Ukrainian сulture of the 20th сentury


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1. Ukrainian symbols The 19th century is a period of emergence

1. Ukrainian symbols

The 19th century is a period of emergence and

growth of the Ukrainian national-independence movement, first among the intellectuals and later the spread of national awareness among wider population.
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The most symbolical elements of Ukrainian way of life are Rushnyk,

The most symbolical elements of Ukrainian way of life are Rushnyk,

Korowai and Pysanky

Rushnyk is a Ukrainian embroidered towel. Rushnyks are used as decorations during traditional weddings, and often have pairs of birds embroidered on them, representing the wedding couple.

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Korowai Korowai is the ceremonial and symbolic wedding bread. Traditionally it


Korowai is the ceremonial and symbolic wedding bread. Traditionally it was

a large round braided bread, decorated with symbolic flags and figurines, such as suns, moons, birds, animals, and pine cones. It was given to the bride and groom as a blessing.
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Pysanky A traditional Ukrainian custom on Easter Day is exchanging highly


A traditional Ukrainian custom on Easter Day is exchanging highly ornamental

Easter eggs, called pysanky (from the Ukrainian word pysaty which means to write). Originally pysanky were associated with pagan beliefs but with the coming of Christianity, they took on new meaning of rebirth and life.
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Pysanky of different regions of the Ukraine

Pysanky of different regions of the Ukraine

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2. Folklore Kobzars The artistic tradition of Ukrainian wandering bards, the

2. Folklore Kobzars

The artistic tradition of Ukrainian wandering bards, the kobzars

(kobza players), bandurysts (bandura players), and lirnyks (lira players) is one of the most distinctive elements of Ukraine's cultural heritage.
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Kobzars often lived at the Zaporozhian Sich and accompanied the Cossacks

Kobzars often lived at the Zaporozhian Sich and accompanied the

Cossacks on military campaigns. The epic songs they performed served to raise the morale of the Cossack army in times of war.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, the kobzars, including the virtuoso Ostap Veresai, were persecuted by the tsarist regime
as the propagators of Ukrainophile
sentiments and historical memory.
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Genres of Ukrainian Folk Songs: The dumas; The historical songs; The

Genres of Ukrainian Folk Songs:

The dumas;
The historical songs;
The ballades;
The lyric songs

(family songs, social songs, and love songs);
The ritual songs (the wedding songs, the harvest songs, the Kupalo songs; the Rusalii songs, the Kolyadkas and Shchedrivkas etc.).
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The dumas The duma is specific Ukrainian folklore genre. Dumas did

The dumas

The duma is specific Ukrainian folklore genre. Dumas did not

have a set strophic structure, but consisted of uneven periods that were governed by the unfolding of the story.
The dumas were not sung, but were performed in recitative to the accompaniment of a bandura, kobza, or lira.
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The dumas can be divided into two thematic cycles: The first

The dumas can be divided into two thematic cycles:

The first and

older cycle consists of dumas about the struggle with the Tatars and Turks (‘Cossack Holota’, ‘Samiilo Kishka’).
The second cycle consists of dumas about the Cossack-Polish struggle (‘Khmelnytsky and Barabash,’ ‘The Battle of Korsun’).
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Genres of Ukrainian Folk Prose: Fairy tales (the most famous characters:

Genres of Ukrainian Folk Prose:

Fairy tales (the most famous characters: Telesyk,

heroes Kotyhoroshko and Kyrylo Kozhumyaka, animals etc.);
Legends (about mythical and historical personages);
Small genres (riddles, proverbs, jokes etc.)
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3. Literature Taras Shevchenko (March 9 1814 - March 10 1861)

3. Literature

Taras Shevchenko (March 9 1814 - March 10 1861) was

a Ukrainian poet, also an artist and a humanist. His literary heritage is regarded to be the foundation of modern Ukrainian literature and, to a large extent, of modern Ukrainian language.
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I will glorify Those small, mute slaves! On guard next to

I will glorify
Those small, mute slaves!
On guard next to

I will place the word…
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Born a serf, Shevchenko was orphaned when he was twelve and

Born a serf, Shevchenko was orphaned when he was twelve and

grew up in poverty and misery. At the age of 14 he became a houseboy of his owner, P. Engelhardt, who noticed Shevchenko's artistic talent, and in Saint Petersburg he apprenticed him to the painter V. Shiriaev for four years.
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The liberation There he met the Ukrainian artists I.Soshenko, Y.Hrebinka and

The liberation

There he met the Ukrainian artists I.Soshenko, Y.Hrebinka and V.Hryhorovych.

