Trauma + ATLS


Слайд 2

The Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Safe and reliable method for

The Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
Safe and reliable method for

the immediate treatment of injured patients
1. Assess a patient’s condition rapidly and accurately
2. Resuscitate and stabilize patients according to priority
3. Determine whether a patient’s needs exceed a facility’s resources and/or a doctor’s capabilities
4. Arrange appropriately for a patient’s interhospital or intrahospital transfer (what, who, when, and how)
5. Ensure that optimal care is provided and that the level of care does not deteriorate at any point during the evaluation, resuscitation, or transfer processes
Слайд 3

ABCDE: Airway with cervical spine protection Breathing Circulation, stop the bleeding


Airway with cervical spine protection
Circulation, stop the bleeding
Disability or neurologic status

(undress) and Environment (temperature control)
Слайд 4

A and B: Speech

A and B:


Слайд 5

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

Chin-Lift Maneuver: In the chin-lift maneuver, the fingers of one hand

Chin-Lift Maneuver:
In the chin-lift maneuver, the fingers of one hand are

placed under the mandible, which is then gently lifted upward to bring the chin anterior. The thumb of the same hand lightly depresses the lower lip to open the mouth.
Слайд 8

Jaw-Thrust Maneuver : The jaw-thrust maneuver is performed by grasping the

Jaw-Thrust Maneuver : The jaw-thrust maneuver is performed by grasping the

angles of the lower jaw, one hand on each side, and displacing the mandible forward
Слайд 9

Слайд 10

Rapid sequence intubation (RSI) The technique for rapid sequence intubation (RSI)

Rapid sequence intubation (RSI)

The technique for rapid sequence intubation (RSI) is

as follows:
1. Have a plan in the event of failure that includes the possibility of performing a surgical airway.
2. Ensure that suction and the ability to deliver positive pressure ventilation are ready.
3. Preoxygenate the patient with 100% oxygen.
4. Apply pressure over the cricoid cartilage.
5. Administer an induction drug (e.g., etomidate, 0.3 mg/kg) or sedate, according to local practice.
6. Administer 1 to 2 mg/kg succinylcholine intravenously (usual dose is 100 mg).
7. After the patient relaxes, intubate the patient
8. Inflate the cuff and confirm tube placement by auscultating the patient’s chest and determining the presence of CO2 in exhaled air.
9. Release cricoid pressure.
10. Ventilate the patient.
Слайд 11

Approximate PaO2 Versus O2 Hemoglobin Saturation Levels PaO2 LEVELS O2 HEMOGLOBIN

Approximate PaO2 Versus O2 Hemoglobin Saturation Levels

90 mm Hg 100%
60 mm Hg 90%
30 mm Hg 60%
27 mm Hg 50%
Слайд 12

Surgical Cricothyroidotomy

Surgical Cricothyroidotomy

Слайд 13

B: Breathing Evaluation: visualizing chest movement auscultating breath sounds measuring oxygen

B: Breathing

visualizing chest movement
auscultating breath sounds
measuring oxygen saturation


if problematic ?
Tension pneumothorax
Massive hemothorax
Flail chest with pulmonary contusion

Tension pneumothorax:
deviation of the tracea,
unilaterally diminisched / abscent breathing sound
Large needle or thoracostomy!

Massice hemothorax:
evacuation of blood
re-expansion of the

Severe pulmonary Contusion:
mechanical ventilation, often with elevated levels of positive end expiratory

Слайд 14



Слайд 15

In most cases, tachycardia is the earliest measurable circulatory sign of shock

In most cases, tachycardia is the earliest measurable circulatory sign of

Слайд 16

Слайд 17

Слайд 18

Слайд 19

C: Venous access Intraosseous


Venous access

Слайд 20

C: Circulation 5 Life-threating blood loss causes: external blood loss chest

C: Circulation

5 Life-threating blood loss causes:
external blood loss
Retroperitoneum (pelvic

multiple long bone fractures

5 Life-threating blood loss causes:
external blood loss ?
Chest ? Tube thoracostomy
Abdomen ? ustable = operation
Retroperitoneum (pelvic fracture) ? stabilization of the Fx
? pelvic volume with a binder
? pelvic angiography +/- embolization
multiple long bone fractures

Слайд 21

Resuscitative Thoracotomy When? ? critic injury and Cardiac arrest For what?

