Mondino de Luzzi

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BIOGRAPHY was born approximately in 1270 in a visible family of


was born approximately in 1270 in a visible family of Florentine

de Luzzi with attachments to Ghibellines and wrote Società dei Toschi; his father, Nerino, and the grandfather Albissio were both druggists in Bologna, his uncle Lucio (also Liuzzo or Lucio) was teacher Meditsiny. Mondino studied in University of Bologna in Medical college and College of the Philosophy diplomaed approximately in 1290 and was used as the public lecturer in applied medicine and surgery at university since 1306-1324. During its training Mondino was a pupil of Thaddeus Florention (Taddeo Alderotti) who made the significant contributions to development of medicine in Bologna and the same student Henri de Montevilia. In addition to its progress as the anatomist Mondino was highly appreciated as the diplomat. It was attracted in city government and served as the Ambassador of Bologna to John, the son of the king Robert Neapol. Mondino died in Bologna in 1326 and Agricola along with his uncle Leuzzo who was also a lecturer in medicine was buried in narrow church of San Vitale of e. Its granite grave is decorated with the bas-relief modeled by Boso of Parma which represents the teacher seated on the big chair giving lectures to students.
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Mondino was the first to include a systematic research of anatomy

Mondino was the first to include a systematic research of anatomy

and analysis in the medical curriculum. Analysis of human corpses was a sign of the Alexandria school, but decreased after the 200th our era because of legal and religious prohibitions. This ban eventually was withdrawn, having allowed Mondino to execute his first public analysis in Bologna in January, 1315 in the presence of medical students and other audience. Hearings were officially authorized by Vatican, and the subject was mainly probable, the woman executed the criminal. It was usual practice for the teacher of anatomy to sit on the big, decorative chair lifted above the hearings of analysis reading from the anatomic text and providing the comment while the demonstrator or the surgeon, physically executed analysis. Besides, ostensor was present to point to certain parts of a body which were investigated. The training Mondino's methods were unique because he often carried out analyses personally and served a role of the demonstrator, carefully studying a corpse and including this personal experience in its text and training.