The history of Nokia история Nokia

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Nokia headquarters in Keilaniemia city neighbouring Finland's capital Helsinki.

Nokia headquarters in Keilaniemia city neighbouring Finland's capital Helsinki.

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How it all began? Nokia started by making paper – the

How it all began?
Nokia started by making paper – the original

communications technology
The history of Nokia goes back to 1865. That was when Fredrik Idestam built a wood pulp mill on the banks of the Tammerkoski rapids, in southern Finland. A few years later, he built a second mill by the Nokianvirta river – the place that gave Nokia its name.
Who was Fredrik Idestam?
A mining engineer by trade, Idestam brought a new, cheaper paper manufacturing process to Finland from Germany.
It was a great success. Idestam’s invention won a bronze medal at the Paris World Exposition in 1867, and he is considered to be the father of Finland’s paper industry.
Idestam named his company Nokia Ab in 1871
Nokia Ab added electricity generation to its business activities in 1902
Did you know?
The Nokianvirta river is named after a dark, furry animal that was locally known as the nokia – a type of marten.
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The company's history can be divided into four stages, each of

The company's history can be divided into four stages, each of which is full of

importantevents that changed the world.
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Story of Nokia - a century and a half of innovation,

Story of Nokia - a century and a half of innovation,

from a riverside paper mill in southwestern Finland to a global telecommunications leader.