Skill or Talent

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Talent Usually abilities, like all individual characteristics of a person, are


Usually abilities, like all individual characteristics of a person, are not

given by nature innately ready, but are formed in the process of life and activity.

Odatda qobiliyatlar insonga shaxsning barcha individual xususiyatlari kabi tabiat tomonidan tug'ma ravishda tayyor holda berilmaydi, balki hayot va faoliyat jarayonida shakllanadi.

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Слайд 8

Differences between skills and talents You may have no experience in

Differences between skills and talents

  You may have no experience

in playing tennis, but if you have the talent, you may have no problem keeping the ball in play. You are a natural on the tennis court. 'Skill', on the other hand, is something that you acquire after putting in a lot of hard work; unlike talent, it is not inborn, but learnt.