Bumper ads in UAC The Value & Power of 6 Seconds

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Bumper ads in UAC Duration: 5-6s Unskippable Dimensions: 16:9, 1:1, 2:3

Bumper ads in UAC

Duration: 5-6s
Dimensions: 16:9, 1:1, 2:3
Support all bidding

Best practice: separate video-only campaigns with bumpers only on max GEO
Increased reach, therefore campaigns learn faster
In addition, bumpers increase ad recall & awareness
Lower CPM, then it means lower CPI / CPA
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Bumpers Best Practices to keep in mind

Bumpers Best Practices to keep in mind

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Choice option References: Short story from existing creatives Special event

Choice option


Short story from existing creatives

Special event

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Core gameplay References:

Core gameplay


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Teaser References: CGI Social proof




Social proof

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Video ads within App Campaigns are currently attributed by both click

Video ads within App Campaigns are currently attributed by both click

and engaged-view conversions. A view is normally counted as “engaged” when a user watches for more than 7 seconds without skipping.
Here’s an overview of current Bumper attribution:
If a user clicks on the bumper ad, we will count a Click and attribute conversions if they occur within a 30 day window (default, this is configurable).
If a user watches a bumper ad, but does not click, we will count an engaged-view and attribute conversions if they occur within a 2 day window (default, this is configurable).
Because Bumpers have no option to skip, every view is automatically counted as “engaged.” Please be aware of this when reviewing performance, specifically engaged-view conversions. We offer configurable windows for both CTCs and EVCs within App Campaigns

How bumper’s attribution works