Слайд 2

Sound №10 [ʌ] It`s back advanced, open, unrounded, short sound. To

Sound №10 [ʌ]  
It`s back advanced, open, unrounded, short sound.
To pronounce this

sound, you should:
1. Get ready to articulate sound [a:];
2. Make a smaller opening between the teeth and pronounce the sound [ʌ]. If you hear the [o]-shade spread the lips a little.
In writing, the sound [ʌ] will be:
the letter u, if it is followed by one or more consonants: but, dull, just, gun, under.
the letter o before m, n, v, th: come, mother, love, front.
Слайд 3

For example: but [ bʌt ] - но come [ kʌm

For example:
but [ bʌt ] - но    
come [ kʌm ] -

love [ lʌv ] - любовь    
country [ kʌntri ] - страна
dull [ dʌl ] - скучный

us [ ʌs ] - нам
gun [ gʌn ] - орудие    
ugly [ ʌgli ] - некрасивый
summer [ sʌmə ] - лето    
study [ stʌdi ] - учиться

Слайд 4

Tongue Twisters: 1. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if

Tongue Twisters:
1.    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a

woodchuck could chuck wood?
2.    Round the rough and rugged rocks the ragged rascals ran.
3.    The young couple loved each other so much.
4.    The gum has come unstuck in the sun and the colors have begun to run.
Слайд 5

Exercises: Read the word by its transcription: [ dʌl ], [

Read the word by its transcription:
[ dʌl ], [ pʌn ],

[ cʌm ], [ dʌk ], ['bʌtər]

Find the extra words:
fun nut calm hut sum dark numb thumb park nun done son