Resuscitative Thoracotomy

When? ? critic injury and Cardiac arrest
For what?
Opportunity to

open pericardium ? relieves tamponade
internal cardiac massage
cross-clamp the distal thoracic aorta (better perfusion for Brain and heart)
manage intrathoracic bleeding
who profits?
The most: penetrating thoracic injury + sign of life on arrival 35% success rate
Слайд 22

Слайд 23

REBOA resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta Obtainig temporary hemorrhage

REBOA resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta

Obtainig temporary hemorrhage control in

the agonal patient
Used in setting of aortic aneurysms rupture
Слайд 24



Слайд 25

Слайд 26

D: Disability Neurological function evaluation: Neurogenic shock? Spinal cord injury? Body

D: Disability

Neurological function evaluation:
Neurogenic shock?
Spinal cord injury?
Body temprature?

Keep the patient warm!
Слайд 27

:E Head to toe PR Xray FAST NGT Urine catheter


Head to toe
Urine catheter

Слайд 28

Слайд 29

Слайд 30

Слайд 31

Слайд 32

Слайд 33

Слайд 34

FAST Focused abdominal sonography in trauma:


Focused abdominal sonography in trauma:

Слайд 35

Слайд 36

Слайд 37



Слайд 38

Слайд 39

Epidural hematomas typically result from a lateral fracture of the cranium

Epidural hematomas typically result from a lateral fracture of the cranium

causing bleeding from the middle meningeal artery or a nearby vessel.
Classically, the clinical course consists of an initial loss of consciousness followed by a lucid interval, during which time the hematoma is expanding. On reaching a significant size, the epidural hematoma causes profound neurologic deterioration.
Treatment with decompression
Underlying brain tissue is often not severely injured in the setting of an epidural hematoma.
Слайд 40

Subdural hematomas are commonly caused by tearing of the bridging veins

Subdural hematomas are
commonly caused by tearing
of the bridging veins

between the dura mater and the cerebral cortex.
Although the hematoma itself can be compressive, it is usually the underlying brain contusion and axonal injury that predict the outcome after these injuries which commonly are associated with severe underlying brain tissue injury
Слайд 41

Слайд 42

Parenchymal contusions of brain tissue result from the direct transmission of

Parenchymal contusions of brain tissue result from the direct transmission of

energy to the cranium and underlying brain as well as from movement of the brain within the rigid cranial vault, resulting in injury on the opposite side
Secondary brain injury resulting from cerebral edema is the greatest cause of morbidity after intraparenchymal contusion.
Слайд 43

Diffuse axonal injury describes the phenomenon of disruption of the axon

Diffuse axonal injury describes the phenomenon of disruption of the axon

from the neuronal body secondary to severe rotational forces that are believed to create a shearing effect
Слайд 44

Слайд 45

pupils reactivity A, B, C management CT without Contrast agent Usually

pupils reactivity
A, B, C management
CT without Contrast agent
Usually Epi-/

subdural ?OP!
ICP- Monitoring
CV + Pul. Func. Opt.
Guide of severe TBI
Sedation + pain control
Hyperosmolar therapy = hypertonic saline Mannitol
Paralysis + barbiturate coma


Слайд 46

Слайд 47

Injuries to the Neck Neck injuries are uncommon but result in

Injuries to the Neck

Neck injuries are uncommon but result in the

highest mortality rate of all body regions (20.0% mortality)
Penetrating injuries from gunshot and stab wounds are the most common mechanism of injury. Penetrating injuries can directly lacerate vascular and aerodigestive structures.
Слайд 48

