What is Corruption?

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We have not been given any positive or neutral definition of

We have not been given any positive or neutral definition of

corruption. And, despite the understanding of the devastating nature of this phenomenon, in the 2020 Corruption Perceptions Index rating (CPI), our country ranks 117th out of 180 other countries with 33 points out of 100 possible.

Corruption Perceptions Index 2020

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Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is an index compiled annually since 1995

Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is an index compiled annually since 1995

by the global organization Transparency International. The organization itself does not conduct any surveys, instead relying upon 13 surveys and assessments of reputable international organizations and think tanks. Ukraine’s score is based on 9 sources.
The key part of the index is not the rank, but the score. The minimum score (0 points) would mean that corruption effectively replaces the government, while the maximum score (100 points) would mean near complete absence of corruption.
The index only assesses corruption in the public sector.

(445) Corruption Perceptions Index Explained | Transparency International - YouTube

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Among the neighbors, the closest to Ukraine is Moldova — 34

Among the neighbors, the closest to Ukraine is Moldova — 34

points and 115th place (+2 points). The European autocracies such as Belarus (47 points, 63rd place) and Russia (30 points, 129th place) also improved their indicators compared to last year. Russia remains the only country that is behind Ukraine among its neighbors. The indicators of Hungary and Romania did not change — both countries scored 44 points each and shared 69th place. At the same time, last year's leaders of the СРІ among their neighbors lost their points: Slovakia — 1 point, Poland — 2 points.
The top ten of the CPI for the year has not changed, the absolute leaders of the list are New Zealand and Denmark — they added one point each and now have 88 out of 100. The only leading country to lose in the Index was Finland — minus 1 point. However, with 85 points, as last year, it ranks 3rd along with Singapore, Sweden, and Switzerland.
The bottom of the list is occupied by countries with the long-lasting unstable political situation, military conflicts, and uneven control of the government over the territory — Syria (14), Somalia (12), and South Sudan (12).
Compared to the previous year, the Maldives gained the most points (+14) (43 points, 75th place). Armenia also continued its anti-corruption progress, and, as last year, improved its score by 7 points.
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Ukraine in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2020 Ukraine's assessment was formed

Ukraine in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2020

Ukraine's assessment was formed based

on 9 different surveys, and in all of them, Ukraine's indicators either did not change or increased compared to СРІ-2019.

The largest increase is observed in the data of Global Insight Country Risk Ratings — by 13 points. This study examines the risks of people/companies in the country facing bribery or other corrupt business practices, from large contracts to day-to-day work.
The CPI can show the actual changes across the country rather slowly — sometimes it takes several years. Thus, the score of 2020 indicates the positive development that has occurred in Ukraine in the last two years, especially until the spring of 2020, and does not take into account the resonant events of recent months.

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Ukraine's index in 2020 has improved due to launching of the

Ukraine's index in 2020 has improved due to launching of the High Anti-Corruption Court with

appropriate jurisdiction and restart of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention. The restart of the NACP began with the election of a new head of the Agency with the participation of the representatives of the international community.
All these changes were undoubtedly reflected in the Corruption Perceptions Index of Ukraine. But over the past year, risks have emerged that could significantly push us back in the fight against corruption. In particular, the delay in the implementation of full-fledged judicial reform is even more poignant today.
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Fulfillment Analysis of 2020 Recommendations Recommendations the authorities partially implemented Improve

Fulfillment Analysis of 2020 Recommendations

Recommendations the authorities partially implemented
Improve the

effectiveness of political corruption prevention systems
Introduce an open and accountable process of public property privatization
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Not implemented Form an independent and professional judiciary Ensure the independence

Not implemented

Form an independent and professional judiciary
Ensure the independence and capacity

of anti-corruption bodies
Deprive the Security Service of Ukraine of its powers in the sector of economic corruption crime prevention
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