Fashion in Norway

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The traditional Norwegian costume is the Bunad (bunaðr), which was used until the mid-19th century.

The traditional Norwegian costume is the Bunad (bunaðr), which was used

until the mid-19th century.
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Women's clothing Women wore stockings (strømpe), decorated with traditional floral embroidery (Rosemåling).

Women's clothing

Women wore stockings (strømpe), decorated with traditional floral embroidery (Rosemåling).

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They also wore linen blouses. Over a blouse they wore a

They also wore linen blouses. Over a blouse they wore a

bright jacket, also decorated with embroidery.
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It was customary to wear many underskirts. The upper skirt was

It was customary to wear many underskirts. The upper skirt was

decorated with embroidery. In the villages it was customary to wear an apron. Often they wore a purse richly decorated with Rosemåling.
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Norwegian clothing is characterized by special silver clasps (sølje). People believed,

Norwegian clothing is characterized by special silver clasps (sølje). People believed,

that it can protect them from curses and trolls.
The most prevalent hairstyle were braids. Women also wore a coif or a kerchief
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Men's clothing Men wore trousers below the knee, a linen shirt,

Men's clothing

Men wore trousers below the knee, a linen shirt, a

tight vest with several rows of buttons, and an overcoat. Men also wore wool knee socks.
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A man’s suit is not decorated with embroidery as much as

A man’s suit is not decorated with embroidery as much as

a woman’s one, but often there are very bright colors - red with yellow or black with red. A lot of people wear a wide-brimmed hat or bowler hat.
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The costume remains relevant to this day. It is worn on

The costume remains relevant to this day. It is worn on

the National Day of Norway, for weddings, confirmations, christenings and folk festivals.
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Dictionary Stockings – чулки Embroidery – вышивка Underskirt – нижняя юбка


Stockings – чулки
Embroidery – вышивка
Underskirt – нижняя юбка
Apron – фартук
Purse –

Clasp – застежка/пряжка
Braids – косы(прическа)
Coif – шапочка-чепец
Kerchief – косынка
Tight vest – плотный жилет
Knee socks – гольфы
Wide-brimmed hat – широкополая шляпа
Bowler hat – шляпа-котелок