Algorithms and Data Structures. Lecture 4 – Stack, queue and heap


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CONTENT Preface Stack Queue Heap Heap >



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PREFACE Logical Data Structures Linear (Stack, Queue, etc.) Non-linear (Tree, Hash-Table,


Logical Data Structures
Linear (Stack, Queue, etc.)
Non-linear (Tree, Hash-Table, Graph, etc.)
A Linear

data structure has data elements arranged in a sequential manner and each member element is connected to its previous and next element
Data structures where data elements are attached in hierarchical manner are called non-linear data structures. One element could have several paths to another element
Logical Data Structures are implemented using either an array, a linked list, or a combination of both
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STACK It is a linear data structure that follows the LIFO


It is a linear data structure that follows the LIFO (Last-In-First-Out)

Last added item will be served first
It has only one end (named as ‘top’)
Insertion and deletion operations are performed at the top only
A stack can be implemented using linked list as well as an array. However, extra restrictions must be applied in order to follow LIFO
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STACK:API boolean empty() – Returns whether the stack is empty –


boolean empty() – Returns whether the stack is empty – Time

Complexity : O(1)
int size() – Returns the size of the stack – Time Complexity : O(1)
T peek() – Returns a reference to the topmost element of the stack – Time Complexity : O(1)
T push(T) – Adds the element at the top of the stack – Time Complexity : O(1)
T pop() – Retrieves and deletes the topmost element of the stack – Time Complexity : O(1)
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STACK:EXAMPLE Topmost item at position n-1 (Array) Topmost item at position 0 (Linked List)


Topmost item at position n-1 (Array)

Topmost item at position 0 (Linked

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QUEUE It is a linear data structure that follows the FIFO


It is a linear data structure that follows the FIFO (First-In-First-Out)

First added item will be served first
It has two ends (named as ‘Front’ and ‘Back’)
Insertion (enqueue) and deletion (dequeue) operations are performed at different sides
A queue can be implemented using linked list as well as an array. However, it shows better performance with linked list, which has both head and tail references
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QUEUE:API boolean empty() – Returns whether the queue is empty int


boolean empty() – Returns whether the queue is empty
int size() –

Returns the size of the queue
T peek() – Returns a reference to the front element of the queue
T enqueue(T) – Adds the element at the end of the queue
T dequeue() – Retrieves and deletes the front element of the queue
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QUEUE:EXAMPLE It is also possible to provide two methods for each


It is also possible to provide two methods for each of

the followings:
peek() – returns null when queue is empty
element() – throws an exception when queue is empty
boolean offer(T) – returns false if it fails to insert
add(T) – throws an exception if it fails to insert
remove() – returns null when queue is empty
poll() – throws an exception when queue is empty
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HEAP It allows you to find the *largest/smallest element in the


It allows you to find the *largest/smallest element in the heap

in O(1) time
Extracting the *largest/smallest element from the heap (i.e. finding and removing it) takes O(log n) time
Heap can be implemented using:
Array (manipulating its indices)
Nodes with references to their right and left children (not covered)
The root is stored at index 1, and if a node is at index i, then
Its left child has index 2i
Its right child has index 2i+ 1
Its parent has index i/2

*largest/smallest – largest for Max Heap and smallest for Min Heap

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HEAP:INSERTION – O(LOG(N)) A new item is added as the last


A new item is added as the last element

actions (traverse up):
Compare with parent
Exchange if it violates the property
Stops when no other violations or it has reached the root
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HEAP:HEAPIFY – O(LOG(N)) Max Heap example Heapify(i) – fixes the violation


Max Heap example
Heapify(i) – fixes the violation of heap

property at any position i (assuming that violation is only at i`th position)
Replace an element at i with the largest of children
Recall Heapify(largestIndex)
Stops when current item is larger than children (or equal) or there`s no other child items
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HEAP:EXTRACT_MIN – O(LOG(N)) Min Heap example A root item is replaced


Min Heap example
A root item is replaced with the

last element
Recursive actions:
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HEAP:METHODS Public: empty() – Returns whether the heap is empty size()


empty() – Returns whether the heap is empty
size() – Returns the

size of the heap
T getMax() or getMin() – Returns a reference to the root element of the heap
T extractMax() or extractMin() – Retrieves and deletes the root element of the heap
insert(T) – Adds the element to the heap
heapify(index) – can perform heapify actions starting from position ‘index’
traverseUp(index) – can perform traverseUp actions starting from position ‘index’
leftChildOf(index) – returns the index of the left child item
rightChildOf(index) – returns the index of the right child item
parentOf(index) - returns the index of the parent item
swap(index1, index2) – exchanges two elements by their positions
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HEAP > There are several comparisons in Heap It is not


There are several comparisons in Heap
It is not possible

to use >, <, <=, etc. operators when dealing with objects (not primitives)
Comparable is an interface that provides a method obj1.compareTo(obj2), which returns a number
More than 0 when obj1 is greater than obj2
Less than 0 when obj1 is smaller than obj2
Exactly 0 when obj1 is equal to obj2
That comparison is defined in object itself
Classes that are already Comparable: Integer, Double, String, etc.
If heap stores objects of user-defined type, then that type should implement Comparable interface
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LITERATURE Algorithms, 4th Edition, by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, Addison-Wesley Chapter 1.3, 2.4


Algorithms, 4th Edition, by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, Addison-Wesley
Chapter 1.3,
