Thermodynamics of the atmosphere


Слайд 2

This law is also known as the law of energy conservation.

This law is also known as the law of energy conservation.

It is widely used in the thermodynamics of the atmosphere.
The first law of thermodynamics holds: the total amount of energy remains constant or is conserved. It is not possible for the energy to be destroyed or to arise. It can only be transformed from one form to another. For instance:

The first law of thermodynamics as applied to the atmosphere

Radiant energy


Electric energy

Latent energy

Some other forms of energy

This statement can be expressed in form of energy equation

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Energy equation State of the atmosphere, as well as any parcel

Energy equation

State of the atmosphere, as well as any parcel of

it, can be expressed by three parameters.

Pressure Pi

Density ρi

Temperature Ti

The same parameters for environment we’ll denote as Pe, ρe, Te respectively.

In general case


Static condition

Suppose a parcel of air has received an amount of heat dq


As result its inner energy will increase by dui

Parcel will expand making work against external pressure force, dwi.

If the air is dry (non-saturated), it can be regarded as an ideal gas

Слайд 4

Ideal Gas An ideal gas is a theoretical is a theoretical

Ideal Gas

An ideal gas is a theoretical is a theoretical gas

is a theoretical gas composed of a set of randomly-moving, non-interacting point particles is a theoretical gas composed of a set of randomly-moving, non-interacting point particles. The ideal gas concept is useful because it obeys the ideal gas law is a theoretical gas composed of a set of randomly-moving, non-interacting point particles. The ideal gas concept is useful because it obeys the ideal gas law, a simplified equation of state
Слайд 5

Specific heat capacity at the constant volume Volume increment The volume

Specific heat capacity at the constant volume

Volume increment

The volume can not

be measured. Therefore, this formula must be transformed to include those parameters which are measured.

In case of an isobaric process dP=0, and hence,

On the other hand, at the isobaric process

Mayer equation

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Adiabatic process Thermo dynamical process going on without energy income or

Adiabatic process

Thermo dynamical process going on without energy income or outflow

to a body ( )is called adiabatic process.
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For an adiabatic process the equation of the first law of

For an adiabatic process the equation of the first law of

thermodynamics can be also written in integral form.

Index “0” refers to initial state.

This equation is called equation of adiabatic processes in integral form (Poisson’s equation)

Слайд 8

Dry adiabatic lapse rate Statics’ eq-on State eq-on

Dry adiabatic lapse rate

Statics’ eq-on

State eq-on

Слайд 9

Regarding dry adiabatic lapse rate as a constant value, the expression

Regarding dry adiabatic lapse rate as a constant value, the expression

γa=-dTi/dz can be integrated and brought in the following form.

This equation is known as approximated equation of a dry adiabat.
The dry adiabat is also called curve of the state of a dry air parcel

Слайд 10

Along with adiabatic processes there are more general ones known as

Along with adiabatic processes there are more general ones known as

polytropic processes.
The process is called polytropic in the case as a heat influx to an air parcel is proportional to the parcel temperature variation.

Polytropic processes

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Potential temperature Initial state: Ti, P Terminal state: θ. 1000 hPa

Potential temperature

Initial state: Ti, P

Terminal state: θ. 1000 hPa

Properties of the

potential temperature

1. It remains unchanged at adiabatic displacement (up or down)

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Constant If an air particle moves without heat exchange with environment,


If an air particle moves without heat exchange with environment, its

potential temperature remains unchanged, while its molecular temperature changes.
Any variation of the potential temperature means that the air gains or looses energy.
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2. Potential temperature determines total amount of energy.

2. Potential temperature determines total amount of energy.

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Entalpy or total heat Ф is potential energy (Geopotential) Ei is

Entalpy or total heat

Ф is potential energy (Geopotential)

Ei is instability energy

available potential energy)

Total energy of a particle of a unit mass

Potential temperature variation is uniquely determined by the total energy variation of the air particle.

At adiabatic displacement, the total energy of the air particle remains unchanged.

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For a unit of mass m=1 kg In our case L=∆Z

For a unit of mass m=1 kg

In our case L=∆Z

Слайд 16

Criterion of the atmosphere stability Environmental vertical temperature gradient or lapse

Criterion of the atmosphere stability

Environmental vertical temperature gradient or lapse rate


and other meteorological parameters distribution with height is known as stratification of the atmosphere.

Case 1

The atmosphere is unstable (unstable stratification)

Case 2

The atmosphere is stable (stable stratification)

Case 3

Neutral state

Слайд 17

The reasoning above suggests: The atmosphere is unstable The atmosphere is

The reasoning above suggests:

The atmosphere is unstable

The atmosphere is stable

The atmosphere

is in the neutral state

Our reasoning and conclusion are valid assuming the process goes without any exchange with environment. In the real atmosphere at leastways some exchange takes place. However, in spite this exchange, conclusion on stability conditions and corresponding vertical displacement are valid.

Potential temperature variation at different types of the stratification

Case 1. Unstable stratification

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Potential temperature decreases with height in unstable atmosphere or if potential

Potential temperature decreases with height in unstable atmosphere or if potential

temperature decreases with height, it means that the atmosphere is unstable

Case 2. Stable stratification

Potential temperature increases with height in the stable atmosphere or if potential temperature increases with height, it means that the atmosphere is stable

From the similar reasoning it goes without saying that at the neutral condition potential temperature does not vary with height.

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Theoretical support of the reasoning above Unstable state Stable state Neutral state

Theoretical support of the reasoning above

Unstable state

Stable state

Neutral state

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All above refers to the dry air (non-saturated air) Very hot

All above refers to the dry air (non-saturated air)

Very hot surface


case of very dry air, instead of cloud formation, overturning of layer occurs. Cold air moves down, and the overheated air ascents up in convective flows.

This process results in formation of eddies similar to tornado, but these vortexes are very small. In our latitudes, this process leads to gusty winds and squalls.

Слайд 21

Suppose, a unit of non-saturated mass of air get some amount

Suppose, a unit of non-saturated mass of air get some amount

of energy dq.

Adiabatic processes in moist but non-saturated air

S denotes a fraction of water vapor


are specific heat capacities of the dry air and water vapor respectively.

Equation of state for moist, non-saturated air