The system of state bodies in Egypt

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1. The head of the state

1. The head of the state

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President/King (personal info about current leader) Abdel Fatah Said Hussein Khalil

President/King (personal info about current leader)
Abdel Fatah Said Hussein Khalil el-Sisi

(born 19 November 1954) is a retired military officer and Egyptian politician who has served as the sixth and current president of Egypt since 2014. From 2019 to 2020, he also served as chairperson of the African Union. Before retiring as a general in the Egyptian military in 2014, SiS served as Egypt’s deputy prime minister from 2013 to 2014, as its minister of defence from 2012 to 2013, as its director of military intelligence from 2010 to 2012.
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Qualifications for the candidate in Egypt Requirements to hold office: The

Qualifications for the candidate in Egypt

Requirements to hold office:

president of the republic should: be an Egyptian citizen, be born to Egyptian parents (never having dual nationality), have participated in the military or be exempted from it, and cannot be less than 40 years old.
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Manner of election, term of office Elections in Egypt are held

Manner of election, term of office

Elections in Egypt are held for the President and

a bicameral legislature. The President of Egypt is elected for a four-year term by popular bot suffrage is universal and compulsory for every Egyptian citizen over 18. Failure to vote can result in fine or even imprisonment, but in practice a significant percentage of eligible voters do not vote. About 63 million voters are registered to vote out of a population of more than 100 million.Turnout in the 2011 parliamentary election was 54%.
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Function of the president in Egypt The president represents Egypt in

Function of the president in Egypt

The president represents Egypt in

foreign relations and has the power to ratify treaties, can issue decrees having the force of law when the House of Representatives is in recess and such decrees are subject for approval by the House after resuming its sessions at the end of the recess, and acts as the supreme
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Termination of his office After four continuous years of extension, President

Termination of his office

After four continuous years of extension, President Abdel

Fatah Al-Sisi announced  the termination of Egypt’s nationwide state of emergency on Monday 25 October. Egypt’s emergency law 167, of 1958, was announced in Egypt by a Presidential Decree No. 127/2017 on 10 April 2017 after the bombing of two Coptic churches in Tanta and Alexandria that resulted in 45 citizens dead.
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2. Legislative power

2. Legislative power

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Parliament The Parliament is located in Cairo, Egypt's capital. Under the


The Parliament is located in Cairo, Egypt's capital. Under the country's

2014 constitution, as the legislative branch of the Egyptian state the Parliament enacted laws, approved the general policy of the State, the general plan for economic and social development and the general budget of the State, supervised the work of the government, and had the power to vote to impeach the president of the Republic, or replace the government and its prime minister by a vote of no-confidence.
The parliament is made up of 596 seats, with 448 seats elected through the individual candidacy system, 120 elected through winner-take-all party lists (with quotas for youth, women, Christians, and workers) and 28 selected by the president.[4] It is the fifth-largest legislative chamber in the world behind the National People's Congress and the largest parliamentary body in the Arab world.
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Qualifications for the candidates in Egypt To be an Egyptian, enjoying

Qualifications for the candidates in Egypt

To be an Egyptian, enjoying

the Egyptian nationality alone.To be listed in the voters’ database in any of the govern orates of the Republic, and not have had a reason that necessitates deletion or lifting of his registration in accordance with the law regulating that. His age shall not be less than 25 Gregorian years on the date of opening the candidacy door. To have at least a certificate of completion of the basic education stage, to have performed military service, or to have been legally exempted from performing it, and that his membership has not been revoked by a decision of the House of Representatives or the Senate due to loss of confidence and consideration or because of a breach the duties of membership, unless the effect of legally preventing candidacy has ceased.
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Manner of formation/election A statement that includes the candidate’s curriculum vitae,

Manner of formation/election

A statement that includes the candidate’s curriculum vitae, in

particular his scientific and practical experiences.The criminal record of the applicant. Indicating whether he is independent or affiliated with a party, and the name of that party. Acknowledgment of a financial liability for him, his spouse and his minor children.The educational certificate obtained.A certificate of compulsory military service, or evidence of exemption from its performance in accordance with the law. A deposit receipt of three thousand pounds, deposited in the treasury of the competent court of first instance as insurance. As for the individual candidate, as for the list of 15 candidates, the insurance amount will be 6000 pounds, and it will be 18000 pounds for the list of 45 candidates. Other documents determined by the Supreme Elections Committee to prove the fulfill mental of the conditions required by law for candidacy. It includes the capacity of the candidate if he is a worker, a farmer, or an Egyptian residing abroad.
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Functions of parliament in Egypt The 2014 constitution describes the roles

Functions of parliament in Egypt

The 2014 constitution describes the roles

and function of the parliament in Articles 101 to 138. In addition to its regular legislative powers, the parliament should review all laws enacted since Morsi’s ouster—revise, reject, or ratify them—oversee the executive branch, and approve the annual state budget. Moreover, the parliament, for the first time, will have the power to withdraw confidence from the country’s president.
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3. Executive power

3. Executive power

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Government The politics of Egypt are based on republicanism, with a


The politics of Egypt are based on republicanism, with a semi presidential-system  of government. The

current political system was established following the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 and the resignation of President  Hosni Mubarak. In the current system, the President is elected for a six-year term, where they are able to appoint up to 5 percent of the parliament.
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(Council of Ministers.) Halea Zayed Minister of Health and Population Nabila

(Council of Ministers.)

Halea Zayed
Minister of Health and Population

Nabila Makram
Minister of State

for Immigration
and Expatriates' Affairs

Dr. Khaled Anany
Minister of Antiquities
and Tourism

Dr. Mostafa El Madbouli
(The Prime Minister)

Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar
Minister of Higher Education

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Functions The main role of the executive branch is to enforce


The main role of the executive branch is to enforce the

nation's laws. It also leads the country's relations with foreign nations, commands the armed forces, and even participates in the lawmaking process. The Constitution makes the president of the United States the head of the executive branch
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4. Judicial power

4. Judicial power