Major risks of utilizing household appliances in Ukraine


Слайд 2

I. Emergency Action Plan. II. Site Contact Form (SCF) – your

I. Emergency Action Plan. II. Site Contact Form (SCF) – your instrument

for community mapping. III. Housing Safety.
Слайд 3

Objectives: Describe stages of Emergency Action Plan and Volunteers’ roles and


Describe stages of Emergency Action Plan and Volunteers’ roles and responsibilities

in EAP.
Describe personal safety strategy for site entry:
Explain goals of Community Mapping and filling out SCF.
Describe safe and unsafe housing.
Name major risks of utilizing household appliances in Ukraine.
Слайд 4

I. Emergency Action Plan It’s a country specific crisis management tool,

I. Emergency Action Plan

It’s a country specific crisis management tool, designated

to make sure that PC Ukraine is prepared for various emergencies whether local or country-wide.
Country Director or Acting Country Director initiates the EAP.
Слайд 5

Potential Safety and Security Threats Natural Disasters: Flooding (middle risk) Landslides

Potential Safety and Security Threats

Natural Disasters:
Flooding (middle risk)
Landslides (low risk)
Earthquakes (low

Tsunami (no risk)
Public Health/Pandemics:
Avian flu (middle risk)
Слайд 6

Technological/Environmental Emergencies: Air pollution (low risk) Fire hazard (middle risk) Water

Technological/Environmental Emergencies:
Air pollution
(low risk)
Fire hazard
(middle risk)
Water contamination
(middle risk)

(middle risk)
Accidents on transport
(high risk)
Слайд 7

Political Unrest: Racism (middle risk) Political violence (low risk) Anti-American sentiment (low risk)

Political Unrest:
(middle risk)
Political violence
(low risk)
Anti-American sentiment
(low risk)

Слайд 8

Criminal Activities: Property crimes (high risk) Major sexual offenses (low risk)

Criminal Activities:
Property crimes
(high risk)
Major sexual offenses
(low risk)
Trafficking in persons

(low risk)
Terrorist attacks
(low risk)
Слайд 9

EAP has 5 stages. Each of them is initiated by the

EAP has 5 stages.
Each of them is initiated by the Country

Director only!
None of the Volunteers, Trainees, or staff members can proceed to the next stage if they have not been told to do so!
Слайд 10

Emergency Communication Tree

Emergency Communication Tree

Слайд 11

Wardens They are PC Volunteers, trained at warden trainings twice a


They are PC Volunteers, trained at warden trainings twice a

year on how to help when needed.
Their main role is to be contact people in times of emergency between PC office and PC Volunteers in their area.
The wardens living sites and mostly their housing (if not designated otherwise, e.g. local school) are consolidation points for “their PCVs.”
Usually there are 2 wardens per geographical region.
There are 50 wardens right now in PC/Ukraine.
Wardens are appointed by Safety & Security Manager in consultations with their Regional Managers, and they are chosen among those PCVs who expressed their desire to become a warden.
Слайд 12

Stages of EAP: 1. ALERT Via the Emergency Communication Tree Volunteers

Stages of EAP: 1. ALERT

Via the Emergency Communication Tree Volunteers are announced

about the EAP initiation, stage 1. They are instructed to maintain vigilance and monitor media sources. Volunteers must keep in regular contact with PC wardens/other Volunteers, and/or PC/Ukraine staff.
Volunteers should stay in their communities, do their usual routine, maintain vigilance, and monitor media sources.
Слайд 13

2. STANDFAST Volunteers are instructed to remain at their site (or


Volunteers are instructed to remain at their site (or

if not at site –upon instructions) and await further directives. Unless otherwise instructed, Volunteers may continue with daily routines and work. They should begin preparations for possible Consolidation.
Volunteers should prepare their emergency kits, have their emergency money ready, inventory all important personal and Peace Corps property that may have to be left behind, continue with their daily work (unless instructed otherwise), prepare for possible consolidation.
Слайд 14

Emergency Kit

Emergency Kit

Слайд 15

3. CONSOLIDATION Volunteers are instructed to move to their specified consolidation


Volunteers are instructed to move to their specified consolidation points

in the most direct and safe manner. In certain circumstances, the PCVs may be instructed to go to other consolidation point which is in compliance with the Peace Corps situation plan for this particular emergency.  
Volunteers should settle their outstanding debts, pack the emergency kit, & go to the designated consolidation point (they must know where their consolidation point is and who their warden is).
Слайд 16

4. EVACUATION Volunteers will be instructed to move to a specified


Volunteers will be instructed to move to a specified location

for transport/evacuation. If transportation is being provided, Volunteers will be instructed when and where to meet the transport. If transportation will not be provided, Volunteers will move to the specified location by the most direct and safe means available.
Слайд 17

5. ALL CLEAR Volunteers will be instructed to move back to


Volunteers will be instructed to move back to their

sites and business may return to normal.
Volunteers should come back to their normal routine at their sites.
Слайд 18

Quiz Are Trainees included into EAP? Who is your warden at


Are Trainees included into EAP?
Who is your warden at PST?

may you proceed to the next stage of EAP?
Where is your consolidation point?
Why is it important to always inform your LCF/TCF about your whereabouts, especially when going out of the community at weekends?
Слайд 19

II. Site Contact Form

II. Site Contact Form

Слайд 20

Please, download the SCF now from your LCF’s resource flash drive.