Blunt mechanisms can cause compression, with fracture of the larynx or

Blunt mechanisms can cause compression, with fracture of the larynx or

trachea. Blunt pharyngeal or esophageal injuries are even less common.
Blunt force to the neck can cause injury to the carotid or vertebral arteries. These blunt cerebrovascular injuries (BCVIs) result from seat belt compression or severe flexion-extension mechanisms.
BCVI severity ranges from intimal tears, with or without thrombosis, to full-thickness injury with pseudoaneurysm formation.
The morbidity associated with a BCVI predominantly includes stroke secondary to thromboembolism that is caused by the disrupted vessel wall
Слайд 49

Слайд 50

Слайд 51

Neck Injury Zone I: from the thoracic inlet to the cricoid

Neck Injury

Zone I: from the thoracic inlet to the cricoid

cartilage and contains large vascular structures as well as the trachea and esophagus.
Zone II: contains the carotid and vertebral arteries, jugular veins, and structures of the aerodigestive tract.
Zone III: blood vessels that are difficult, to expose surgically.
Слайд 52

Слайд 53

CHEST INJURY With more than 65% of blunt trauma patients sustaining


With more than 65% of blunt trauma patients sustaining

one or more rib fractures, chest wall injuries are the most common thoracic injury.
The mortality rate associated with chest wall injuries after blunt trauma is approximately 7%, whereas it exceeds 19% for penetrating injuries
Слайд 54

Flail Chest : This condition usually results from trauma associated with

Flail Chest : This condition usually results from trauma associated with

multiple rib fractures—that is, two or more adjacent ribs fractured in two or more places.
The presence of a flail chest segment results in disruption of normal chest wall movement. Although chest wall instability can lead to paradoxical motion of the chest wall during inspiration and expiration, this defect alone does not cause hypoxia.
Слайд 55

Flail chest > Solitary independent movement of the Fx Paradoxical breathing

Flail chest

> Solitary independent movement of the Fx
Paradoxical breathing

Hypoxemia due to pulmonary contusion
High mortality rate - 33% - especially old patients

Indications for an Intubation:
Tachypnea > 40/min
PaO2 <60%
Multiple injuries, multiple Fx

Pain management – epidural ?
Consider – good ventilation and oxygenation

Слайд 56

Слайд 57

Thoracic injury

Thoracic injury

Слайд 58

Thoracic injury Tension pneumothorax is a clinical diagnosis reflecting air under

Thoracic injury

Tension pneumothorax is a clinical diagnosis reflecting air under pressure

in the affected pleural space.
Treatment should not be delayed to wait for radiologic confirmation.
Слайд 59

Слайд 60

Слайд 61

Cardiac tamponade is indicated by the presence of the classic diagnostic

Cardiac tamponade is indicated by the presence of the classic diagnostic

Beck’s triad: venous pressure elevation, decline in arterial pressure, and muffled heart tones.
If surgical intervention is not possible, pericardiocentesis can be diagnostic as well as therapeutic, but it is not definitive treatment for cardiac tamponade
Слайд 62

Слайд 63

Massive hemothorax results from the rapid accumulation of more than 1500

Massive hemothorax results from the rapid accumulation of more than 1500

mL of blood or one-third or more of the patient’s blood volume in the chest cavity
Patients who have an initial output of less than 1500 mL of fluid, but continue to bleed, may also require thoracotomy.
This decision is not based solely on the rate of continuing blood loss (300 mL/hr for 3hours), but also on the patient’s physiologic status
Слайд 64

Слайд 65

Thoracic injury Pulmonary injuries. Lung injuries are common after chest trauma,

Thoracic injury

Pulmonary injuries. Lung injuries are common after chest trauma, with

31.9% of patients
Mortality after pulmonary contusion is approximately 10%, predominantly as a result of respiratory failure from the acute respiratory distress syndrome or pneumonia.
Слайд 66

Cardiac injuries uncommon, but most severe injuries sustained by patients after

Cardiac injuries uncommon, but most severe injuries sustained by patients after

penetrating and blunt trauma.
Penetrating injury to the heart occurred in 1.8% of patients with penetrating trauma and in 8.7% of the subset with penetrating chest trauma alone.
These statistics likely underestimate the true incidence of penetrating cardiac injuries because most are immediately lethal and never present to a hospital.
For those penetrating cardiac injuries that do present to the emergency department the mortality rate is 72.9%.
Слайд 67

