The kinetic theory of gases


Слайд 2

Course of lectures «Contemporary Physics: Part1» Lecture №8 The Kinetic Theory

Course of lectures «Contemporary Physics: Part1»

Lecture №8
The Kinetic Theory of Gases.

Engines, Entropy, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Слайд 3

Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas The macroscopic description of model

Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas

The macroscopic description of model of

ideal gas make the following assumptions:
1. The number of molecules in the gas is large, and the average separation between them is large compared with their dimensions.
2. The molecules obey Newton’s laws of motion, but as a whole they move randomly.
3. The molecules interact only by short-range forces during elastic collisions.
4. The molecules make elastic collisions with the walls.
5. The gas under consideration is a pure substance; that is, all molecules are identical.
Слайд 4

Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas

Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas

Слайд 5

Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas

Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas

Слайд 6

Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas (10.1)

Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas


Слайд 7

Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas

Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas

Слайд 8

Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas (10.2) The pressure of a

Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas


The pressure of a gas is

proportional to the number of molecules per unit volume and to the average translational kinetic energy of the molecules,
Слайд 9

Molecular Interpretation of Temperature This result tells us that temperature is

Molecular Interpretation of Temperature

This result tells us that temperature is a

direct measure of average molecular kinetic energy.




Слайд 10

Molecular Interpretation of Temperature Theorem of equipartition of energy each degree

Molecular Interpretation of Temperature

Theorem of equipartition of energy

each degree of freedom

contributes ½kbT to the energy of a system, where possible degrees of freedom in addition to those associated with translation arise from rotation and vibration of molecules.



Слайд 11

Molecular Interpretation of Temperature Table 10.1

Molecular Interpretation of Temperature

Table 10.1

Слайд 12

Molar Specific Heat of an Ideal Gas molar specific heats: (10.8) (10.9) (10.10)

Molar Specific Heat of an Ideal Gas

molar specific heats:




Слайд 13

Molar Specific Heat of an Ideal Gas If energy is transferred

Molar Specific Heat of an Ideal Gas

If energy is transferred by

heat to a system at constant volume, then no work is done on the system. From the first law of thermodynamics, we see that





Слайд 14

Molar Specific Heat of an Ideal Gas (10.15)

Molar Specific Heat of an Ideal Gas


Слайд 15

Molar Specific Heat of an Ideal Gas (10.16) (10.17)

Molar Specific Heat of an Ideal Gas



Слайд 16

Adiabatic Processes for an Ideal Gas An adiabatic process is one

Adiabatic Processes for an Ideal Gas

An adiabatic process is one in

which no energy is transferred by heat between a system and its surroundings.


Home work:

Слайд 17

The Boltzmann Distribution Law (10.7) The number density (10.19) The Boltzmann

The Boltzmann Distribution Law


The number density


The Boltzmann distribution law, is important

in describing the statistical mechanics of a large number of molecules. It states that the probability of finding the molecules in a particular energy state varies exponentially as the negative of the energy divided by kBT.
Слайд 18

Distribution of Molecular Speeds (10.20)

Distribution of Molecular Speeds


Слайд 19

Distribution of Molecular Speeds

Distribution of Molecular Speeds

Слайд 20

Mean Free Path The average distance between collisions is called the mean free path.

Mean Free Path

The average distance between collisions is called the mean

free path.
Слайд 21

Mean Free Path

Mean Free Path

Слайд 22

Mean Free Path (10.21) (10.22) Collision frequency f, is

Mean Free Path



Collision frequency f, is

Слайд 23

Heat Engines and the Second Law of Thermodynamics A heat engine

Heat Engines and the Second Law
of Thermodynamics

A heat engine is a

device that takes in energy by heat and, operating in a cyclic process, expels a fraction of that energy by means of work.

The net work Weng done by a heat engine is equal to the net energy Qnet transferred to it.

Слайд 24

Heat Engines and the Second Law of Thermodynamics The net work

Heat Engines and the Second Law
of Thermodynamics

The net work done in

a cyclic process is the area enclosed by the curve representing the process on a PV diagram.


The thermal efficiency


Слайд 25

On the basis of the fact that efficiencies of real engines

On the basis of the fact that efficiencies of real engines

are well below 100%, the Kelvin–Planck form of the second law of thermodynamics states the following:

Heat Engines and the Second Law
of Thermodynamics

It is impossible to construct a heat engine that, operating in a cycle, produces no effect other than the input of energy by heat from a reservoir and the performance of an equal amount of work.

Слайд 26

Heat Pumps and Refrigerators

Heat Pumps and Refrigerators

Слайд 27

Heat Pumps and Refrigerators The Clausius statement states: It is impossible

Heat Pumps and Refrigerators

The Clausius statement states:

It is impossible to construct

a cyclical machine whose sole effect is to transfer energy continuously by heat from one object to another object at a higher temperature without the input of energy by work.

In simpler terms, energy does not transfer spontaneously by heat from a cold object to a hot object.

The effectiveness of a heat pump is described in terms of a number called the coefficient of performance (COP).



Слайд 28

Reversible and Irreversible Processes In a reversible process, the system undergoing

Reversible and Irreversible Processes

In a reversible process, the system undergoing the

process can be returned to its initial conditions along the same path on a PV diagram, and every point along this path is an equilibrium state. A process that does not satisfy these requirements is irreversible.
Слайд 29

The Carnot Engine French engineer named Sadi Carnot showed that a

The Carnot Engine

French engineer named Sadi Carnot showed that a heat

engine operating in an ideal, reversible cycle— called a Carnot cycle—between two energy reservoirs is the most efficient engine possible.

Carnot’s theorem can be stated as follows:

No real heat engine operating between two energy reservoirs can be more efficient than a Carnot engine operating between the same two reservoirs.

Слайд 30

Слайд 31

The Carnot Engine This result indicates that all Carnot engines operating

The Carnot Engine

This result indicates that all Carnot engines operating between

the same two temperatures have the same efficiency.

Hence, the thermal efficiency of a Carnot engine is


Слайд 32

Entropy Isolated systems tend toward disorder and that entropy is a


Isolated systems tend toward disorder and that entropy is a measure

of this disorder.

We distinguish between microstates and macrostates of a system. A microstate is a particular configuration of the individual constituents of the system.
Macrostate is a description of the conditions of the system from a macroscopic point of view and makes use of macroscopic variables such as pressure, density, and temperature for gases.

Because entropy is a measure of disorder, an alternative way of stating this is the entropy of the Universe increases in all real processes.

Слайд 33

Entropy The change in entropy during a process depends only on


The change in entropy during a process depends only on the

end points and therefore is independent of the actual path followed. Consequently, the entropy change for an irreversible process can be determined by calculating the entropy change for a reversible process that connects the same initial and final states.



Слайд 34

Entropy Let us consider the changes in entropy that occur in


Let us consider the changes in entropy that occur in a

Carnot heat engine that operates between the temperatures Tc and Th. In one cycle, the engine takes in energy Qh from the hot reservoir and expels energy Qc to the cold reservoir.


Слайд 35

Quick Quiz 5.3 If you are asked to make a very

Quick Quiz 5.3
If you are asked to make a very

sensitive glass thermometer, which of the following working liquids would you choose? (a) mercury (b) alcohol (c) gasoline (d) glycerin