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Brief History Antiquity Code of Hammurabi Rights of Athenian citizens Medieval

Brief History

Code of Hammurabi
Rights of Athenian citizens
Magna Carta (1215)
Sir Thomas Aquinas’

theory of natural rights (13th Century)
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Enlightenment English Declaration of the Rights of Man (1689) U.S. Declaration

English Declaration of the Rights of Man (1689)
U.S. Declaration of Independence

French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789)
United States Constitution and Bill of Rights (1789)

Brief History

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Brief History Early Developments (cont.) International Committee for the Red Cross

Brief History

Early Developments (cont.)
International Committee for the Red Cross (1863)
Geneva Convention

Hague Conventions (1899 and 1907)
League of Nations and the International Labor Organization (1919)
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Brief History Aftermath of World War II Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms Speech

Brief History

Aftermath of World War II
Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms Speech (January 6, 1941)

Atlantic Charter Between the United States and Great Britain (August 14, 1941)
The Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals
Creation of the United Nations (1945)
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Modern Protection of International Human Rights The Preamble to the United

Modern Protection of International Human Rights

The Preamble to the United Nations

Charter states that the “Peoples of the United Nations” are determined “to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small.”
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Modern Protection of International Human Rights In 1948, the UN General

Modern Protection of International Human Rights

In 1948, the UN General Assembly

adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.* The Declaration enumerates civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights, but the Declaration contains no provisions for monitoring or enforcement.
* 48-0 with 8 abstentions (Eastern bloc, Saudi Arabia and South Africa)
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Modern Protection of International Human Rights In 1966, the General Assembly

Modern Protection of International Human Rights

In 1966, the General Assembly adopted:

Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (and its First Optional Protocol)
The Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
which, together with the UDHR, are now known as the International Bill of Human Rights
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Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Prohibits discrimination on the basis

Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
Prohibits discrimination on the basis of

“race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status” without regard to citizenship
Prohibits torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (personal integrity)
Prohibits slavery
Limits the death penalty (in countries that still allow it) to the most serious crimes committed by persons over 18
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Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Prohibits arbitrary arrest or detention

Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Prohibits arbitrary arrest or detention
Protects freedom

of movement and residence
Protects the right to trial, presumption of innocence, right to a lawyer, right to an appeal, freedom from self-incrimination, and freedom from double jeopardy
Protects freedom of opinion and expression
Protects freedom of association and assembly
Public emergency exception (but no torture, executions, or slavery is ever permissible)
Ratified by the United States in 1992
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Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Right to work and

Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights:
Right to work and make

a “decent living for themselves and their families”
Safe and healthy working conditions
Right to form trade unions with the right to strike
Right of everyone to Social Security, including social insurance “widest possible protection and assistance should be accorded to the family, which is the natural and fundamental group unit of society”
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Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (cont.): Right to adequate

Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (cont.):
Right to adequate food,

clothing and housing and to the continuous improvement of living conditions
Right to education
Right to heath care
Economic rights are subject to each county’s ability to provide such rights progressively as its resources permit
Signed but not ratified by the United States
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Modern Protection of International Human Rights In addition to the International

Modern Protection of International Human Rights

In addition to the International Bill

of Human Rights, the United Nations has drafted and promulgated over 80 human rights instruments:
racial discrimination
discrimination against women
Refugee protection
the rights of disabled persons
the rights of the child
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Globally, the champions of human rights have most often been citizens,

Globally, the champions of human rights have most often been citizens,

not government officials. In particular, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have played a primary role in focusing the international community on human rights issues.
NGOs monitor the actions of governments and pressure them to act according to human rights principles.