Blunt injury to the heart occurs less commonly, being seen in

Blunt injury to the heart occurs less commonly, being seen in

only 2.2% of blunt chest trauma cases.
Most of these cases represent a contusion of the myocardium that results in arrhythmias and are frequently self-limited.
In rare cases, blunt cardiac injury results in heart failure with cardiogenic shock.
Слайд 68

Tracheobronchial injuries Tracheobronchial tree injuries are uncommon but are associated with

Tracheobronchial injuries
Tracheobronchial tree injuries are uncommon but are associated with significant

morbidity and mortality.
Penetrating mechanisms are the most common cause, although these injuries still represent only 0.4% of all penetrating chest.
Despite this low incidence, the associated mortality was significant at 57.9%.
Blunt injury to the tracheobronchial tree can occur but is extraordinarily rare, representing only 0.07% of blunt thoracic injuries
Слайд 69

Esophageal injuries: The thoracic esophagus is uncommonly injured Penetrating injury is

Esophageal injuries:
The thoracic esophagus is uncommonly injured
Penetrating injury is more

common, but only 1.6% of penetrating chest injuries had involvement of the esophagus. Most of these are caused by gunshot wounds, followed by stab wounds in less than 20% of cases
The mortality associated with penetrating esophageal injuries is substantial at 35.6% as a result of mediastinal sepsis and because of the adjacent vital structures that can also be injured along with the esophagus.
Blunt esophageal injury is exceedingly rare, identified in only 0.02% of blunt trauma patients
Слайд 70

The esophagus is best evaluated through a combination of contrast esophagography

The esophagus is best evaluated through a combination of contrast esophagography

and esophagoscopy
Together these two modalities result in a sensitivity of almost 100% for esophageal injury
Esophageal injuries with associated mediastinal contamination require immediate identification and repair because delays are associated with worse outcomes.
Слайд 71

Слайд 72

The upper and midthoracic esophagus is best approached through a right

The upper and midthoracic esophagus is best approached through a right

posterolateral thoracotomy through the fourth or fifth interspace, whereas the lower esophagus is exposed from the left through the sixth or seventh interspace.
Creation of a vascularized intercostal muscle flap
Wide drainage of the mediastinum and chest is extremely important to control any leak that may develop.
A gastrostomy and feeding jejunostomy are frequently performed to allow gastric decompression and early nutritional support.
Слайд 73

Diaphragmatic injury 1.6% of blunt trauma 20% mortality (due to high

Diaphragmatic injury

1.6% of blunt trauma
20% mortality (due to high energy?)

Rapid increase in IAP drug on anterior impact ? blow out of the diaphragm
Usually LT (75%)
Rt side covered by liver
Diagnostic: CXR / CT
Слайд 74

Слайд 75

Abdominal trauma

Abdominal trauma

Слайд 76

Слайд 77

Слайд 78

Indication for OR Penetration of fascia Unstable patient NGT-blood PR- blood

Indication for OR

Penetration of fascia
Unstable patient
PR- blood

Слайд 79

Слайд 80

SPLEEN The spleen is the most commonly injured abdominal organ with


The spleen is the most commonly injured abdominal organ with 23.8%

of patients with abdominal trauma demonstrating splenic injuries.
Many splenic injuries are self-limited, demonstrating no evidence of ongoing bleeding;
The mortality after blunt splenic injury 9.3%.
Слайд 81

Слайд 82

AAST Spleen Injury Scale

AAST Spleen Injury Scale

Слайд 83

Слайд 84

Management of spleen Injury No preferable management Depends on surgeon’s preference

Management of spleen Injury

No preferable management
Depends on surgeon’s preference

I, II, III ? nonoperative + Angio for bleeding
IV , V ? OP!
post splenectomy vaccinations: Encaupsulated bacteria:
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Hemophilus influanzea
Neiseria meningitidis
Слайд 85