Please, download the SCF now from your LCF’s resource flash drive.


please, download the Adobe Reader from the same flash drive or from the Internet (for free) at:
Слайд 21

Filling out the SCF… These tips will help you to avoid

Filling out the SCF…

These tips will help you to avoid mistakes.

form should be filled out IN ENGLISH ONLY! Please, transliterate the Ukrainian proper names.
Remember: it is your (VOLUNTEER’S) RESPONSIBILITY to update and submit it to the named people as soon as any changes occur.
All phone numbers should consist of 10 digits. The recommended formats:
     Landline numbers: (area cod)NUMBER   without any space, dashes, etc. Example (0535)552221.
 For the cell phones: provider-NUMBER. Example: 050- 9089151
Слайд 22

Finding your GPS coordinates 1) Go to

Finding your GPS coordinates
1) Go to

Слайд 23

2) Enter your address into the bar at the top of

2) Enter your address into the bar at the top of

the page.

3) You’ll see a
satellite map of
your town and
(hopefully) your
apartment or house.

Слайд 24

4) Sometimes the location shown on the map is not your

4) Sometimes the location shown on the map is not your

address, but it will typically be close. Just click and drag the icon to the correct location.

Incorrect address!

Actual address

Problem solved!

NOTE: This stage is important, because even a thousandth decimal difference on the GPS coordinate system will indicate a totally different place.

Слайд 25

5) After you have the marker as close to your address

5) After you have the marker as close to your address

as possible, copy your Latitude and Longitude coordinates from the boxes below the map.
Слайд 26

Filling out the SCF… A. Positions of the police contact person:

Filling out the SCF…

A. Positions of the police contact person:
1. Chief

of District Police (начальник райвідділу)
2. Deputy Chief (заступник з громадської безпеки)
3. Beat Officer (дільничний інспектор)
B. Site Direction: please explain how PC staff unfamiliar with your area may find your location. Start at the entrance of the city from Kiev direction.
Use approximate distance ( in metric format) from one visible landmark to another.
Example: As you reach the road sign “Poltava” proceed 2 km until you see a monument. Before the monument turn right and continue for about 1.5 km. Then you see a church with yellow dome. The building across th street is where I live….
Remember: it is your (VOLUNTEER’S) RESPONSIBILITY to update and submit it to the named people as soon as any changes occur.
Слайд 27

At PST, let’s agree that some people from training will play

At PST, let’s agree that some people from training will play

roles of some people at your future site.
Слайд 28

The part 2 of the SCF is MAP.

The part 2 of the SCF is MAP.

Слайд 29

Example of a MAP:

Example of a MAP:

Слайд 30

Example of another MAP:

Example of another MAP:

Слайд 31

One more MAP:

One more MAP:

Слайд 32

Summing up Let us now look at the SCF and see

Summing up

Let us now look at the SCF and see what

information we have. Why we need this?
Where can you possibly find the information required, and whose help you might want?
How should it be filled out?
What computer programs can be used for drawing your community map?
Why is it important for Peace Corps to have your SCFs?
Слайд 33

III. Housing Safety All Volunteers’ housing is checked by PC staff

III. Housing Safety

All Volunteers’ housing is checked by PC staff (Lead

Specialists, Regional Managers, Safety & Security Manager).
All housing must meet basic safety requirements and provide Volunteers with necessary minimum of supplies.
Слайд 34

Possible Housing Security Options Strong entrance door with a peephole Window

Possible Housing Security Options

Strong entrance door with a peephole
Window bars
(on the

first floor)
You may request those from your Regional Manager
(if do not have them already)
Слайд 35

Options for Fighting Fire and Smoke Fire Extinguisher Carbon Monoxide and

Options for Fighting Fire and Smoke

Fire Extinguisher
Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detector

of you will receive them before leaving for your site
Слайд 36

Fire Hazards Improper use of space heaters Faulty electrical wiring or

Fire Hazards

Improper use of space heaters
Faulty electrical wiring or overloaded wiring

units, outlets
Running cords under rugs
Gas/wood/coal stoves
Heating system
Fire Department emergency phone # is 101
Слайд 37

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Leaking gas lines on stove or gas bottle

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Leaking gas lines on stove or gas bottle
Faulty Heaters

burning stoves (incomplete burning)
Gas Service emergency phone # is 104
Слайд 38

Safety Tips: Learn how to operate all household appliances! Every time

Safety Tips:

Learn how to operate all household appliances!
Every time leaving your

residence, don’t forget to:
shut down:
the main gas valve;
the main water valve;
all your windows;
turn off electric appliances;
lock your doors!