided to avenge himself on Augeas for he had not given the promised reward to Heracles. His revenge was terrible. After his victory Heracles gathered his forces and all his rich booty, made sacrifices to the Olympic Gods and founded the Olympic Games. Since that time they have been held in the Holy valley which had been planted by Heracles with olive trees dedicated to the goddess Athena-Pallada.

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The history of the games Best athletes arrived to Olympia to

The history of the games

Best athletes arrived to Olympia to compete in running, long jumps,

throwing of discus and javelin ([ˈʤævlɪn] копье), wrestling, fighting (boxing) and  races.
Only men could take part in the Olympic 
Games. Women were not allowed even to watch the competitions at the stadium.
Winners were called «olympionics». They were awarded with olive wreaths 
( [riːθ] –венок) and cups of olive oil. 
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The history of the games The Games were stopped in 389

The history of the games

The Games were stopped in 389 A.D.

by the Roman Emperor Theodore I the Great. He ordered “to stop this pagan abomination” (остановить эту языческую мерзость). In 426 Olympia was burnt by order of the emperor. All luxurious buildings and the temple of Zeus became ruins. Only the excavations of the 19th century gave us the possibility to get the correct picture of former Olympia and Olympic Games.
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Pierre de Coubertin, a young French nobleman, brought the Olympic Games

Pierre de Coubertin, a young French nobleman, brought the Olympic Games

back to life.
He organised the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. Of course, the first competition was held in Greece , Athens.
Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894.
They agreed that every four years the Olympics would move to other great cities of the world.
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Women didn’t take part in competitions till 1912.

Women didn’t take part in competitions till 1912.

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the Olympic symbols Five interlocked rings of blue, black, red (the

the Olympic symbols

Five interlocked rings of blue, black, red (the upper

row), yellow and green (the lower row) colours symbolize the five continents united into the Olympic movement. De Coubertin suggested this symbol in 1913 and since 1920 it has been used.
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Olympic rings The blue ring symbolizes Europe, the black ring –

Olympic rings

The blue ring symbolizes Europe, the black ring – Africa,

the red ring – America, the yellow ring – Asia, the green ring – Australia.
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Do you know when and where the Olympic Games took place?

Do you know when and where the Olympic Games took place?


– 1896 Athens, Greece II – 1900 Paris, France III – 1904 Saint Louis, USA V – 1912 Stockholm, Sweden VII – 1920 Antwerp, Belguim VIII – 1924 Paris, France IX – 1928 Amsterdam, Netherlands X – 1932 New York City, USA XI – 1936 Berlin, Germany XIV – 1948 London, Great Britain XV – 1952 Helsinki, Finland XVI – 1956 Melbourne, Australia XVII – 1960 Rome, Italy XVIII – 1964 Tokyo, Japan XIX – 1968 Mexico, Mexico XX – 1972 Munich, West Germany XXI – 1976 Montreal, Canada XXII – 1980 Moscow, Russia XXIII – 1984 Los Angeles, USA XXIV – 1988 Seoul, South Korea XXV – 1992 Barcelona, Spain XXVI – 1996 Atlanta, USA XXVII – 2000 Sydney, Australia XXVIII – 2004 Athens, Greece

The Olympic Games VI, XII, XIII were cancelled because of World War I
and II.

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Symbols of the Olympic Games 2014: A White Hare, A Snow Leopard, A White Bear.

Symbols of  the Olympic Games 2014:
A White Hare, A Snow Leopard,

A White Bear.
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Olympic Medal Count

Olympic Medal Count

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The International Olympic Committee (IOC; French: Comité international olympique, CIO) is

The International Olympic Committee (IOC; French: Comité international olympique, CIO) is a non-governmental sports organisation based in Lausanne, Switzerland. It

is constituted in the form of an association under the Swiss Civil Code (articles 60–79). Founded by Pierre de Coubertin and Demetrios Vikelas in 1894, it is the authority responsible for organising the modern Summer and Winter Olympic Games.[2
The official emblem of the Olympic Games is a colourful flag with five interlinked rings. The colours of the rings are blue, red, yellow, green and black.
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In the 20th and 21st centuries appeared the Paralympic Games for

In the 20th and 21st centuries appeared the Paralympic Games for athletes with

disabilities, the Youth Olympic Games for athletes aged 14 to 18, the five Continental games (Pan American, African, Asian, European, and Pacific), and the World Games for sports that are not contested in the Olympic Games
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Traditions One tradition at the beginning of the Olympic Games is


One tradition at the beginning of the Olympic Games is

bringing the Olympic torch through the host city (the city where the games will be held) to light the flame at the arena.
As a symbol of spreading peace, athlets set free doves during the inaugural ceremony of Olympic Games?
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Summer and Winter Games Summer and Winter Games are held separately.

Summer and Winter Games

Summer and Winter Games are held separately. There

are always several cities wishing to host the Games. The International Committee selects the most suitable. After that the city of the Games starts preparations for the competitions, constructs new sports facilities, stadiums, hotels, press centers. Thousands of athletes, journalists and guests come to the Games, and it takes great efforts to arrange everything. There is always an interesting cultural programme of concerts, exhibitions, festivals, etc., for each Games.