Hepatic injuries: Liver injuries are extremely common after blunt trauma; only

Hepatic injuries:
Liver injuries are extremely common after blunt trauma; only the

spleen demonstrates a higher incidence
liver injuries occurred in 3.0% of all patients, whereas 22.2% of patients with blunt mechanisms
blunt liver injury, associated mortality rate down to 12.5%
Слайд 86

Слайд 87

Слайд 88

Hepatic Injury Mechanism: compression with direct parenchymal damage and shearing forces

Hepatic Injury

Mechanism: compression with direct parenchymal damage and shearing forces ?

tears in hepatic tissues? disruption of vascular and ligamentous attachements.
2nd mechanism: penetrating trauma – higher morbidity with vascular /biliary injury
CT ,
expl. Laparotomy due to + FAST
Слайд 89

Слайд 90

Слайд 91

Hepatic Injury - Management Hemodynamically instable patient ? OPERATION Conditions or

Hepatic Injury - Management

Hemodynamically instable patient ? OPERATION
Conditions or non-operative management:

No tachycardia, no hypotension, no Metabolic acidosis
No evidence of shock
Slow decreasing in Hb-levels with HD stability ? transfusions
Angioembolization for blush when stable
Слайд 92

Non-surgical hepatic injury treatment Complications abdominal compartment syndrome bile duct injury

Non-surgical hepatic injury treatment Complications

abdominal compartment syndrome
bile duct injury leading to bile

peritonitis or biloma
delayed hemorrhage
intra-abdominal abscess formation
acute acalculous cholecystitis
Слайд 93

Surgical management of liver Injury options Packing Pringle Push Plug

Surgical management of liver Injury options


Слайд 94

Surgical management of liver Injury Perihepatic sponges Manual pressure When stable

Surgical management of liver Injury

Perihepatic sponges
Manual pressure
When stable – remove

packing and reevaluate
Mild injuries:
Topical hemostasis agents
Suture hepatorrhaphy
severe bleeding:
Pringle maneuver: encircling of the hepatoduodenal ligament (hepatic artery + portal vein)
Hepatic vein bleeding will continue after binding! (helps distinguishing)
Post Packing – consider angioembolization
Слайд 95

Слайд 96

Gastric injuries Penetrating mechanisms are the most common cause of injuries

Gastric injuries

Penetrating mechanisms are the most common cause of injuries to

the stomach, with these being present in 12-17.6%. With associated mortality is 21.5%.
Frequently, penetrating gastric injuries cause full-thickness perforations with likely spillage of gastric contents into the abdomen.
Conversely, blunt gastric injuries are rare, occurring in 0.05% of all blunt trauma patients and 4.3% of patients with any blunt hollow visceral
Слайд 97

Traumatic Gastric Injury Blunt injury – due to high energy mechanism

Traumatic Gastric Injury
Blunt injury – due to high energy mechanism

Clinical signs: Peritonitis
Diagnostic – CT (but limited)
If perforation: absorbable suture and another layer of non absorbable
Hematoma – evacuation
More challenging: GEJ, lesser curvature, fundus, posterior wall
Major tissue loss – partial or total agstrectomy
Слайд 98

Duodenal injuries Duodenal injuries are uncommon after blunt and penetrating trauma

Duodenal injuries

Duodenal injuries are uncommon after blunt and penetrating trauma but

can pose a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.
Because of the retroperitoneal location of the duodenum, most injuries are due to penetrating mechanisms, occurring in 4.0% of cases. Gunshot wounds are the predominant cause, and the associated mortality is significant at 24.5%
Blunt duodenal injuries are much less common, occurring in 0.1% of cases
Слайд 99

Duodenal injury Children bicycle handlebar or steering wheel stucking in drivers

Duodenal injury
Children bicycle handlebar or steering wheel stucking in drivers

Do not expect peritonitis! (extraperi)
Diagnostic: CT (Also for low grade injuries – hematoma)

perforation: immediate surgery
Hematoma: resolve without intervention
5-7 D reevaluation