Through these men Shevchenko also met the famous painter and professor K.Bryullov, who donated his portrait of the Russian poet V.Zhukovsky as the prize in a lottery whose proceeds were used to buy Shevchenko's freedom on 5 May 1838.
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Romantic poems In 1840 his first poetry collection, ‘Kobzar’, consisting of

Romantic poems

In 1840 his first poetry collection, ‘Kobzar’, consisting of eight

romantic poems, was published in Saint Petersburg.
Shevchenko’s collection includes the ballads ‘The Bewitched Woman’, ‘The Poplar’, etc. Their affinity with Ukrainian folk ballads is evident in their plots and supernatural motifs.
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Satire Shevchenko’s talent for satire is also apparent in his poems


Shevchenko’s talent for satire is also apparent in his poems ‘The

Great cellar, ’ ‘The Caucasus,’ ‘To the Dead and the Living’. ‘The Great cellar’, a ‘mystery’ in three parts, is an allegory that summarizes Ukraine's passage from freedom to captivity. In ‘The Caucasus’ Shevchenko universalizes Ukraine's fate by turning to the myth of Prometheus, the free spirit terribly punished for rebelling against the gods, yet eternally reborn.
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Shevchenko’s painting Shevchenko is known also as a famous painter; author

Shevchenko’s painting

Shevchenko is known also as a famous painter; author of

more than 1000 art works. Although trained as an academic artist in Saint Petersburg, Shevchenko moved beyond historical and mythological subjects to realistic depictions on ethnographic themes, such as his painting ‘A Peasant Family’ (1844), often expressing criticism of the absence of personal, social, and national freedom under tsarist domination.
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T.Shevchenko’s self-portraits

T.Shevchenko’s self-portraits

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Shevchenko has held a unique position in Ukrainian culture history. His

Shevchenko has held a unique position in Ukrainian culture history.

His ‘Kobzar’ marks the beginning of a new era in Ukrainian literature. Through his poetry, Shevchenko legitimized the use of Ukrainian as a language of modern literature.
His poems’ revolutionary and political content found resonance among other captive peoples. Shevchenko's poetry and painting have also become sources of inspiration for many other works of literature, music, and art.
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Ivan Franko (1856-1916) Like Taras Shevchenko, Ivan Franko is considered one

Ivan Franko (1856-1916)

Like Taras Shevchenko, Ivan Franko is considered one of Ukraine's

most important literary figures. A very prolific writer, poet, publicist, and important political leader, Franko exerted a tremendous influence on the Ukrainian national consciousness as a whole.
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The son of a village blacksmith, Franko graduated from the Drohobych

The son of a village blacksmith, Franko graduated from the Drohobych

gymnasium in 1875 and began to study classical philology and Ukrainian language and literature at Lviv University.
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Works In 1877, he wrote his first collection of poetry, ‘Ballads


In 1877, he wrote his first collection of poetry, ‘Ballads and

Tales’. His first of the stories in the ‘Boryslav’ series were published in 1877.
Franko depicted the harsh experience of Ukrainian workers and peasants in his novels ‘Boryslav Laugh’s’ (1881–1882) and ‘Boa Constrictor’ (1878). His works deal with Ukrainian history (‘Zakhar Berkut’, 1883), social issues (‘Basis of Society’, 1895), love themes (‘Withered Leaves’, 1896), and philosophy (‘Semper Tiro’, 1906).
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He has drawn parallels to the Israelite search for a homeland

He has drawn parallels to the Israelite search for a homeland

and the Ukrainian desire for independence in ‘Death of Cain’ (1889) and ‘Moses’ (1905). ‘Stolen Happiness’ (1893) is considered as his best dramatic masterpiece. In total, Franko has written more than 1,000 works.
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4. Art In the first half of the 19th century realism

4. Art

In the first half of the 19th century realism began

to replace classicism in Ukrainian art, but an eclectic artistic movement referred to as academism continued to flourish almost to the end of the century. Classicism was an art movement based on ancient Greek and Rome esthetics and on the imitation of classical art forms.
Representatives: I.Soshenko, A.Mokrytsky, K. Bryullov and others.
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The Landscape Painting Landscape painting became an independent genre in Ukrainian

The Landscape Painting

Landscape painting became an independent genre in Ukrainian art

in the 19th century.
With time two types of landscape art developed, the poetic and the epic.
Ukrainian artists who devoted their efforts to landscape painting were. S.Vasyl’kivs’ky, and S.Svitoslavs’ky
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5. Architecture National Philharmonic Society of Ukraine was founded in the

5. Architecture

National Philharmonic Society of Ukraine was founded in the end

of the 19th century, standing at the end of Chreshchatyk street in the European Square. Was built in 1882, by the famous Kiev architect V.Nikolayev.
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St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral Was completed in 1882. The Kyiv Cave Monastery

St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral

Was completed in 1882. The Kyiv Cave Monastery produced

one million bricks and presented them to the cathedral as well. The design was executed in neo-Bysantine style by the architect O.Beretty. It is a traditional six-piered, three-apsed temple crowned by seven cupolas. The height to the cross of the main dome is 49 m.
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Odessa Opera and Ballet Theater (architects F.Fellner, H.Helmer) The building in

Odessa Opera and Ballet Theater (architects F.Fellner, H.Helmer)

The building in the style

of Renaissance dates to the 18th-19th century and is decorated with statues and paintings made by famous masters. The theater has excellent acoustics.
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The Lviv Town Hall The Lviv Town Hall is the administrative

The Lviv Town Hall

The Lviv Town Hall is the administrative building

in the central part of Lviv.
The new tower was founded in 1827 and was built in 1830-1835 in the style of Viennese classicism. The authors of the project are the architects Y. Markley, F. Thresher (or Treter), A. Vondrashek.