Types of accommodation

Слайд 2

I. Match the pictures with the types of accommodation 1 2

I. Match the pictures with the types of accommodation







Tent b) cottage

c) house d)Palace
e)block of flats f) Hotel
g) university halls of residence
Слайд 3

II. Answer the questions Which of the types of dwellings in

II. Answer the questions
Which of the types of dwellings in the

pictures can you see in you country?
Who lives in palaces?
When do people live in tents?
Where can you see cottages?
When do people live in hotels?
Who lives in university halls of residence?
Where can you see block of flats?
III Read the leaflet and mark the sentences 1-8
T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences.
Ex.3 a, p.76-77 Textbook
Слайд 4

III. Do ex. 5, p 77(textbook) VI. Write sentences to match

III. Do ex. 5, p 77(textbook)
VI. Write sentences to match

the functions. Use CAN, CAN'T, MUST or MUSTN'T:
a) You/eat in the classroom. (prohibition)
b) Students/memorize vocabulary. (obligation)
c) We/watch TV after doing our homework. (permission)
d) She/speak Chinese. (lack of ability)
e) David/run 900 metres in 4 minutes (ability)

Explanation (объяснение)
You must keep the room tidy ------------ obligation (That’s the rule)- правило, обязательно для выполнения
You mustn’t eat in class. ----------- (prohibition) – запрет
You can’t play loud music at night. -------------(refusing permission) – неразрешено
She can’t speak Spanish.----------lack of ability (неспособность)
He can skate well. -----------ability (способность)

Слайд 5

V. Write sentences to match the functions. Use CAN, CAN'T, MUST

V. Write sentences to match the functions. Use CAN, CAN'T, MUST

a) You/eat in the classroom. (prohibition)
b) Students/memorize vocabulary. (obligation)
c) We/watch TV after doing our homework. (permission/possibility)
d) She/speak Chinese. (lack of ability)
e) David/run 900 metres in 4 minutes? (ability)
Слайд 6

Imagine you are a new student at the summer school. Find

Imagine you are a new student at the summer school. Find

out what the rules are. Use the information from ex. 3, p 76-77