Слайд 100

Duodenal injury Management: Operation: Kocher-Maneuver – mobilization of the duodenum Primary

Duodenal injury

Kocher-Maneuver – mobilization of the duodenum

repair in single or double layer
Greater injuries / tissue loss : Ampulla not involved ? resection and primary anastomosis
Ampulla involved: enteric bypass with Roux-en Y
PE – pyloric exclusion
GJ- gastrojejunostomy
PE /o GJ- pyloric exclusion without gastrojejunostomy
3 tubes: gastrojejunostomy, duodenostomy for drains +jejunostomy for feeding


Слайд 101

Small bowel injuries The small intestine is one of the more

Small bowel injuries

The small intestine is one of the more frequently

injured organs after penetrating abdominal trauma.
Incidence to be as high as 60%
Mortality rates range from 15% to 20%, with most caused by associated vascular injuries
Penetrating injuries can range from tiny perforations to large destructive injuries that devitalize circumferential segments of small bowel.
Blunt injuries of the small bowel are less common, present in 1.7% of all blunt abdominal are associated with a significant mortality rate of 14.0%.
Слайд 102

Small bowel injury Management: Primary repair – when no stricture Resection

Small bowel injury

Primary repair – when no stricture
Resection with

Resection without anastomosis (instable, shock)
Temporarily abdominal closure
Слайд 103

Colon injuries Colon and rectal injuries occur most commonly after penetrating

Colon injuries

Colon and rectal injuries occur most commonly after penetrating

abdominal trauma and rarely after blunt mechanisms.
After penetrating abdominal trauma, injury to the colon is second only to small bowel trauma, occurring in 36.4%
Despite this, the associated mortality for colon and rectal injuries is the lowest of all the abdominal viscera in the NTDB at 12.3%.
Colon and rectal injuries occur in less than 1% of all blunt trauma patients, demonstrating an associated mortality of 13%. When only patients with blunt hollow visceral injury are considered, the colon or rectum is involved in 30.2%
Слайд 104

Colon Injury Retroperitoneal location of asc. Desc. ? obscure indings and

Colon Injury

Retroperitoneal location of asc. Desc. ? obscure indings and

CT has limited capability
Usually detecting by laparotomy in unstable patient

Rectum injury – may need rigid recto-sigmoidoscopy
< 50% of circumference
Resection + anastomosis !
>50% circumeference
Injuries prox to MCA : rt hemi + ileocolostomy anastomosis
Resection + colostomy
Rectal injury: fecal diversion+ presacral drain + colostomy
Pelvic sepsis

Слайд 105

Pancreatic injuries Pancreatic injuries commonly occur in association with injury to

Pancreatic injuries

Pancreatic injuries commonly occur in association with injury to the

duodenum because of their proximity.
A penetrating mechanism is more commonly the cause, 4.4%.
Mortality rates of 15.3% and 29.8% for blunt and penetrating mechanisms, respectively.
Delays in diagnosis and management are believed to contribute to these significant mortality rates. Pancreatic enzymes are caustic, making delays in management of the injuries a source of massive systemic inflammation and subsequent poor outcomes.
Слайд 106

Pancreas tissue injury can result from direct laceration of the organ

Pancreas tissue injury can result from direct laceration of the organ

or through the transmission of blunt force energy to the retroperitoneum
A common mechanism of blunt pancreatic injury involves the crushing of the body of the pancreas between a rigid structure, such as a steering wheel or seat belt, and the vertebral column
The impact to the pancreas causes injury that ranges from mild contusion to complete transection with ductal disruption
Слайд 107

Слайд 108

Management of Pancreatic Injury Operation in any significance Location of injury

Management of Pancreatic Injury

Operation in any significance
Location of injury determines

the surgical plan:
Left to SMA distal pancreatectomy
Pancreas head :
Limited tissue destruction: controlled fistula
Massive destruction of the head / additional duodenal Injury ? whipple - pancreaticoduodenectomy


Слайд 109

Abdominal great vessel injuries

Abdominal great vessel injuries

Слайд 110

The major blood vessels of the abdomen are predominantly located within

The major blood vessels of the abdomen are predominantly located within

the retroperitoneum, with some larger vessels also in the intestinal mesenteries
Most commonly, major abdominal vascular injuries are secondary to penetrating mechanisms
In the setting of blunt trauma, hematomas within the retroperitoneum are often secondary to pelvic fractures with bleeding from pelvic blood vessels that dissect
Слайд 111

The retroperitoneum can be divided into three zones: Zone 1 hematomas

The retroperitoneum can be divided into three zones:
Zone 1 hematomas require

exploration because these frequently involve the aorta, proximal visceral vessels, or inferior vena cava, although an exception may be the dark hematoma behind the liver, which suggests a retrohepatic vena cava injury.
Injuries to the retrohepatic vena cava are best served by not exposing the contained, low-pressure injury and by gently packing the surrounding area
Слайд 112

A hematoma in the region of zone 2, which predominantly contains

A hematoma in the region of zone 2, which predominantly contains

the kidneys, should be explored only if it appears that the hematoma is expanding and continuing to lose blood
A hematoma in zone 3 is usually secondary to pelvic fracture bleeding and should not be explored unless exsanguinating hemorrhage is obvious
Слайд 113

Abdominal great vessel Injuries I – central hematoma Aorta, prox. visceral

Abdominal great vessel Injuries

I – central hematoma
Aorta, prox. visceral vessels, inferior

vena cava
Always demands exploration
But not when dark retrohepatic – vena cava – no exposure- packing
II - Kidney
Exploration only if hematoma is expanding + blood loss
III - pelvic fracture no exploration unless exsanguinating hemorrhage is obvious (↓ Hb)
Слайд 114

Genitourinary injuries The genitourinary organs include the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and

Genitourinary injuries
The genitourinary organs include the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra,

all of which are contained within the retroperitoneum
Bleeding and extravasation of urine are the major concern with injuries to these structures
Blunt mechanisms can result in renal laceration or bladder rupture
Слайд 115

Intraperitoneal bladder injuries can be repaired in two layers of absorbable

Intraperitoneal bladder injuries can be repaired in two layers of absorbable

suture and the bladder drained with a Foley catheter or suprapubic cystostomy tube.
Extraperitoneal bladder ruptures require only decompression with a urinary catheter, followed by cystography to confirm healing after a period of recovery.
Слайд 116

Genitourinary Injury Kidney ureter bladder urethra Clinic: (gross hematuria), Bleeding ,

Genitourinary Injury

Kidney ureter bladder urethra
Clinic: (gross hematuria), Bleeding ,

extravasation of urine
Mechanism: energy transmission to urine-filled bladder
Usually during laparotomy
CT cystogram

Ongiong bleeding in shock: nephrectomy
Intraperitoneal Bladder wall injury ? suturing
Extraperitoneal bladder rupture : Foley catheter
Pseudoaneurysm – angioembolization
Expanding hematoma in Zone II – expl lap.

Слайд 117

Pelvis and extremities injuries Danger of retroperitoneal hematoma Low mortality but

Pelvis and extremities injuries

Danger of retroperitoneal hematoma
Low mortality but long-term morbidity

and functional implications
Pelvic Fx – commonly after MV-Accidents and falls
Diagnostic – physical examination

Extremity –
compartment syndroms!
6P’s rules:
Poikilothermia (temp difference)
Peripheral vascular injury – CTA

Слайд 118

Injuries to the Pelvis and Extremities

Injuries to the Pelvis and Extremities

Слайд 119

In which of the following the pulse pressure is normal? A.

In which of the following the pulse pressure is normal? A.

Shock class I B. Shock class II C. Shock class III D. Shock class IV
Слайд 120

A 30 - year - old male is brought to the

A 30 - year - old male is brought to the

trauma unit due to chest trauma . Blood pressure is low and heart rate of 122 / minute . Chest X - ray shows wide mediastinum . What is the most likely diagnosis ?

a. Cardiac tamponade
b. Tension pneumothorax
c. Sepsis
d. Head trauma

Слайд 121

22 - year - old male is brought to the trauma

22 - year - old male is brought to the trauma

unit following a gun - shot wound to the pelvis . He rapidly deteriorates and one of your colleagues is concerned that the patient may suffer from the lethal triad . What is the lethal triad ?

a. Acidosis , hyperthermia , coagulopathy
b. Acidosis , hypothermia , coagulopathy
c. Alkalosis , hypothermia , coagulopathy
d. Alkalosis , hyperthermia , coagulopathy

Слайд 122

A 36 years old male was involved in a vehicle accident

A 36 years old male was involved in a vehicle accident

on exam at the ER -alert blood pressure 150/90 , pulse 130 , room air saturation 94% , diffuse tenderness of left chest wall with decrease breathing sound on that side , chest X-ray demonstrates the following, when is there an indication for thoracotomy?
A) Chest tube draining over 800ml of fresh blood .
B) saturation of 80%
C)chest tube that drains fresh blood of 300ml/h over several hours
D)evidence of heart contusion on top of the lung contusion.
E) Sternal fracture.
Слайд 123

21-years old​ ​man​ ​arrives​ ​in​ ​the​ ​emergency​ ​department​ ​with​ ​a​ ​stab​

21-years old​ ​man​ ​arrives​ ​in​ ​the​ ​emergency​ ​department​ ​with​ ​a​ ​stab​

​wound​ ​to​ ​the​ ​left​ ​chest​ ​located​ ​1​ ​cm​ ​to​ ​the​ ​middle​ ​line of​ ​the​ ​left​ ​nipple.​ ​He​ ​is​ ​awake,​ ​diaphoretic,​ ​tachycardic​ ​and​ ​hypotensive.​ ​Bilateral​ ​breath​ ​sounds​ ​are​ ​present​ ​and​ ​equal.​ ​Chest X-ray​ ​show​ ​no​ ​evidence​ ​of​ ​a​ ​hemopneumothorax,​ ​pericardial​ ​ultrasound​ ​ shows​ ​pericardial​ ​fluid.​ ​What​ ​is​ ​the​ ​next​ ​best​ ​step?
a.​ ​CT​ ​of​ ​the​ ​chest
b.​ ​Pericardiocentesis
c.​ ​Bilateral​ ​chest​ ​tube​ ​placement
d.​ ​Sternotomy
e.​ ​Pericardial​ ​window
Слайд 124

A 40 years old male is status post-splenectomy following a motor

A 40 years old male is status post-splenectomy following a motor

vehicle accident 10 years ago, present to the ER with high fever, chills and productive cough. During his treatment he rapidly deteriorates with decrease in blood pressure. Which of the following immunizations could have prevented his current presentation?

A. Varicella
B. Pertussis
C. Pneumococcus
D. Tetanus

Слайд 125

A 15-years-old girl fall while cycling. in the ER. 8 hours

A 15-years-old girl fall while cycling. in the ER. 8 hours

later she complains of left upper quadrant and shoulder pain. Her BP is 110/70, HR 95 /min RR 18 breaths per minute. She has tenderness to palpation in the left upper quadrant without peritoneal sign . FAST shows some fluid in the left upper quadrant window and trace of fluid in the pelvic. A CT scan shows a grade 3 spleen laceration with no blush. What is the next step in her management? a. Splenectomy b. Splenorrhaphy c. Angioembolization d. Observation
Слайд 126

A 40 year old male is admitted to the ER following

A 40 year old male is admitted to the ER following

stab wound to the abdomen. on exam alert without distress hemodynamic stable stab wound 5 cm lateral and inferior to the umilicus with omentum protrouding out of skin. no signs of peritonitis, what is the most appropriate next step in management?
A. Abdominal CT
B. Explorative laparotomy
C. Local wound exploration
D. Focused assessment with sonography in trauma (fast)
E. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage.